Type: Deck Idea
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Avg. CMC 3.18
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 7303 cards, 2214 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (3410)
2 Aberrant Researcher // Perfected Form
$0.06 Creature - Human Insect // Creature - Insect Horror
1 Abzan Skycaptain
$0.02 Creature - Bird Soldier
1 Academy Drake
$0.06 Creature - Drake
6 Academy Journeymage
$0.02 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Accomplished Automaton
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Accursed Witch // Infectious Curse
$0.24 Creature - Human Shaman // Enchantment - Aura Curse
1 Acid-Spewer Dragon
$0.13 Creature - Dragon
5 Acolyte of the Inferno
$0.04 Creature - Human Monk
1 Adanto Vanguard
$0.13 Creature - Vampire Soldier
1 Adeliz, the Cinder Wind
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Admiral Beckett Brass
$0.37 Legendary Creature - Human Pirate
1 Advanced Stitchwing
$0.04 Creature - Zombie Horror
2 Aegis Angel
$0.26 Creature - Angel
5 Aegis Automaton
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Construct
6 Aerial Guide
$0.03 Creature - Drake
1 Aerial Responder
$0.12 Creature - Dwarf Soldier
2 Aeronaut Admiral
$0.12 Creature - Human Pilot
2 Aesthir Glider
$0.04 Artifact Creature - Bird Construct
4 Aether Chaser
$0.10 Creature - Human Artificer
3 Aether Herder
$0.08 Creature - Elf Artificer Druid
5 Aether Inspector
$0.04 Creature - Dwarf Artificer
4 Aether Swooper
$0.11 Creature - Vedalken Artificer
4 Aether Theorist
$0.06 Creature - Vedalken Rogue
4 Aetherstream Leopard
$0.06 Creature - Cat
1 Aethertorch Renegade
$0.12 Creature - Human Rogue
1 Aetherwind Basker
$0.46 Creature - Lizard
3 Affa Protector
$0.03 Creature - Human Soldier Ally
3 Affectionate Indrik
$0.03 Creature - Beast
1 Ahn-Crop Crasher
$0.06 Creature - Minotaur Warrior
2 Ainok Artillerist
$0.04 Creature - Dog Archer
1 Ainok Bond-Kin
$0.05 Creature - Dog Soldier
2 Air Elemental
$0.06 Creature - Elemental
1 Air Servant
$0.02 Creature - Elemental
1 Airdrop Aeronauts
$0.05 Creature - Dwarf Scout
1 Ajani's Pridemate
$0.11 Creature - Cat Soldier
9 Akoum Flameseeker
$0.02 Creature - Human Shaman Ally
3 Akoum Stonewaker
$0.05 Creature - Human Shaman
3 Akroan Jailer
$0.05 Creature - Human Soldier
5 Akroan Sergeant
$0.04 Creature - Human Soldier
4 Alley Strangler
$0.05 Creature - Aetherborn Rogue
2 Amaranthine Wall
$0.17 Artifact Creature - Wall
1 Ambitious Aetherborn
$0.03 Creature - Aetherborn Artificer
1 Ammit Eternal
$0.27 Creature - Zombie Crocodile Demon
4 Ancestral Statue
$0.17 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Ancient Brontodon
$0.09 Creature - Dinosaur
9 Ancient Carp
$0.04 Creature - Fish
5 Ancient Crab
$0.02 Creature - Crab
8 Angel of Renewal
$0.12 Creature - Angel Ally
1 Angel of the God-Pharaoh
$0.13 Creature - Angel
5 Angler Drake
$0.06 Creature - Drake
3 Anointed Deacon
$0.03 Creature - Vampire Cleric
2 Anointer Priest
$0.05 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Apocalypse Demon
$0.18 Creature - Demon
3 Apothecary Geist
$0.04 Creature - Spirit
7 Arborback Stomper
$0.04 Creature - Beast
1 Arboretum Elemental
$0.04 Creature - Elemental
1 Armorcraft Judge
$0.08 Creature - Elf Artificer
5 Artificer's Assistant
$0.12 Creature - Bird
1 Arvad the Cursed
$0.17 Legendary Creature - Vampire Knight
4 Aspiring Aeronaut
$0.06 Creature - Human Artificer
1 Assembled Alphas
$0.16 Creature - Wolf
7 Atarka Efreet
$0.03 Creature - Efreet Shaman
2 Atarka Pummeler
$0.05 Creature - Ogre Warrior
5 Audacious Infiltrator
$0.02 Creature - Dwarf Rogue
5 Augmenting Automaton
$0.03 Artifact Creature - Construct
4 Auramancer
$0.05 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice
$0.99 Legendary Creature - Angel
1 Avacynian Missionaries // Lunarch Inquisitors
$0.05 Creature - Human Cleric // Creature - Human Cleric
1 Aven Initiate
$0.02 Creature - Bird Warrior
1 Aven of Enduring Hope
$0.02 Creature - Bird Cleric
5 Aven Reedstalker
$0.03 Creature - Bird Warrior
2 Aven Sentry
$0.02 Creature - Bird Soldier
1 Aven Surveyor
$0.02 Creature - Bird Scout
1 Aven Wind Mage
$0.07 Creature - Bird Wizard
5 Aviary Mechanic
$0.04 Creature - Dwarf Artificer
3 Avid Reclaimer
$0.10 Creature - Human Druid
4 Backwoods Survivalists
$0.04 Creature - Human Warrior
2 Baird, Steward of Argive
$0.19 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier
2 Baleful Ammit
$0.04 Creature - Crocodile Demon
1 Baloth Gorger
$0.02 Creature - Beast
1 Baloth Null
$0.11 Creature - Zombie Beast
5 Bane of Bala Ged
$0.36 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Banewhip Punisher
$0.18 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Baral, Chief of Compliance
$1.70 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
3 Barging Sergeant
$0.02 Creature - Minotaur Soldier
2 Barricade Breaker
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Juggernaut
3 Barrier of Bones
$0.06 Creature - Skeleton Wall
4 Bartizan Bats
$0.11 Creature - Bat
5 Bastion Enforcer
$0.09 Creature - Dwarf Soldier
6 Bastion Inventor
$0.03 Creature - Vedalken Artificer
4 Bastion Mastodon
$0.02 Artifact Creature - Elephant
1 Battlefield Scavenger
$0.02 Creature - Jackal Rogue
11 Belligerent Whiptail
$0.03 Creature - Wurm
7 Bellows Lizard
$0.05 Creature - Lizard
4 Benalish Honor Guard
$0.03 Creature - Human Knight
12 Benthic Infiltrator
$0.09 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
3 Binding Mummy
$0.06 Creature - Zombie
1 Birthing Hulk
$0.11 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
2 Bishop of the Bloodstained
$0.09 Creature - Vampire Cleric
4 Bishop's Soldier
$0.05 Creature - Vampire Soldier
1 Bitterblade Warrior
$0.02 Creature - Jackal Warrior
1 Bitterbow Sharpshooters
$0.02 Creature - Jackal Archer
1 Blade Instructor
$0.02 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Blazing Hellhound
$0.04 Creature - Elemental Dog
2 Blight Herder
$0.40 Creature - Eldrazi Processor
1 Blight Keeper
$0.09 Creature - Bat Imp
1 Blightcaster
$0.08 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Blighted Bat
$0.06 Creature - Zombie Bat
3 Blinding Drone
$0.04 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
9 Blisterpod
$0.06 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
2 Bloodbond Vampire
$0.09 Creature - Vampire Shaman Ally
2 Bloodbriar
$0.06 Creature - Plant Elemental
1 Bloodhall Priest
$0.08 Creature - Vampire Cleric
1 Bloodhunter Bat
$0.06 Creature - Bat
3 Bloodlust Inciter
$0.04 Creature - Human Warrior
7 Bloodmad Vampire
$0.18 Creature - Vampire Berserker
1 Bloodrage Brawler
$0.06 Creature - Minotaur Warrior
1 Bloodstone Goblin
$0.03 Creature - Goblin Warrior
2 Bloodwater Entity
$0.06 Creature - Elemental
3 Blossom Dryad
$0.08 Creature - Dryad
13 Boggart Brute
$0.03 Creature - Goblin Warrior
3 Bold Impaler
$0.06 Creature - Vampire Knight
8 Bonded Construct
$0.05 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Bonded Horncrest
$0.06 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Book Devourer
$0.08 Creature - Beast
1 Borderland Marauder
$0.03 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Boros Challenger
$0.04 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Boros Mastiff
$0.07 Creature - Dog
2 Bounty Agent
$0.25 Creature - Human Soldier
4 Brambleweft Behemoth
$0.15 Creature - Elemental
1 Brazen Buccaneers
$0.02 Creature - Human Pirate
4 Brazen Freebooter
$0.03 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Brazen Scourge
$0.04 Creature - Gremlin
3 Brazen Wolves
$0.03 Creature - Wolf
3 Breaker of Armies
$0.26 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Briarbridge Patrol
$0.12 Creature - Human Warrior
4 Brood Monitor
$0.13 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
6 Broodhunter Wurm
$0.04 Creature - Wurm
2 Burglar Rat
$0.08 Creature - Rat
2 Burning-Fist Minotaur
$0.05 Creature - Minotaur Wizard
2 Byway Courier
$0.03 Creature - Human Scout
2 Cabal Evangel
$0.01 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Cabal Paladin
$0.07 Creature - Human Knight
2 Cacophodon
$0.22 Creature - Dinosaur
2 Caligo Skin-Witch
$0.03 Creature - Human Wizard
2 Canal Monitor
$0.02 Creature - Lizard
2 Canopy Gorger
$0.06 Creature - Wurm
4 Carrier Thrall
$0.04 Creature - Vampire
1 Carrion Screecher
$0.02 Creature - Zombie Bird
4 Catacomb Sifter
$0.24 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
4 Catacomb Slug
$0.02 Creature - Slug
4 Cathar's Companion
$0.02 Creature - Dog
1 Caustic Caterpillar
$0.15 Creature - Insect
1 Cavalry Drillmaster
$0.02 Creature - Human Knight
2 Centaur Courser
$0.04 Creature - Centaur Warrior
2 Centaur Peacemaker
$0.02 Creature - Centaur Cleric
4 Champion of Arashin
$0.02 Creature - Dog Warrior
1 Champion of Dusk
$0.24 Creature - Vampire Knight
2 Champion of the Flame
$0.02 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Champion of Wits
$0.22 Creature - Naga Wizard
2 Charging Monstrosaur
$0.15 Creature - Dinosaur
8 Chasm Guide
$0.08 Creature - Goblin Scout Ally
1 Cherished Hatchling
$0.17 Creature - Dinosaur
4 Chief of the Foundry
