DERKIRBY's profile
- MTG DECKS (55)
Bei Archidekt
vin Federn lassen.
vin God of Slaughter
com Grothama, Bane Of Arrakis
sta klothys
com Obztsalat
vin Rückgekehrter Rückkehrer
vin Saaasuuukeee!!!
vin Samut zur Lücke
com Sigarda Voltron
vin Wrath of the Lich Queen
com Knisterpelz
sta kroxa
sta M.A.S.K.
sta Proliferate
sta purphoros
sta rienne, sneak, death profit
leg coatl flicker
mod empyrial
Old Decks
vin 1marchesa
vin Ajani, Strength of the Pie
vin Avacyn First
vin Avacyn Reborn
com elsha enchantment
vin Erebos, Demongod
vin Fea-curse
vin Feather old token
vin Grenzo Havoc Raiser
vin Kaalia of the Vast
sta Karrrthus
vin Kraum, Vial Smasher's Opus
leg peasent brawl
vin Pramikon, Sky Rampage
vin Prosshhh
vin Rakdos control
vin Redbeard
vin Sie lumgarnt dich
vin Sram
vin The Girl with the Dragon-Demon-Angel Tattoo
vin Toshiro 00 reanimator?
vin Trust-Tani Insurance
vin Vaevictis, the DesIRE
vin Vraska Popaska
mod Marvin
leg Merlin
mod Norman
leg Stephan
vin Tim, Ludwigstraße
sta Danke, Brudi!
leg Evershrike
sta Notes
sta Omnath
leg Pauper Sliver
leg Pure Steel
sta Reality scramble.deck
sta yawgmoth
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |

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Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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