- MTG DECKS (147)
vin FelineFerocity
mod Gishath
mod Tiana
NG Decks
mod accursedZombies-KW
mod aggressiveSolidarity-W
mod angelsInstead-W
mod arvadBrawl-WK
mod callForExertion-WR
mod callForManeuvers-WG
mod callForTheSwarm-WG
mod callForTokens-WK
mod cardControl-UR
mod deathtouch-KGU
mod enchantmentProtection-W
mod energyCoup-UG
mod fireFire-R
mod josuAndRazaketh-GK
sta merfolk-GU
mod tormentors2.0-K
NG Decks - GRN
sta dinoRamp-GWR
sta duplicates-KU
sta duplicatesSurveil-UK
sta duplicatesVampires-KU
sta golgariExplore-KG
sta golgariHelm-KG
sta izzetDrakes-RU
sta justBlack
sta legends-WKG
sta mentorAggro-RW
sta primalBurn-R
sta rainbowGates2
sta SoManyEyes-GK
sta surveilAlready-UK
NG Decks - RNA
sta circleOfMerfolk-UG
sta deathIsNotTheEnd-KRW
sta dimirDiscard-KU
sta dimirFliers-UK
sta dimirMidrange-KU
sta dimirThieves-KU
sta dupliDrakes-UR
sta enchantments-WK
sta gatedCommunity-GRUW
sta gateMastery
sta gatesFive-UGRKW
sta gateSweepers-URWK
sta gruesomeGoblins-RK
sta highAlert-UWG
sta inheritance-KU
sta rainbowGates-WRKGU
sta wildernessExplosion
SE Decks
mod cyclingGPG-UK
mod deathtough-KGW
mod draw-RU
mod energy-KGW
mod kicker-GRK
mod prevention-GW
mod ramp-GKW
sta Steve1
mod zombies-WK
mod 1
sta Angels
sta arkbow-GUK
sta Assassin's Taunt
sta Azorious
sta batt2.0
sta battlements-URW
sta blueControl
sta borosFlyers-WR
sta borosLegends-WR
sta ChanceForMastery
sta CharmedStrays
sta control-KUG
sta control-KW
sta Copy of Amplifire
sta Copy of gatedCommunity-UGRW
sta Copy of gruesomeGoblins-RK
sta Copy of Izzet
sta Copy of Lifelink
sta Copy of mentors-WR
sta Copy of muldrotha-KGU
sta Copy of quasi2
sta Copy of theVamps-WK
sta Copy of wings-UR
sta counter
sta davrielDiscard
sta dimirWinds-UK
sta Dimizzet
sta dinoDeath
sta dinos
sta dinos2.0
mod dinosaurs-GWR
mod dragons
sta Drain
sta dupliDrakes
sta elves
sta elves-GWK
sta exfoliate-GW
sta exploreTheCitadel-GR
sta exploreTheGates-GKU
sta GloriousFinale WUK
mod goblinsAndDragons-R
sta goldenGolgari
sta golgari
sta golgariMidrange-KG
sta guessWho'sBack-KGU
sta hadana
mod hallar
sta helmOfSelesnya-WG
sta hero
sta judithPriest-RK
sta jundMidrange-KGR
sta kamahlLegends
sta kefnetsDreadhorde-KU
mod Kiora Brawl
sta krenkoBlackblade-R
sta legends
sta legends-WK
sta legends-WKG
sta legends2.0
mod life
sta life?
sta Lifelink
sta LifeTokens
sta Lizrog RUG
sta lumberingBattlements-KWU
sta monoBlack
sta muldrotha2
sta muldy99.0-GKU
sta nightmareDiscard-KU
sta orzhovControl
sta PIONEERred-R
mod pirates
sta piratesNathan
sta ralHatesLands-RU
sta sac
sta sagaProliferation-GKU
sta Selesnya
sta selesnyaLegends-GW
mod sporeSwarm-GK
sta sultaiCommand
sta surveilAgain-KU
sta theVamps-WK
sta vamps
sta vraska-KG

Sample Hand Generator

Mana Base
Colors | |||||
Symbols | 1439 | 1376 | 1295 | 1216 | 909 |
Percent | 23.1 | 22.1 | 20.8 | 19.5 | 14.6 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.