$0.20 Artifact Creature - Construct
4 Child of Night
$0.04 Creature - Vampire
4 Cinder Hellion
$0.02 Creature - Hellion
1 Citadel Castellan
$0.06 Creature - Human Knight
2 Citywatch Sphinx
$0.04 Creature - Sphinx
4 Cleric of the Forward Order
$0.03 Creature - Human Cleric
2 Cliffhaven Vampire
$0.93 Creature - Vampire Warrior Ally
18 Cliffside Lookout
$0.01 Creature - Kor Scout Ally
11 Cloud Manta
$0.01 Creature - Fish
2 Cloudblazer
$0.18 Creature - Human Scout
12 Cobblebrute
$0.02 Creature - Elemental
2 Cogwork Assembler
$0.08 Artifact Creature - Assembly-Worker
1 Cold-Water Snapper
$0.05 Creature - Turtle
4 Colossal Dreadmaw
$0.10 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Colossapede
$0.04 Creature - Insect
2 Conclave Guildmage
$0.05 Creature - Elf Cleric
1 Conifer Strider
$0.02 Creature - Elemental
3 Consul's Shieldguard
$0.05 Creature - Dwarf Soldier
4 Consulate Skygate
$0.03 Artifact Creature - Wall
1 Contraband Kingpin
$0.11 Creature - Aetherborn Rogue
3 Convicted Killer // Branded Howler
$0.06 Creature - Human Werewolf // Creature - Werewolf
12 Coralhelm Guide
$0.04 Creature - Merfolk Scout Ally
1 Corrosive Ooze
$0.05 Creature - Ooze
2 Countless Gears Renegade
$0.03 Creature - Dwarf Artificer
1 Courageous Outrider
$0.03 Creature - Human Scout
12 Courier Griffin
$0.02 Creature - Griffin
2 Cowl Prowler
$0.02 Creature - Wurm
1 Crackdown Construct
$0.10 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Crackling Drake
$0.08 Creature - Drake
1 Crocodile of the Crossing
$0.05 Creature - Crocodile
2 Crow of Dark Tidings
$0.02 Creature - Zombie Bird
4 Cryptic Cruiser
$0.06 Creature - Eldrazi Processor
1 Cryptic Serpent
$0.19 Creature - Serpent
13 Culling Drone
$0.09 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Cult of the Waxing Moon
$0.15 Creature - Human Shaman
4 Cultivator Drone
$0.05 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
3 Cunning Breezedancer
$0.08 Creature - Dragon
5 Cunning Survivor
$0.09 Creature - Human Warrior
5 Curio Vendor
$0.09 Creature - Vedalken
3 Curious Homunculus // Voracious Reader
$0.23 Creature - Homunculus // Creature - Eldrazi Homunculus
3 Cursed Minotaur
$0.02 Creature - Zombie Minotaur
8 Custodian of the Trove
$0.03 Artifact Creature - Golem
2 Cyclone Sire
$0.03 Creature - Elemental
1 D'Avenant Trapper
$0.03 Creature - Human Archer
1 Danitha Capashen, Paragon
$0.46 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Daring Archaeologist
$0.10 Creature - Human Artificer
1 Daring Buccaneer
$0.07 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Daring Skyjek
$0.19 Creature - Human Knight
1 Daring Sleuth // Bearer of Overwhelming Truths
$0.07 Creature - Human Rogue // Creature - Human Wizard
3 Dauntless Aven
$0.03 Creature - Bird Warrior
1 Dauntless Bodyguard
$0.17 Creature - Human Knight
3 Dauntless Cathar
$0.03 Creature - Human Soldier
4 Dawn Gryff
$0.02 Creature - Hippogriff
3 Dawnfeather Eagle
$0.03 Creature - Bird
1 Daybreak Chaplain
$0.02 Creature - Human Cleric
9 Deadbridge Shaman
$0.06 Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Deadeye Harpooner
$0.06 Creature - Dwarf Warrior
1 Deadeye Plunderers
$0.20 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Deadeye Quartermaster
$0.28 Creature - Human Pirate
2 Deadeye Rig-Hauler
$0.02 Creature - Human Pirate
3 Deadeye Tormentor
$0.02 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Deathbloom Thallid
$0.07 Creature - Fungus
1 Deathgorge Scavenger
$0.16 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Deathless Ancient
$0.08 Creature - Vampire Knight
5 Deathless Behemoth
$0.08 Creature - Eldrazi
5 Deep-Sea Terror
$0.05 Creature - Serpent
1 Deepfathom Skulker
$0.24 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Deeproot Champion
$0.22 Creature - Merfolk Shaman
2 Deeproot Warrior
$0.03 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
2 Defiant Greatmaw
$0.07 Creature - Hippo
3 Defiant Khenra
$0.03 Creature - Jackal Warrior
4 Defiant Salvager
$0.02 Creature - Aetherborn Artificer
1 Demon of Catastrophes
$0.27 Creature - Demon
4 Desert Cerodon
$0.07 Creature - Beast
2 Desperate Castaways
$0.02 Creature - Human Pirate
2 Desperate Sentry
$0.02 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Devkarin Dissident
$0.04 Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Devotee of Strength
$0.02 Creature - Naga Wizard
5 Dhund Operative
$0.04 Creature - Human Rogue
3 Dimir Informant
$0.05 Creature - Human Rogue
1 Dimir Spybug
$0.05 Creature - Insect
2 Dinosaur Hunter
$0.03 Creature - Human Pirate
2 Dire Fleet Captain
$0.15 Creature - Orc Pirate
3 Dire Fleet Hoarder
$0.04 Creature - Human Pirate
2 Dire Fleet Neckbreaker
$0.20 Creature - Orc Pirate
1 Dire Fleet Poisoner
$0.68 Creature - Human Pirate
8 Dirgur Nemesis
$0.04 Creature - Serpent
4 Dispersal Technician
$0.01 Creature - Vedalken Artificer
3 Disposal Mummy
$0.02 Creature - Zombie Jackal
1 Djeru, With Eyes Open
$0.34 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
10 Dominator Drone
$0.04 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Doom Whisperer
$1.56 Creature - Nightmare Demon
4 Doomed Dissenter
$0.03 Creature - Human
3 Douser of Lights
$0.02 Creature - Horror
1 Dragon Egg
$0.05 Creature - Dragon Egg
4 Dragon Hunter
$0.05 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Dragon-Scarred Bear
$0.12 Creature - Bear
2 Dragonloft Idol
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Gargoyle
4 Dragonlord's Servant
$0.33 Creature - Goblin Shaman
2 Drana's Chosen
$0.15 Creature - Vampire Shaman Ally
6 Drana's Emissary
$0.35 Creature - Vampire Cleric Ally
1 Dread Defiler
$0.18 Creature - Eldrazi
2 Dread Shade
$0.18 Creature - Shade
2 Dreamstealer
$0.27 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Drogskol Cavalry
$0.27 Creature - Spirit Knight
1 Drogskol Shieldmate
$0.07 Creature - Spirit Soldier
4 Dromoka Captain
$0.05 Creature - Human Soldier
5 Dromoka Dunecaster
$0.04 Creature - Human Wizard
4 Dromoka Warrior
$0.03 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Drover of the Mighty
$0.19 Creature - Human Druid
1 Drownyard Behemoth
$0.07 Creature - Eldrazi Crab
2 Drownyard Explorers
$0.02 Creature - Human Wizard
2 Drudge Sentinel
$0.03 Creature - Skeleton Warrior
1 Druid of Horns
$0.04 Creature - Human Druid
4 Druid of the Cowl
$0.13 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Drunau Corpse Trawler
$0.07 Creature - Zombie
3 Dukhara Peafowl
$0.04 Artifact Creature - Bird
3 Dukhara Scavenger
$0.02 Creature - Crocodile
3 Dune Beetle
$0.02 Creature - Insect
1 Dune Diviner
$0.06 Creature - Naga Cleric
1 Duskborne Skymarcher
$0.10 Creature - Vampire Cleric
2 Duskwatch Recruiter // Krallenhorde Howler
$0.62 Creature - Human Warrior Werewolf // Creature - Werewolf
5 Dutiful Attendant
$0.04 Creature - Human Warrior
2 Dutiful Servants
$0.05 Creature - Zombie
4 Eager Construct
$0.02 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Eddytrail Hawk
$0.05 Creature - Bird
9 Eldrazi Devastator
$0.12 Creature - Eldrazi
13 Eldrazi Skyspawner
$0.14 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Electrostatic Pummeler
$0.38 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Elegant Edgecrafters
$0.05 Creature - Elf Artificer
3 Elusive Spellfist
$0.02 Creature - Human Monk
2 Elvish Visionary
$0.05 Creature - Elf Shaman
2 Ember-Eye Wolf
$0.08 Creature - Wolf
3 Emberhorn Minotaur
$0.02 Creature - Minotaur Warrior
3 Embraal Bruiser
$0.02 Creature - Human Warrior
3 Embraal Gear-Smasher
$0.09 Creature - Human Warrior
2 Emissary of Sunrise
$0.03 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Emissary of the Sleepless
$0.09 Creature - Spirit
3 Emmara, Soul of the Accord
$0.27 Legendary Creature - Elf Cleric
1 Empyreal Voyager
$0.08 Creature - Vedalken Scout
1 Emrakul's Evangel
$0.22 Creature - Human Horror
1 Encampment Keeper
$0.05 Creature - Dog
1 Endless One
$0.35 Creature - Eldrazi
3 Enduring Scalelord
$0.19 Creature - Dragon
5 Enlightened Ascetic
$0.12 Creature - Cat Monk
2 Enlightened Maniac
$0.02 Creature - Human
3 Enraged Giant
$0.03 Creature - Giant
3 Enthralling Victor
$0.08 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Epicure of Blood
$0.07 Creature - Vampire
1 Epitaph Golem
$0.10 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Erdwal Illuminator
$0.11 Creature - Spirit
1 Erstwhile Trooper
$0.04 Creature - Zombie Soldier
2 Essence Depleter
$0.07 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
2 Eternal of Harsh Truths
$0.10 Creature - Zombie Cleric
1 Excavation Elephant
$0.04 Creature - Elephant
2 Exemplar of Strength
$0.06 Creature - Human Warrior
11 Expedition Envoy
$0.03 Creature - Human Scout Ally
4 Expedition Raptor
$0.03 Creature - Bird
2 Experimental Aviator
$0.07 Creature - Human Artificer
2 Exultant Cultist
$0.02 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Exultant Skymarcher
$0.04 Creature - Vampire Soldier
7 Eyeblight Assassin
$0.03 Creature - Elf Assassin
1 Eyeless Watcher
$0.11 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
4 Faerie Miscreant
$0.07 Creature - Faerie Rogue
1 Fairgrounds Warden
$0.05 Creature - Dwarf Soldier
2 Faithbearer Paladin
$0.04 Creature - Human Knight
2 Falkenrath Reaver
$0.04 Creature - Vampire
2 Fan Bearer
$0.02 Creature - Zombie
1 Fanatical Firebrand
$0.10 Creature - Goblin Pirate
1 Fathom Fleet Boarder
$0.02 Creature - Orc Pirate
1 Fathom Fleet Cutthroat
$0.02 Creature - Human Pirate
2 Fathom Fleet Firebrand
$0.04 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Fearless Halberdier
$0.02 Creature - Human Warrior
10 Felidar Cub
$0.08 Creature - Cat Beast
1 Felidar Guardian
$3.22 Creature - Cat Beast
3 Fen Hauler
$0.05 Creature - Insect
4 Feral Abomination
$0.04 Creature - Thrull
6 Feral Prowler
$0.06 Creature - Cat
2 Fervent Paincaster
$0.05 Creature - Human Wizard
4 Festering Mummy
$0.13 Creature - Zombie
4 Fetid Imp
$0.05 Creature - Imp
4 Field Creeper
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Scarecrow
3 Fiend Binder
$0.02 Creature - Human Soldier
4 Filigree Crawler
$0.10 Artifact Creature - Insect
6 Filigree Familiar
$0.11 Artifact Creature - Fox
3 Fire Elemental
$0.04 Creature - Elemental
1 Fire Shrine Keeper
$0.03 Creature - Elemental
5 Fire Urchin
$0.02 Creature - Elemental
1 Firebrand Archer
$0.28 Creature - Human Archer
8 Firefiend Elemental
$0.03 Creature - Elemental
2 Firemantle Mage
$0.04 Creature - Human Shaman Ally
1 Fleet Swallower
$1.84 Creature - Fish
1 Fleshbag Marauder
$0.08 Creature - Zombie Warrior
2 Flight of Equenauts
$0.03 Creature - Human Knight
3 Fogwalker
$0.03 Creature - Spirit
4 Forerunner of Slaughter
$0.12 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Forerunner of the Empire
$1.12 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Forerunner of the Legion
$3.31 Creature - Vampire Knight
12 Fortified Rampart
$0.07 Creature - Wall
6 Foundry Assembler
$0.04 Artifact Creature - Assembly-Worker
2 Foundry Hornet
$0.02 Creature - Insect
4 Foundry Inspector
$0.23 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Foundry Screecher
$0.04 Creature - Bat
3 Fourth Bridge Prowler
$0.05 Creature - Human Rogue
3 Frenzied Raptor
$0.03 Creature - Dinosaur
3 Fresh-Faced Recruit
$0.05 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Fretwork Colony
$0.09 Creature - Insect
1 Frilled Deathspitter
$0.08 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Frilled Sandwalla
$0.11 Creature - Lizard
5 Frontline Devastator
$0.06 Creature - Zombie Minotaur Warrior
3 Frontline Rebel
$0.01 Creature - Human Warrior
2 Frost Lynx
$0.03 Creature - Elemental Cat
2 Fugitive Wizard
$0.08 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Furtive Homunculus
$0.05 Creature - Homunculus
2 Gaea's Protector
$0.02 Creature - Elemental Warrior
1 Garna, the Bloodflame
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
1 Garrison Sergeant
$0.04 Creature - Viashino Soldier
2 Garruk's Horde
$0.21 Creature - Beast
1 Gatekeeper Gargoyle
$0.08 Artifact Creature - Gargoyle
1 Gatstaf Arsonists // Gatstaf Ravagers
$0.06 Creature - Human Werewolf // Creature - Werewolf
2 Gavony Unhallowed
$0.04 Creature - Zombie
5 Gearseeker Serpent
$0.10 Creature - Serpent
2 Geist of the Archives
$0.16 Creature - Spirit
1 Geist of the Lonely Vigil
$0.04 Creature - Spirit Cleric
1 Generous Stray
$0.10 Creature - Cat
2 Geralf's Masterpiece
$0.31 Creature - Zombie Horror
15 Geyserfield Stalker
$0.07 Creature - Elemental
10 Ghirapur Gearcrafter
$0.13 Creature - Human Artificer
1 Ghirapur Guide
$0.02 Creature - Elf Scout
3 Ghirapur Osprey
$0.03 Creature - Bird
1 Ghitu Chronicler
$0.04 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Ghitu Journeymage
$0.02 Creature - Human Wizard
2 Ghitu Lavarunner
$0.08 Creature - Human Wizard
9 Ghostly Sentinel
$0.05 Creature - Kor Spirit
1 Ghoulcaller's Accomplice
$0.08 Creature - Human Rogue
1 Ghoulsteed
$0.09 Creature - Zombie Horse
2 Giant Mantis
$0.04 Creature - Insect
3 Giant Spider
$0.02 Creature - Spider
1 Gibbering Fiend
$0.14 Creature - Devil
3 Gifted Aetherborn
$0.30 Creature - Aetherborn Vampire
3 Gilded Cerodon
$0.10 Creature - Beast
2 Giltgrove Stalker
$0.05 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
1 Glacial Stalker
$0.02 Creature - Elemental
2 Glade Watcher
$0.04 Creature - Elemental
1 Gladehart Cavalry
$0.26 Creature - Elf Knight
3 Gleaming Barrier
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Wall
1 Glint-Nest Crane
$0.12 Creature - Bird
4 Glint-Sleeve Artisan
$0.01 Creature - Dwarf Artificer
1 Glint-Sleeve Siphoner
$0.15 Creature - Human Rogue
1 Gloomwidow
$0.03 Creature - Spider
1 Glorifier of Dusk
$0.06 Creature - Vampire Soldier
1 Glorybringer
$0.53 Creature - Dragon
1 Glowspore Shaman
$0.05 Creature - Elf Shaman
2 Gnarlroot Trapper
$0.23 Creature - Elf Druid
2 Gnarlwood Dryad
$0.18 Creature - Dryad Horror
1 Goblin Banneret
$0.08 Creature - Goblin Soldier
7 Goblin Freerunner
$0.05 Creature - Goblin Warrior Ally
3 Goblin Glory Chaser
$0.14 Creature - Goblin Warrior
2 Goblin Locksmith
$0.04 Creature - Goblin Rogue
3 God-Pharaoh's Faithful
$0.14 Creature - Human Wizard
5 Gold-Forged Sentinel
$0.01 Artifact Creature - Chimera
2 Golgari Raiders
$0.04 Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Graceful Cat
$0.13 Creature - Cat
2 Graf Mole
$0.04 Creature - Mole Beast
2 Graf Rats
$0.12 Creature - Rat
4 Granitic Titan
$0.05 Creature - Elemental
2 Grasping Scoundrel
$0.13 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Gravedigger
$0.05 Creature - Zombie
1 Graven Abomination
$0.03 Artifact Creature - Horror
4 Gravity Negator
$0.03 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Great-Horn Krushok
$0.02 Creature - Beast
5 Greater Sandwurm
$0.02 Creature - Wurm
2 Grim Strider
$0.02 Creature - Horror
1 Grisly Survivor
$0.05 Creature - Minotaur Warrior
1 Groundskeeper
$0.07 Creature - Human Druid
5 Grove Rumbler
$0.08 Creature - Elemental
1 Grovetender Druids
$0.03 Creature - Elf Druid Ally
1 Grunn, the Lonely King
$0.18 Legendary Creature - Ape Warrior
7 Guardian Automaton
$0.03 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Guardian of Pilgrims
$0.03 Creature - Spirit Cleric
1 Guardian Shield-Bearer
$0.03 Creature - Human Soldier
2 Guardians of Koilos
$0.04 Artifact Creature - Construct
12 Guardians of Meletis
$0.05 Artifact Creature - Golem
6 Gurmag Drowner
$0.02 Creature - Naga Wizard
1 Gust Walker
$0.03 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Guul Draz Overseer
$0.19 Creature - Vampire
1 Haazda Marshal
$0.20 Creature - Human Soldier
4 Hagra Sharpshooter
$0.01 Creature - Human Assassin Ally
4 Halimar Tidecaller
$0.16 Creature - Human Wizard Ally
3 Hallar, the Firefletcher
$0.06 Legendary Creature - Elf Archer
1 Hamlet Captain
$0.03 Creature - Human Warrior
3 Hammer Dropper
$0.02 Creature - Giant Soldier
3 Hand of Silumgar
$0.03 Creature - Human Warrior
2 Hanweir Garrison
$1.68 Creature - Human Soldier
8 Hardened Berserker
$0.03 Creature - Human Berserker
1 Hardy Veteran
$0.02 Creature - Human Warrior
3 Harrier Naga
$0.05 Creature - Naga Warrior
2 Harvester Troll
$0.05 Creature - Troll
2 Hatchery Spider
$0.34 Creature - Spider
2 Haunted Dead
$0.12 Creature - Zombie
1 Havoc Sower
$0.03 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Hazoret the Fervent
$0.79 Legendary Creature - God
2 Headstrong Brute
$0.02 Creature - Orc Pirate
3 Headwater Sentries
$0.03 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
4 Healer's Hawk
$0.09 Creature - Bird
2 Hedron Crawler
$0.26 Artifact Creature - Construct
4 Hekma Sentinels
$0.01 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Hellkite Whelp
$0.06 Creature - Dragon
1 Herald of Anguish
$1.74 Creature - Demon
3 Herald of Dromoka
$0.08 Creature - Human Warrior
4 Herald of Kozilek
$0.54 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
2 Herald of the Fair
$0.01 Creature - Human
1 Herdchaser Dragon
$0.16 Creature - Dragon
3 Hermit of the Natterknolls // Lone Wolf of the Natterknolls
$0.30 Creature - Human Werewolf // Creature - Werewolf
1 Hero of Goma Fada
$0.16 Creature - Human Knight Ally
2 Highspire Artisan
$0.04 Creature - Elf Artificer
1 Hightide Hermit
$0.02 Creature - Crab
5 Hinterland Drake
$0.03 Creature - Drake
2 Hinterland Logger // Timber Shredder
$0.07 Creature - Human Werewolf // Creature - Werewolf
2 Hired Poisoner
$0.11 Creature - Human Assassin
2 Hitchclaw Recluse
$0.02 Creature - Spider
1 Hollow One
$2.20 Artifact Creature - Golem
3 Homarid Explorer
$0.03 Creature - Homarid Scout
1 Hooded Assassin
$0.04 Creature - Human Assassin
2 Hooded Brawler
$0.04 Creature - Naga Warrior
1 Hope of Ghirapur
$2.23 Legendary Artifact Creature - Thopter
1 Hope Tender
$0.08 Creature - Human Druid
2 Horror of the Broken Lands
$0.07 Creature - Horror
1 Hostage Taker
$0.26 Creature - Human Pirate
3 Hound of the Farbogs
$0.03 Creature - Zombie Dog
3 Howling Golem
$0.07 Artifact Creature - Golem
2 Howlpack Wolf
$0.05 Creature - Wolf
1 Hulking Devil
$0.04 Creature - Devil
1 Hunted Witness
$0.10 Creature - Human
2 Hyena Pack
$0.02 Creature - Hyena
2 Identity Thief
$0.22 Creature - Shapeshifter
4 Imperial Aerosaur
$0.09 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Imperial Ceratops
$0.11 Creature - Dinosaur
3 Imperial Lancer
$0.06 Creature - Human Knight
10 Incubator Drone
$0.04 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
5 Indulgent Aristocrat
$0.23 Creature - Vampire Noble
1 Infectious Horror
$0.03 Creature - Zombie Horror
3 Ingenious Skaab
$0.06 Creature - Zombie Horror
2 Initiate's Companion
$0.03 Creature - Cat
2 Inquisitor's Ox
$0.09 Creature - Ox
4 Insolent Neonate
$0.17 Creature - Vampire
3 Inspiring Captain
$0.02 Creature - Human Knight
1 Inspiring Cleric
$0.10 Creature - Vampire Cleric
2 Inspiring Unicorn
$0.09 Creature - Unicorn
6 Intrepid Provisioner
$0.03 Creature - Human Scout
2 Intrusive Packbeast
$0.02 Creature - Beast
4 Inventor's Apprentice
$0.04 Creature - Human Artificer
1 Iroas's Champion
$0.06 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Ironclad Revolutionary
$0.02 Creature - Aetherborn Artificer
1 Ironclad Slayer
$0.09 Creature - Human Warrior
2 Ironshell Beetle
$0.05 Creature - Insect
1 It of the Horrid Swarm
$0.04 Creature - Eldrazi Insect
1 Ixalli's Diviner
$0.05 Creature - Human Druid
3 Ixalli's Keeper
$0.03 Creature - Human Shaman
1 Jade Bearer
$0.08 Creature - Merfolk Shaman
1 Jade Guardian
$0.03 Creature - Merfolk Shaman
2 Jadecraft Artisan
$0.02 Creature - Merfolk Shaman
2 Janjeet Sentry
$0.08 Creature - Vedalken Soldier
2 Jeskai Sage
$0.06 Creature - Human Monk
1 Jeskai Windscout
$0.02 Creature - Bird Scout
2 Jhessian Thief
$0.07 Creature - Human Rogue
2 Joraga Auxiliary
$0.06 Creature - Elf Soldier Ally
1 Josu Vess, Lich Knight
$0.24 Legendary Creature - Zombie Knight
1 Jungle Creeper
$0.04 Creature - Elemental
1 Jungle Delver
$0.05 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
2 Jungleborn Pioneer
$0.07 Creature - Merfolk Scout
4 Jwar Isle Avenger
$0.02 Creature - Sphinx
11 Kalastria Healer
$0.10 Creature - Vampire Cleric Ally
8 Kalastria Nightwatch
$0.09 Creature - Vampire Warrior Ally
1 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
$4.98 Legendary Creature - Vampire Warrior
1 Kambal, Consul of Allocation
$3.77 Legendary Creature - Human Advisor
2 Keeper of the Lens
$0.03 Artifact Creature - Golem
3 Keldon Overseer
$0.02 Creature - Human Warrior
6 Keldon Raider
$0.05 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Keldon Warcaller
$0.07 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Kessig Dire Swine
$0.02 Creature - Boar Horror
1 Kessig Forgemaster // Flameheart Werewolf
$0.13 Creature - Human Shaman Werewolf // Creature - Werewolf
1 Khenra Charioteer
$0.11 Creature - Jackal Warrior
4 Khenra Eternal
$0.08 Creature - Zombie Jackal Warrior
5 Khenra Scrapper
$0.03 Creature - Jackal Warrior
3 Kinjalli's Caller
$0.25 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Kinsbaile Skirmisher
$0.02 Creature - Kithkin Soldier
3 Kitesail Corsair
$0.01 Creature - Human Pirate
3 Kitesail Freebooter
$0.16 Creature - Human Pirate
15 Kitesail Scout
$0.02 Creature - Kor Scout
1 Knight of Grace
$0.16 Creature - Human Knight
1 Knight of Malice
$0.20 Creature - Human Knight
2 Knight of New Benalia
$0.03 Creature - Human Knight
1 Knight of the Pilgrim's Road
$0.03 Creature - Human Knight
1 Knight of the Stampede
$0.25 Creature - Human Knight
5 Kolaghan Aspirant
$0.02 Creature - Human Warrior
2 Kolaghan Forerunners
$0.08 Creature - Human Berserker
3 Kolaghan Skirmisher
$0.03 Creature - Human Warrior
6 Kolaghan Stormsinger
$0.03 Creature - Human Shaman
3 Kor Bladewhirl
$0.05 Creature - Kor Soldier Ally
16 Kor Castigator
$0.02 Creature - Kor Wizard Ally
6 Kor Entanglers
$0.06 Creature - Kor Soldier Ally
4 Kor Scythemaster
$0.01 Creature - Kor Soldier Ally
4 Kor Sky Climber
$0.01 Creature - Kor Soldier Ally
15 Kozilek's Channeler
$0.19 Creature - Eldrazi
4 Kozilek's Pathfinder
$0.09 Creature - Eldrazi
9 Kozilek's Sentinel
$0.05 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
2 Kozilek's Shrieker
$0.04 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
2 Kozilek's Translator
$0.04 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
4 Kraul Foragers
$0.03 Creature - Insect Scout
2 Krosan Druid
$0.04 Creature - Centaur Druid
3 Kujar Seedsculptor
$0.04 Creature - Elf Druid
2 Kumena's Speaker
$0.09 Creature - Merfolk Shaman
2 Laboratory Brute
$0.04 Creature - Zombie Horror
1 Labyrinth Guardian
$0.03 Creature - Illusion Warrior
1 Lambholt Pacifist // Lambholt Butcher
$0.08 Creature - Human Shaman Werewolf // Creature - Werewolf
4 Lamplighter of Selhoff
$0.05 Creature - Zombie Horror
1 Lashweed Lurker
$0.05 Creature - Eldrazi Horror
1 Lathnu Hellion
$0.33 Creature - Hellion
3 Lathnu Sailback
$0.04 Creature - Lizard
16 Lavastep Raider
$0.04 Creature - Goblin Warrior
6 Lawless Broker
$0.03 Creature - Aetherborn Rogue
1 Lazav, the Multifarious
$0.25 Legendary Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Leaf Gilder
$0.10 Creature - Elf Druid
1 League Guildmage
$0.08 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Leapfrog
$0.05 Creature - Frog
5 Legion Conquistador
$0.02 Creature - Vampire Soldier
1 Legion Warboss
$0.74 Creature - Goblin Soldier
3 Lifecraft Cavalry
$0.04 Creature - Elf Warrior
3 Lifespring Druid
$0.09 Creature - Elf Druid
2 Lightning Berserker
$0.13 Creature - Human Berserker
4 Lightning Shrieker
$0.05 Creature - Dragon
1 Lightning-Rig Crew
$0.07 Creature - Goblin Pirate
2 Lingering Phantom
$0.05 Creature - Spirit
2 Llanowar Elves
$0.39 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Llanowar Empath
$0.11 Creature - Elf Shaman
4 Llanowar Scout
$0.11 Creature - Elf Scout
1 Loam Dryad
$0.09 Creature - Dryad Horror
5 Loam Larva
$0.05 Creature - Insect
3 Long-Finned Skywhale
$0.05 Creature - Whale
1 Looming Altisaur
$0.05 Creature - Dinosaur
3 Lord of the Accursed
$0.35 Creature - Zombie
1 Lotleth Giant
$0.12 Creature - Zombie Giant
2 Lotus Path Djinn
$0.04 Creature - Djinn Monk
1 Loxodon Line Breaker
$0.03 Creature - Elephant Soldier
1 Loxodon Restorer
$0.08 Creature - Elephant Cleric
4 Lurching Rotbeast
$0.08 Creature - Zombie Beast
1 Mad Prophet
$0.05 Creature - Human Shaman
8 Mage-Ring Bully
$0.01 Creature - Human Warrior
2 Magmaroth
$0.04 Creature - Elemental
1 Mahamoti Djinn
$0.06 Creature - Djinn
4 Makindi Aeronaut
$0.02 Creature - Kor Scout Ally
17 Makindi Patrol
$0.02 Creature - Human Knight Ally
8 Makindi Sliderunner
$0.05 Creature - Beast
3 Malakir Cullblade
$0.12 Creature - Vampire Warrior
6 Malakir Familiar
$0.06 Creature - Bat
2 Malakir Soothsayer
$0.04 Creature - Vampire Shaman Ally
2 Mammoth Spider
$0.02 Creature - Spider
1 Manglehorn
$1.06 Creature - Beast
2 Manic Scribe
$0.27 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Manticore Eternal
$0.05 Creature - Zombie Manticore
2 Manticore of the Gauntlet
$0.02 Creature - Manticore
1 Marang River Skeleton
$0.07 Creature - Skeleton
4 Marauding Boneslasher
$0.04 Creature - Zombie Minotaur
1 Mardu Blazebringer
$0.04 Creature - Ogre Warrior
1 Mardu Scout
$0.03 Creature - Goblin Scout
2 Maritime Guard
$0.02 Creature - Merfolk Soldier
1 Markov Dreadknight
$0.24 Creature - Vampire Knight
3 Marsh Hulk
$0.04 Creature - Zombie Ogre
1 Marwyn, the Nurturer
$4.22 Legendary Creature - Elf Druid
1 Master Trinketeer
$0.18 Creature - Dwarf Artificer
1 Matter Reshaper
$0.36 Creature - Eldrazi
2 Maulfist Doorbuster
$0.06 Creature - Human Warrior
2 Maulfist Revolutionary
$0.07 Creature - Human Warrior
3 Maulfist Squad
$0.02 Creature - Human Artificer
2 Mausoleum Harpy
$0.02 Creature - Harpy
4 Maw of Kozilek
$0.03 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Merchant's Dockhand
$0.14 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Mercurial Geists
$0.02 Creature - Spirit
2 Merfolk Branchwalker
$0.22 Creature - Merfolk Scout
2 Merfolk Mistbinder
$0.19 Creature - Merfolk Shaman
1 Merfolk Trickster
$0.42 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
2 Mesa Unicorn
$0.09 Creature - Unicorn
1 Metallic Mimic
$1.87 Artifact Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Metalwork Colossus
$0.59 Artifact Creature - Construct
5 Miasmic Mummy
$0.07 Creature - Zombie Jackal
1 Midnight Entourage
$0.08 Creature - Aetherborn Rogue
1 Midnight Guard
$0.05 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Midnight Scavengers
$0.13 Creature - Human Rogue
1 Militant Inquisitor
$0.04 Creature - Human Cleric
7 Mind Raker
$0.06 Creature - Eldrazi Processor
2 Mindmelter
$0.08 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
4 Minotaur Sureshot
$0.04 Creature - Minotaur Archer
1 Mirror Image
$0.24 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Mishra's Self-Replicator
$0.17 Artifact Creature - Assembly-Worker
14 Mist Intruder
$0.06 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Misthoof Kirin
$0.04 Creature - Kirin
2 Moaning Wall
$0.12 Creature - Zombie Wall
1 Mockery of Nature
$0.10 Creature - Eldrazi Beast
2 Molderhulk
$0.11 Creature - Fungus Zombie
4 Monastery Loremaster
$0.06 Creature - Djinn Wizard
3 Moodmark Painter
$0.02 Creature - Human Shaman
1 Moorland Drifter
$0.04 Creature - Spirit
1 Morkrut Necropod
$0.07 Creature - Slug Horror
1 Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar
$0.88 Legendary Creature - Elemental Avatar
1 Mummy Paramount
$0.05 Creature - Zombie
1 Munda, Ambush Leader
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Kor Ally
1 Munda's Vanguard
$0.11 Creature - Kor Knight Ally
1 Murasa Ranger
$0.05 Creature - Human Warrior Ranger
16 Murk Strider
$0.03 Creature - Eldrazi Processor
1 Murmuring Mystic
$0.18 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Muse Drake
$0.04 Creature - Drake
1 Mystic of the Hidden Way
$0.03 Creature - Human Monk
3 Naga Oracle
$0.04 Creature - Naga Cleric
1 Naga Vitalist
$0.07 Creature - Naga Druid
6 Nantuko Husk
$0.08 Creature - Zombie Insect
5 Narnam Cobra
$0.03 Artifact Creature - Snake
3 Narnam Renegade
$0.16 Creature - Elf Warrior
2 Nearheath Chaplain
$0.07 Creature - Human Cleric
3 Nebelgast Herald
$0.06 Creature - Spirit
2 Needletooth Raptor
$0.28 Creature - Dinosaur
2 Nef-Crop Entangler
$0.05 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Nephalia Moondrakes
$0.15 Creature - Drake
5 Nest Robber
$0.09 Creature - Dinosaur
4 Netcaster Spider
$0.04 Creature - Spider
12 Nettle Drone
$0.10 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Nezahal, Primal Tide
$15.32 Legendary Creature - Elder Dinosaur
4 Niblis of Dusk
$0.04 Creature - Spirit
6 Night Market Aeronaut
$0.01 Creature - Aetherborn Warrior
3 Night Market Guard
$0.03 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Night Market Lookout
$0.08 Creature - Human Rogue
3 Nightmare
$0.13 Creature - Nightmare Horse
2 Nightveil Predator
$0.12 Creature - Vampire
4 Nightveil Sprite
$0.13 Creature - Faerie Rogue
4 Nimble Innovator
$0.04 Creature - Vedalken Artificer
1 Nimble Obstructionist
$0.48 Creature - Bird Wizard
2 Nimble-Blade Khenra
$0.05 Creature - Jackal Warrior
2 Nimbus of the Isles
$0.01 Creature - Elemental
5 Ninth Bridge Patrol
$0.02 Creature - Dwarf Soldier
7 Nirkana Assassin
$0.05 Creature - Vampire Assassin Ally
4 Nivix Barrier
$0.08 Creature - Illusion Wall
1 Noose Constrictor
$0.21 Creature - Snake
3 Null Caller
$0.06 Creature - Vampire Shaman
2 Oashra Cultivator
$0.02 Creature - Human Druid
4 Oasis Ritualist
$0.02 Creature - Naga Druid
4 Obsessive Skinner
$0.15 Creature - Human Rogue
1 Ochran Assassin
$0.13 Creature - Elf Assassin
7 Ojutai Interceptor
$0.05 Creature - Bird Soldier
1 Oketra's Avenger
$0.03 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Old-Growth Dryads
$0.18 Creature - Dryad
3 Olivia's Dragoon
$0.02 Creature - Vampire Berserker
1 Ominous Sphinx
$0.06 Creature - Sphinx
1 Onakke Ogre
$0.01 Creature - Ogre Warrior
16 Ondu Champion
$0.05 Creature - Minotaur Warrior Ally
10 Ondu Greathorn
$0.04 Creature - Beast
3 Ondu War Cleric
$0.02 Creature - Human Cleric Ally
13 Oracle of Dust
$0.04 Creature - Eldrazi Processor
4 Oran-Rief Invoker
$0.02 Creature - Human Shaman
3 Orator of Ojutai
$0.20 Creature - Bird Monk
3 Orazca Frillback
$0.05 Creature - Dinosaur
4 Orazca Raptor
$0.05 Creature - Dinosaur
3 Oreskos Swiftclaw
$0.02 Creature - Cat Warrior
2 Ornery Goblin
$0.07 Creature - Goblin Warrior
1 Ornery Kudu
$0.03 Creature - Antelope
1 Ornithopter
$0.23 Artifact Creature - Thopter
2 Otepec Huntmaster
$1.25 Creature - Human Shaman
1 Outland Boar
$0.04 Creature - Boar
1 Ovalchase Daredevil
$0.18 Creature - Human Pilot
2 Overgrown Armasaur
$0.08 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter
$0.16 Legendary Creature - Human Artificer
1 Pack Guardian
$0.05 Creature - Wolf Spirit
1 Padeem, Consul of Innovation
$1.11 Legendary Creature - Vedalken Artificer
7 Palace Familiar
$0.07 Creature - Bird
1 Paladin of Atonement
$0.16 Creature - Vampire Knight
1 Paladin of the Bloodstained
$0.04 Creature - Vampire Knight
1 Paragon of Fierce Defiance
$0.18 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Paragon of Gathering Mists
$0.09 Creature - Human Wizard
2 Paragon of New Dawns
$0.10 Creature - Human Soldier
2 Paranoid Parish-Blade
$0.09 Creature - Human Soldier
4 Parhelion Patrol
$0.04 Creature - Human Knight
1 Passwall Adept
$0.08 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Pathmaker Initiate
$0.05 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Patron of the Valiant
$0.06 Creature - Angel
3 Peema Aether-Seer
$0.13 Creature - Elf Druid
4 Peema Outrider
$0.09 Creature - Elf Artificer
5 Pegasus Courser
$0.03 Creature - Pegasus
1 Pilfering Imp
$0.07 Creature - Imp
3 Pilgrim's Eye
$0.05 Artifact Creature - Thopter
2 Pious Evangel // Wayward Disciple
$0.11 Creature - Human Cleric // Creature - Human Cleric
4 Piston-Fist Cyclops
$0.03 Creature - Cyclops
4 Pitiless Gorgon
$0.03 Creature - Gorgon
3 Pitiless Vizier
$0.04 Creature - Minotaur Cleric
1 Plated Crusher
$0.06 Creature - Beast
3 Portcullis Vine
$0.09 Creature - Plant Wall
5 Pouncing Cheetah
$0.04 Creature - Cat
1 Prakhata Club Security
$0.03 Creature - Aetherborn Warrior
2 Prakhata Pillar-Bug
$0.08 Artifact Creature - Insect
9 Prickleboar
$0.02 Creature - Boar
2 Primal Druid
$0.06 Creature - Human Druid
1 Primordial Wurm
$0.02 Creature - Wurm
2 Prizefighter Construct
$0.03 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Propeller Pioneer
$0.03 Creature - Human Artificer
2 Prophet of Distortion
$0.18 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Prosperous Pirates
$0.04 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Protean Raider
$0.72 Creature - Shapeshifter Pirate
2 Proven Combatant
$0.05 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Pterodon Knight
$0.03 Creature - Human Knight
5 Pyre Hound
$0.04 Creature - Elemental Dog
1 Qal Sisma Behemoth
$0.05 Creature - Ogre Warrior
4 Qarsi Sadist
$0.03 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Quarry Beetle
$0.05 Creature - Insect
2 Quarry Hauler
$0.02 Creature - Camel
3 Queen's Agent
$0.02 Creature - Vampire Scout
2 Queen's Bay Soldier
$0.04 Creature - Vampire Soldier
1 Quicksmith Rebel
$0.07 Creature - Human Artificer
2 Quicksmith Spy
$0.12 Creature - Human Artificer
6 Quilled Wolf
$0.05 Creature - Wolf
7 Rabid Bloodsucker
$0.05 Creature - Vampire
1 Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Raging Regisaur
$0.17 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Rakshasa Gravecaller
$0.10 Creature - Cat Demon
1 Rampaging Cyclops
$0.02 Creature - Cyclops
1 Rampaging Ferocidon
$1.55 Creature - Dinosaur
3 Rampaging Hippo
$0.04 Creature - Hippo
1 Rampaging Monument
$0.07 Artifact Creature - Cleric
6 Ramroller
$0.08 Artifact Creature - Juggernaut
1 Ramunap Hydra
$0.31 Creature - Snake Hydra
2 Rancid Rats
$0.26 Creature - Zombie Rat
1 Ranging Raptors
$0.66 Creature - Dinosaur
5 Raptor Companion
$0.02 Creature - Dinosaur
3 Rat Colony
$4.43 Creature - Rat
1 Ravenous Bloodseeker
$0.06 Creature - Vampire Berserker
2 Ravenous Chupacabra
$0.31 Creature - Beast Horror
3 Ravenous Daggertooth
$0.15 Creature - Dinosaur
3 Ravenous Intruder
$0.04 Creature - Gremlin
1 Razaketh, the Foulblooded
$9.62 Legendary Creature - Demon
2 Reckless Bushwhacker
$0.27 Creature - Goblin Warrior Ally
14 Reckless Cohort
$0.03 Creature - Human Warrior Ally
2 Reckless Fireweaver
$0.60 Creature - Human Artificer
5 Reckless Imp
$0.08 Creature - Imp
1 Reckless Racer
$0.04 Creature - Human Pilot
2 Reckless Scholar
$0.20 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Relentless Hunter
$0.04 Creature - Human Warrior
2 Relentless Raptor
$0.10 Creature - Dinosaur
2 Relic Runner
$0.04 Creature - Human Rogue
2 Relief Captain
$0.04 Creature - Kor Knight Ally
3 Renegade Rallier
$0.18 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Research Assistant
$0.03 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Reservoir Walker
$0.05 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Resilient Khenra
$0.09 Creature - Jackal Wizard
4 Resolute Blademaster
$0.06 Creature - Human Soldier Ally
1 Resolute Survivors
$0.03 Creature - Human Warrior
2 Restoration Gearsmith
$0.06 Creature - Human Artificer
5 Returned Centaur
$0.04 Creature - Zombie Centaur
2 Revenant
$0.04 Creature - Spirit
2 Rhet-Crop Spearmaster
$0.03 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Rhizome Lurcher
$0.04 Creature - Fungus Zombie
1 Rhonas's Stalwart
$0.02 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Rhox Maulers
$0.04 Creature - Rhino Soldier
1 Ridgescale Tusker
$0.13 Creature - Pangolin Beast
1 Rigging Runner
$0.09 Creature - Goblin Pirate
3 Ringwarden Owl
$0.03 Creature - Bird
6 Riparian Tiger
$0.03 Creature - Cat
1 Rishkar, Peema Renegade
$0.37 Legendary Creature - Elf Druid
1 River Darter
$0.02 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
2 River Hoopoe
$0.04 Creature - Bird
1 River Serpent
$0.04 Creature - Serpent
1 Roc Charger
$0.02 Creature - Bird
2 Rogue Refiner
$0.20 Creature - Human Rogue
1 Rootwalla
$0.13 Creature - Lizard
2 Rosemane Centaur
$0.03 Creature - Centaur Soldier
4 Rot Shambler
$0.09 Creature - Fungus
1 Rottenheart Ghoul
$0.03 Creature - Zombie
1 Rowdy Crew
$0.28 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Rubblebelt Boar
$0.04 Creature - Boar
11 Ruin Processor
$0.07 Creature - Eldrazi Processor
1 Ruin Rat
$0.14 Creature - Rat
6 Ruination Guide
$0.14 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
2 Ruinous Gremlin
$0.06 Creature - Gremlin
1 Runaway Carriage
$0.03 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Runaway Steam-Kin
$0.88 Creature - Elemental
2 Runed Servitor
$0.03 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Ruthless Deathfang
$0.12 Creature - Dragon
2 Ruthless Sniper
$0.11 Creature - Human Archer
9 Sabertooth Outrider
$0.02 Creature - Human Warrior
3 Sacred Cat
$0.34 Creature - Cat
2 Saddleback Lagac
$0.03 Creature - Lizard
1 Sadistic Skymarcher
$0.09 Creature - Vampire Soldier
1 Sage of Ancient Lore // Werewolf of Ancient Hunger
$0.57 Creature - Human Shaman Werewolf // Creature - Werewolf
1 Sage of Lat-Nam
$0.06 Creature - Human Artificer
2 Sage of Shaila's Claim
$0.08 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Sage-Eye Harrier
$0.02 Creature - Bird Warrior
4 Sailor of Means
$0.06 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Salivating Gremlins
$0.06 Creature - Gremlin
3 Salt Road Ambushers
$0.13 Creature - Dog Warrior
1 Salt Road Patrol
$0.04 Creature - Human Scout
9 Salvage Drone
$0.03 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
2 Salvage Scuttler
$0.04 Creature - Crab
1 Salvager of Secrets
$0.10 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Sanctum Spirit
$0.03 Creature - Spirit
1 Sandsteppe Scavenger
$0.03 Creature - Dog Scout
1 Sandstorm Charger
$0.01 Creature - Beast
10 Sanguinary Mage
$0.07 Creature - Vampire Wizard
3 Sanguine Glorifier
$0.04 Creature - Vampire Cleric
2 Sanitarium Skeleton
$0.10 Creature - Skeleton
3 Savage Ventmaw
$0.62 Creature - Dragon
2 Scaled Behemoth
$0.03 Creature - Crocodile
3 Scaleguard Sentinels
$0.04 Creature - Human Soldier
4 Scion of Ugin
$0.05 Creature - Dragon Spirit
2 Scrapskin Drake
$0.05 Creature - Zombie Drake
5 Screamreach Brawler
$0.03 Creature - Orc Berserker
1 Screeching Skaab
$0.06 Creature - Zombie
3 Scrounger of Souls
$0.06 Creature - Horror
3 Scrounging Bandar
$0.02 Creature - Cat Monkey
3 Seed Guardian
$0.05 Creature - Elemental
2 Seeker of Insight
$0.02 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Seekers' Squire
$0.04 Creature - Human Scout
2 Seer of the Last Tomorrow
$0.04 Creature - Naga Cleric
3 Seismic Elemental
$0.08 Creature - Elemental
5 Self-Assembler
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Assembly-Worker
2 Sengir Vampire
$0.24 Creature - Vampire
2 Sentinel of the Eternal Watch
$0.18 Creature - Giant Soldier
1 Sentinel of the Pearl Trident
$0.03 Creature - Merfolk Soldier
2 Separatist Voidmage
$0.04 Creature - Human Wizard
2 Seraph of the Suns
$0.07 Creature - Angel
5 Serene Steward
$0.11 Creature - Human Cleric Ally
3 Sergeant-at-Arms
$0.02 Creature - Human Soldier
6 Serra Angel
$0.06 Creature - Angel
2 Serra Disciple
$0.02 Creature - Bird Cleric
14 Shadow Glider
$0.03 Creature - Kor Soldier
1 Shadowstorm Vizier
$0.07 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Shalai, Voice of Plenty
$3.31 Legendary Creature - Angel
7 Shambling Ghoul
$0.01 Creature - Zombie
5 Shambling Goblin
$0.04 Creature - Zombie Goblin
1 Shanna, Sisay's Legacy
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
1 Shaper Apprentice
$0.04 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
14 Shatterskull Recruit
$0.02 Creature - Giant Warrior Ally
2 Shielded Aether Thief
$0.11 Creature - Vedalken Rogue
2 Shieldhide Dragon
$0.10 Creature - Dragon
3 Shimmerscale Drake
$0.03 Creature - Drake
2 Shining Aerosaur
$0.02 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Shipwreck Looter
$0.09 Creature - Human Pirate
2 Shipwreck Moray
$0.04 Creature - Fish
3 Shivan Dragon
$0.12 Creature - Dragon
4 Shore Keeper
$0.03 Creature - Trilobite
4 Sibsig Icebreakers
$0.06 Creature - Zombie
6 Sidewinder Naga
$0.05 Creature - Naga Warrior
5 Sidisi's Faithful
$0.11 Creature - Naga Wizard
2 Siege Wurm
$0.05 Creature - Wurm
1 Sifter Wurm
$0.04 Creature - Wurm
2 Sigarda, Heron's Grace
$0.27 Legendary Creature - Angel
4 Sigardian Priest
$0.07 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Silburlind Snapper
$0.02 Creature - Turtle
12 Silent Skimmer
$0.03 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
4 Silkweaver Elite
$0.02 Creature - Elf Archer
4 Silumgar Butcher
$0.05 Creature - Zombie Djinn
2 Silumgar Sorcerer
$0.06 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Silverfur Partisan
$0.67 Creature - Wolf Warrior
2 Siren Lookout
$0.02 Creature - Siren Pirate
1 Skaab Goliath
$0.02 Creature - Zombie Giant
3 Skirk Prospector
$0.15 Creature - Goblin
3 Skirsdag Supplicant
$0.05 Creature - Human Cleric
3 Skittering Heartstopper
$0.07 Creature - Insect
1 Skittering Surveyor
$0.04 Artifact Creature - Construct
3 Skitterskin
$0.06 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Skizzik
$0.05 Creature - Elemental
2 Sky Scourer
$0.02 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
2 Sky Terror
$0.16 Creature - Dinosaur
2 Skyblade of the Legion
$0.03 Creature - Vampire Soldier
4 Skyknight Legionnaire
$0.03 Creature - Human Knight
2 Skyline Scout
$0.02 Creature - Human Scout
4 Skymarch Bloodletter
$0.05 Creature - Vampire Soldier
3 Skyraker Giant
$0.02 Creature - Giant
7 Skyrider Elf
$0.05 Creature - Elf Warrior Ally
1 Skyrider Patrol
$0.09 Creature - Elf Scout
2 Skyship Plunderer
$0.09 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Skysnare Spider
$0.15 Creature - Spider
2 Skyswirl Harrier
$0.05 Creature - Bird
1 Slaughter Drone
$0.02 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Slinn Voda, the Rising Deep
$0.35 Legendary Creature - Leviathan
1 Slither Blade
$0.21 Creature - Naga Rogue
8 Sludge Crawler
$0.05 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Smelt-Ward Minotaur
$0.07 Creature - Minotaur Warrior
1 Smoldering Werewolf // Erupting Dreadwolf
$0.15 Creature - Werewolf Horror // Creature - Eldrazi Werewolf
1 Smothering Abomination
$0.53 Creature - Eldrazi
4 Snapping Gnarlid
$0.06 Creature - Beast
2 Snare Thopter
$0.07 Artifact Creature - Thopter
2 Snubhorn Sentry
$0.05 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Solitary Camel
$0.06 Creature - Camel
2 Solitary Hunter // One of the Pack
$0.07 Creature - Human Warrior Werewolf // Creature - Werewolf
2 Soul of the Harvest
$1.17 Creature - Elemental
4 Soul of the Rapids
$0.05 Creature - Elemental
2 Soulblade Djinn
$0.15 Creature - Djinn
2 Soulmender
$0.04 Creature - Human Cleric
4 Soulstinger
$0.07 Creature - Scorpion Demon
1 Sparring Construct
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Sparring Mummy
$0.11 Creature - Zombie
3 Spawnbinder Mage
$0.02 Creature - Human Wizard Ally
2 Spectral Shepherd
$0.04 Creature - Spirit
2 Spell Queller
$1.10 Creature - Spirit
3 Spellweaver Eternal
$0.06 Creature - Zombie Naga Wizard
3 Sphinx of Magosi
$0.26 Creature - Sphinx
2 Spike-Tailed Ceratops
$0.05 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Spinal Centipede
$0.04 Creature - Insect
3 Spire Patrol
$0.05 Creature - Human Soldier
4 Spire Winder
$0.02 Creature - Snake
5 Spireside Infiltrator
$0.06 Creature - Human Rogue
3 Spontaneous Artist
$0.02 Creature - Human Rogue
1 Sporecrown Thallid
$0.27 Creature - Fungus
6 Sprinting Warbrute
$0.01 Creature - Ogre Berserker
1 Squee, the Immortal
$0.50 Legendary Creature - Goblin
4 Stalking Drone
$0.02 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Stalking Tiger
$0.07 Creature - Cat
1 Stallion of Ashmouth
$0.04 Creature - Nightmare Horse
3 Stampeding Horncrest
$0.06 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Standing Troops
$0.05 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Star-Crowned Stag
$0.04 Creature - Elk
2 Steadfast Cathar
$0.03 Creature - Human Soldier
5 Steadfast Sentinel
$0.03 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Stealer of Secrets
$0.05 Creature - Human Rogue
1 Steel Leaf Champion
$0.67 Creature - Elf Knight
2 Stensia Innkeeper
$0.07 Creature - Vampire
1 Steppe Glider
$0.04 Creature - Elemental
2 Stern Constable
$0.05 Creature - Human Soldier
2 Steward of Solidarity
$0.04 Creature - Human Warrior
3 Stitched Mangler
$0.05 Creature - Zombie Horror
1 Stitcher's Supplier
$0.73 Creature - Zombie
1 Stitchwing Skaab
$0.06 Creature - Zombie Horror
2 Stoic Builder
$0.02 Creature - Human
14 Stone Haven Medic
$0.03 Creature - Kor Cleric
1 Stone Haven Outfitter
$0.38 Creature - Kor Artificer Ally
1 Stoneforge Acolyte
$0.04 Creature - Kor Artificer Ally
1 Storm Fleet Aerialist
$0.09 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Storm Fleet Arsonist
$0.04 Creature - Orc Pirate
3 Storm Fleet Pyromancer
$0.02 Creature - Human Pirate Wizard
1 Storm Fleet Sprinter
$0.25 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Storm Sculptor
$0.05 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
3 Stormchaser Mage
$0.18 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Stormcrag Elemental
$0.06 Creature - Elemental
1 Stormfront Pegasus
$0.08 Creature - Pegasus
1 Stormrider Spirit
$0.05 Creature - Spirit
2 Stormwing Dragon
$0.12 Creature - Dragon
1 Striped Riverwinder
$0.20 Creature - Serpent
1 Stromkirk Condemned
$0.14 Creature - Vampire Horror
3 Stromkirk Mentor
$0.06 Creature - Vampire Soldier
1 Stromkirk Occultist
$0.06 Creature - Vampire Horror
3 Stronghold Confessor
$0.03 Creature - Human Cleric
7 Student of Ojutai
$0.06 Creature - Human Monk
1 Subjugator Angel
$0.34 Creature - Angel
10 Subterranean Scout
$0.03 Creature - Goblin Scout
1 Sultai Scavenger
$0.02 Creature - Bird Warrior
3 Sultai Skullkeeper
$0.03 Creature - Naga Shaman
2 Sumala Woodshaper
$0.03 Creature - Elf Druid
7 Summit Prowler
$0.04 Creature - Yeti
5 Sun Sentinel
$0.15 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Sun-Collared Raptor
$0.06 Creature - Dinosaur
3 Sun-Crested Pterodon
$0.04 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Sun-Crowned Hunters
$0.08 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Suncleanser
$0.64 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Sunhome Stalwart
$0.10 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Supply Caravan
$0.03 Creature - Camel
2 Swaggering Corsair
$0.02 Creature - Human Pirate
3 Swarm Guildmage
$0.08 Creature - Elf Shaman
2 Sweatworks Brawler
$0.02 Creature - Human Artificer
1 Swift Warden
$0.14 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
1 Swift Warkite
$0.12 Creature - Dragon
1 Swiftblade Vindicator
$0.23 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Sworn Guardian
$0.02 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
2 Sylvan Advocate
$0.21 Creature - Elf Druid Ally
1 Sylvan Messenger
$0.11 Creature - Elf
1 Tah-Crop Elite
$0.01 Creature - Bird Warrior
3 Tajuru Beastmaster
$0.02 Creature - Elf Warrior Ally
1 Tajuru Pathwarden
$0.04 Creature - Elf Warrior Ally
2 Tajuru Stalwart
$0.04 Creature - Elf Scout Ally
1 Tajuru Warcaller
$0.04 Creature - Elf Warrior Ally
2 Tasseled Dromedary
$0.06 Creature - Camel
2 Tattered Haunter
$0.03 Creature - Spirit
2 Tattered Mummy
$0.18 Creature - Zombie Jackal
1 Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun
$0.19 Legendary Creature - Human Cleric
1 Tempest Caller
$0.22 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
2 Tenacious Hunter
$0.02 Creature - Crocodile
3 Tenth District Guard
$0.02 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Territorial Baloth
$0.11 Creature - Beast
3 Territorial Hammerskull
$0.11 Creature - Dinosaur
2 Terror of the Fairgrounds
$0.08 Creature - Gremlin
3 Tezzeret's Simulacrum
$0.13 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Thalia, Heretic Cathar
$2.96 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier
3 Thallid Omnivore
$0.06 Creature - Fungus
1 The Locust God
$4.06 Legendary Creature - God
1 Thermo-Alchemist
$0.23 Creature - Human Shaman
3 Thief of Sanity
$0.23 Creature - Specter
1 Thing in the Ice // Awoken Horror
$2.66 Creature - Horror // Creature - Kraken Horror
4 Thopter Engineer
$0.14 Creature - Human Artificer
1 Thorn Elemental
$0.05 Creature - Elemental
8 Thornbow Archer
$0.09 Creature - Elf Archer
3 Thorned Moloch
$0.02 Creature - Lizard
1 Thornhide Wolves
$0.01 Creature - Wolf
4 Those Who Serve
$0.02 Creature - Zombie
3 Thought Harvester
$0.08 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
3 Thoughtbound Phantasm
$0.11 Creature - Spirit
6 Thraben Inspector
$0.17 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Thrash of Raptors
$0.08 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Thrashing Brontodon
$0.05 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Thresher Lizard
$0.03 Creature - Lizard
4 Thriving Grubs
$0.03 Creature - Gremlin
2 Thriving Ibex
$0.02 Creature - Goat
2 Thriving Rats
$0.09 Creature - Rat
4 Thriving Rhino
$0.03 Creature - Rhino
2 Thriving Turtle
$0.04 Creature - Turtle
1 Thundering Giant
$0.08 Creature - Giant
1 Thundering Spineback
$0.13 Creature - Dinosaur
4 Tide Drifter
$0.15 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
2 Tilonalli's Knight
$0.04 Creature - Human Knight
1 Tireless Missionaries
$0.02 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Tireless Tracker
$0.80 Creature - Human Scout
4 Tishana's Wayfinder
$0.07 Creature - Merfolk Scout
4 Tolarian Scholar
$0.02 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Tomb Robber
$0.18 Creature - Human Pirate
8 Topan Freeblade
$0.03 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Torch Courier
$0.14 Creature - Goblin
1 Tower Geist
$0.04 Creature - Spirit
3 Tragic Poet
$0.04 Creature - Human
2 Traxos, Scourge of Kroog
$0.32 Legendary Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Treasure Keeper
$0.04 Artifact Creature - Construct
3 Trophy Mage
$0.47 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Truefire Captain
$0.10 Creature - Human Knight
2 Trueheart Duelist
$0.08 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Trueheart Twins
$0.03 Creature - Jackal Warrior
1 Trusty Companion
$0.03 Creature - Hyena
1 Trusty Packbeast
$0.04 Creature - Beast
2 Tunneling Geopede
$0.28 Creature - Insect
5 Twins of Maurer Estate
$0.06 Creature - Vampire
1 Two-Headed Giant
$0.17 Creature - Giant Warrior
1 Tyrant of Valakut
$0.13 Creature - Dragon
1 Ukud Cobra
$0.06 Creature - Snake
4 Ulamog's Despoiler
$0.07 Creature - Eldrazi Processor
3 Ulamog's Nullifier
$0.10 Creature - Eldrazi Processor
4 Ulamog's Reclaimer
$0.05 Creature - Eldrazi Processor
1 Ulrich's Kindred
$0.14 Creature - Wolf
1 Ulvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald Abomination
$0.10 Creature - Werewolf Horror // Creature - Eldrazi Werewolf
4 Umara Entangler
$0.03 Creature - Merfolk Rogue Ally
11 Undead Servant
$0.03 Creature - Zombie
1 Undercity Necrolisk
$0.03 Creature - Zombie Lizard
1 Underrealm Lich
$5.54 Creature - Zombie Elf Shaman
1 Uninvited Geist // Unimpeded Trespasser
$0.12 Creature - Spirit // Creature - Spirit
2 Unraveling Mummy
$0.09 Creature - Zombie
6 Unruly Mob
$0.07 Creature - Human
2 Unwavering Initiate
$0.01 Creature - Human Warrior
4 Updraft Elemental
$0.03 Creature - Elemental
2 Urgoros, the Empty One
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Specter
10 Valakut Invoker
$0.02 Creature - Human Shaman
13 Valakut Predator
$0.06 Creature - Elemental
2 Vampire Cutthroat
$0.64 Creature - Vampire Rogue
4 Vampire Envoy
$0.13 Creature - Vampire Cleric Ally
1 Vampire Noble
$0.08 Creature - Vampire Noble
3 Vampire Revenant
$0.04 Creature - Vampire Spirit
1 Vampire Sovereign
$0.11 Creature - Vampire Noble
1 Vedalken Blademaster
$0.02 Creature - Vedalken Soldier
3 Vedalken Mesmerist
$0.01 Creature - Vedalken Wizard
4 Veiled Shade
$0.03 Creature - Shade
3 Vengeful Rebel
$0.03 Creature - Aetherborn Warrior
3 Verdant Automaton
$0.01 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Vernadi Shieldmate
$0.04 Creature - Human Soldier
9 Vestige of Emrakul
$0.05 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
2 Veteran Motorist
$0.06 Creature - Dwarf Pilot
1 Veteran Warleader
$0.12 Creature - Human Soldier Ally
1 Vexing Scuttler
$0.10 Creature - Eldrazi Crab
2 Vicious Conquistador
$0.17 Creature - Vampire Soldier
2 Victory's Herald
$0.35 Creature - Angel
1 Vigilant Baloth
$0.07 Creature - Beast
3 Vigorspore Wurm
$0.04 Creature - Wurm
2 Vildin-Pack Outcast // Dronepack Kindred
$0.05 Creature - Werewolf Horror // Creature - Eldrazi Werewolf
3 Vile Aggregate
$0.13 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Vile Redeemer
$0.19 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Visionary Augmenter
$0.05 Creature - Dwarf Artificer
2 Vizier of Deferment
$0.07 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Vizier of Many Faces
$0.26 Creature - Shapeshifter Cleric
2 Vizier of Remedies
$0.16 Creature - Human Cleric
2 Vizier of the Anointed
$0.04 Creature - Human Cleric
2 Vizier of Tumbling Sands
$0.21 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Vodalian Arcanist
$0.05 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Void Grafter
$0.16 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
14 Volcanic Rambler
$0.02 Creature - Elemental
1 Voldaren Pariah // Abolisher of Bloodlines
$0.42 Creature - Vampire Horror // Creature - Eldrazi Vampire
14 Voracious Null
$0.05 Creature - Zombie
3 Voracious Vampire
$0.10 Creature - Vampire Knight
8 Vulturous Aven
$0.05 Creature - Bird Shaman
4 Wailing Ghoul
$0.03 Creature - Zombie
1 Wakening Sun's Avatar
$0.74 Creature - Dinosaur Avatar
1 Waker of the Wilds
$0.11 Creature - Merfolk Shaman
3 Walker of the Wastes
$0.17 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Walking Ballista
$11.11 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Walking Corpse
$0.17 Creature - Zombie
3 Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs
$0.05 Artifact Creature - Wall
2 Wall of Mist
$0.08 Creature - Wall
3 Wandering Tombshell
$0.03 Creature - Zombie Turtle
1 Wanted Scoundrels
$0.08 Creature - Human Pirate
1 War Behemoth
$0.02 Creature - Beast
2 Warbringer
$0.07 Creature - Orc Berserker
3 Warcry Phoenix
$0.08 Creature - Phoenix
1 Warden of Geometries
$0.10 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Warfire Javelineer
$0.04 Creature - Minotaur Warrior
1 Wary Okapi
$0.02 Creature - Antelope
1 Wasteland Scorpion
$0.04 Creature - Scorpion
1 Wasteland Strangler
$0.18 Creature - Eldrazi Processor
3 Watcher in the Mist
$0.05 Creature - Spirit
2 Watcher in the Web
$0.10 Creature - Spider
3 Watchers of the Dead
$0.07 Artifact Creature - Cat
4 Watchful Automaton
$0.02 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Watchful Naga
$0.07 Creature - Naga Wizard
7 Watercourser
$0.20 Creature - Elemental
3 Watertrap Weaver
$0.04 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
12 Wave-Wing Elemental
$0.03 Creature - Elemental
3 Wayward Giant
$0.02 Creature - Giant
2 Wayward Servant
$0.27 Creature - Zombie
1 Weaponcraft Enthusiast
$0.14 Creature - Aetherborn Artificer
2 Weapons Trainer
$0.03 Creature - Human Soldier Ally
3 Weaver of Currents
$0.10 Creature - Naga Druid
2 Weaver of Lightning
$0.05 Creature - Human Shaman
1 Wee Dragonauts
$0.06 Creature - Faerie Wizard
2 Weirded Vampire
$0.05 Creature - Vampire Horror
4 Welder Automaton
$0.07 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Weldfast Monitor
$0.05 Artifact Creature - Lizard
3 Weldfast Wingsmith
$0.02 Creature - Human Artificer
1 Welkin Tern
$0.16 Creature - Bird
1 Wetland Sambar
$0.03 Creature - Elk
2 Whirlwind Adept
$0.05 Creature - Djinn Monk
2 Whisper Agent
$0.02 Creature - Human Rogue
1 Wicker Witch
$0.04 Artifact Creature - Scarecrow
5 Wild Ceratok
$0.05 Creature - Rhino
5 Wild Wanderer
$0.06 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Wild-Field Scarecrow
$0.23 Artifact Creature - Scarecrow
1 Wildgrowth Walker
$0.46 Creature - Elemental
1 Wily Bandar
$0.06 Creature - Cat Monkey
2 Wily Goblin
$0.28 Creature - Goblin Pirate
3 Wind Drake
$0.07 Creature - Drake
5 Wind-Kin Raiders
$0.02 Creature - Human Artificer
2 Windgrace Acolyte
$0.02 Creature - Cat Warrior
1 Winding Constrictor
$0.33 Creature - Snake
4 Windrider Patrol
$0.04 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Winged Shepherd
$0.07 Creature - Angel
1 Wishcoin Crab
$0.02 Creature - Crab
1 Wispweaver Angel
$0.11 Creature - Angel
3 Wojek Bodyguard
$0.03 Creature - Human Soldier
2 Woodland Patrol
$0.04 Creature - Human Scout
3 Workshop Assistant
$0.08 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 World Breaker
$3.04 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Worldsoul Colossus
$0.06 Creature - Elemental
3 Wretched Camel
$0.02 Creature - Zombie Camel
2 Wretched Gryff
$0.12 Creature - Eldrazi Hippogriff
1 Yavimaya Sapherd
$0.06 Creature - Fungus
2 Yeva's Forcemage
$0.03 Creature - Elf Shaman
4 Yoked Ox
$0.06 Creature - Ox
3 Zada's Commando
$0.05 Creature - Goblin Archer Ally
2 Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Djinn
6 Zephyr Scribe
$0.07 Creature - Human Monk
1 Zetalpa, Primal Dawn
$0.28 Legendary Creature - Elder Dinosaur
3 Zulaport Chainmage
$0.02 Creature - Human Shaman Ally
5 Zulaport Cutthroat
$1.99 Creature - Human Rogue Ally
Instant (1108)
1 Abandon Reason
$0.11 Instant
1 Abrade
$0.14 Instant
3 Abstruse Interference
$0.03 Instant
3 Acrobatic Maneuver
$0.12 Instant
1 Adamant Will
$0.04 Instant
7 Adverse Conditions
$0.05 Instant
4 Aether Tradewinds
$0.02 Instant
3 Aggressive Urge
$0.05 Instant
2 Aim High
$0.10 Instant
4 Alley Evasion
$0.07 Instant
11 Altar's Reap
N/A Instant
3 Ambuscade
$0.06 Instant
3 Ancient Animus
$0.08 Instant
16 Anticipate
$0.06 Instant
3 Appetite for the Unnatural
$0.05 Instant
3 Arbor Armament
$0.05 Instant
3 Artful Maneuver
$0.02 Instant
3 Artful Takedown
$0.09 Instant
5 Artificer's Epiphany
$0.13 Instant
1 Assassin's Trophy
$2.48 Instant
1 Assure // Assemble
$0.10 Instant // Instant //
1 Battlewise Valor
$0.02 Instant
2 Befuddle
$0.01 Instant
1 Blazing Hope
$0.04 Instant
2 Blessed Alliance
$0.17 Instant
2 Blessed Light
$0.05 Instant
4 Blessing of Belzenlok
$0.02 Instant
2 Blinding Fog
$0.20 Instant
1 Blinding Spray
$0.04 Instant
2 Blink of an Eye
$0.07 Instant
4 Blossoming Defense
$0.75 Instant
4 Bombard
$0.03 Instant
5 Bone to Ash
$0.02 Instant
1 Borrowed Grace
$0.03 Instant
1 Borrowed Hostility
$0.03 Instant
3 Brute Strength
$0.04 Instant
1 Buccaneer's Bravado
$0.05 Instant
2 Built to Last
$0.02 Instant
1 Built to Smash
$0.08 Instant
4 Butcher's Glee
$0.03 Instant
6 Calculated Dismissal
$0.06 Instant
4 Cancel
$0.06 Instant
2 Cast Down
$0.41 Instant
1 Catalog
$0.04 Instant
4 Celestial Flare
$0.04 Instant
7 Center Soul
$0.06 Instant
1 Ceremonious Rejection
$0.14 Instant
1 Chandra's Defeat
$0.08 Instant
10 Chandra's Fury
$0.04 Instant
2 Chandra's Pyrohelix
$0.04 Instant
1 Channel Harm
$0.08 Instant
1 Charge
$0.04 Instant
2 Chilling Grasp
$0.09 Instant
1 Chronostutter
$0.07 Instant
3 Clip Wings
$0.04 Instant
3 Coat with Venom
$0.03 Instant
3 Collar the Culprit
$0.02 Instant
3 Collateral Damage
$0.04 Instant
2 Command the Storm
$0.06 Instant
2 Commit // Memory
$0.46 Instant // Sorcery //
6 Comparative Analysis
$0.03 Instant
4 Compelling Deterrence
$0.08 Instant
8 Complete Disregard
$0.04 Instant
4 Confront the Unknown
$0.08 Instant
1 Consign // Oblivion
$0.37 Instant // Sorcery //
1 Consuming Sinkhole
$0.03 Instant
6 Contradict
$0.05 Instant
2 Convolute
$0.03 Instant
4 Corpse Churn
$0.05 Instant
4 Countervailing Winds
$0.20 Instant
3 Crash the Ramparts
$0.03 Instant
1 Crippling Chill
$0.03 Instant
4 Cruel Finality
$0.02 Instant
4 Cruel Revival
$0.06 Instant
2 Crushing Canopy
$0.02 Instant
3 Dance of the Skywise
$0.16 Instant
1 Dance with Devils
$0.13 Instant
1 Dark Bargain
$0.03 Instant
8 Dark Dabbling
$0.15 Instant
1 Dazzling Lights
$0.06 Instant
3 Dazzling Reflection
$0.08 Instant
1 Death Wind
$0.07 Instant
1 Decision Paralysis
$0.02 Instant
4 Decommission
$0.04 Instant
3 Deft Dismissal
$0.02 Instant
2 Demystify
$0.05 Instant
4 Deny Existence
$0.05 Instant
2 Depths of Desire
$0.04 Instant
1 Destined // Lead
$0.09 Instant // Sorcery //
2 Devious Cover-Up
$0.06 Instant
2 Dinosaur Stampede
$0.26 Instant
2 Disappearing Act
$0.11 Instant
3 Disdainful Stroke
$0.06 Instant
10 Dispel
$0.24 Instant
8 Disperse
$0.03 Instant
2 Dissension in the Ranks
$0.03 Instant
1 Dissenter's Deliverance
$0.06 Instant
2 Dive Down
$0.12 Instant
4 Divine Verdict
$0.04 Instant
1 Djeru's Renunciation
$0.02 Instant
1 Djeru's Resolve
$0.08 Instant
5 Draconic Roar
$0.09 Instant
3 Dramatic Reversal
$2.10 Instant
1 Dromoka's Gift
$0.05 Instant
5 Dual Shot
$0.07 Instant
1 Echoing Truth
$0.25 Instant
3 Electrify
$0.10 Instant
2 Elemental Uprising
$0.03 Instant
1 Encircling Fissure
$0.07 Instant
5 Enduring Victory
$0.02 Instant
1 Engulf the Shore
$0.76 Instant
2 Enhanced Awareness
$0.05 Instant
1 Enshrouding Mist
$0.02 Instant
1 Ephemeral Shields
$0.09 Instant
2 Essence Extraction
$0.06 Instant
1 Essence Flux
$1.41 Instant
4 Essence Scatter
$0.03 Instant
1 Expansion // Explosion
$0.41 Instant // Instant //
4 Expedite
$0.12 Instant
2 Expel from Orazca
$0.26 Instant
1 Expose Evil
$0.07 Instant
2 Failed Inspection
$0.07 Instant
1 Failure // Comply
$0.21 Instant // Sorcery //
1 Farm // Market
$0.03 Instant // Sorcery //
3 Fate Forgotten
$0.04 Instant
4 Fervent Strike
$0.04 Instant
1 Fiery Cannonade
$0.09 Instant
2 Fiery Conclusion
$0.09 Instant
8 Fiery Impulse
$0.21 Instant
1 Fiery Temper
$0.19 Instant
2 Final Reward
$0.02 Instant
6 Flatten
$0.05 Instant
2 Fling
$0.06 Instant
1 Forsake the Worldly
$0.12 Instant
1 Fortify
$0.03 Instant
3 Foul-Tongue Invocation
$0.06 Instant
5 Foul-Tongue Shriek
$0.20 Instant
1 Fungal Infection
$0.06 Instant
1 Galestrike
$0.03 Instant
4 Galvanic Bombardment
$0.02 Instant
14 Gideon's Reproach
$0.05 Instant
2 Gift of Strength
$0.02 Instant
2 Glimmer of Genius
$0.05 Instant
7 Glint
$0.03 Instant
3 Grapple with the Past
$0.18 Instant
1 Grasp of Darkness
$0.10 Instant
9 Grave Birthing
$0.07 Instant
3 Gravepurge
$0.12 Instant
5 Grip of Desolation
$0.06 Instant
1 Grip of the Roil
$0.03 Instant
2 Grotesque Mutation
$0.02 Instant
1 Hapatra's Mark
$0.12 Instant
1 Harnessed Lightning
$0.19 Instant
2 Haze of Pollen
$0.10 Instant
1 Healing Grace
$0.04 Instant
1 Heaven // Earth
$0.22 Instant // Sorcery //
1 Heroic Intervention
$10.75 Instant
3 Hieroglyphic Illumination
$0.07 Instant
4 Highspire Infusion
$0.05 Instant
2 Honor's Reward
$0.05 Instant
2 Horribly Awry
$0.04 Instant
2 Hungry Flames
$0.05 Instant
1 Hydrolash
$0.03 Instant
3 Hypothesizzle
$0.02 Instant
1 Illusionist's Stratagem
$0.28 Instant
1 Immolating Glare
$0.06 Instant
9 Impeccable Timing
$0.02 Instant
2 In Oketra's Name
$0.04 Instant
2 Incendiary Sabotage
$0.04 Instant
1 Inescapable Blaze
$0.04 Instant
1 Infuse with the Elements
$0.07 Instant
1 Inner Struggle
$0.05 Instant
16 Inspired Charge
$0.03 Instant
1 Inspiring Call
$0.84 Instant
1 Integrity // Intervention
$0.09 Instant // Instant //
1 Invasive Surgery
$0.10 Instant
2 Invoke the Divine
$0.05 Instant
1 Ionize
$0.26 Instant
1 Jace's Defeat
$0.06 Instant
1 Jace's Ingenuity
$0.05 Instant
2 Jace's Scrutiny
$0.03 Instant
1 Jeskai Charm
$0.11 Instant
2 Join Shields
$0.10 Instant
2 Just the Wind
$0.09 Instant
1 Justice Strike
$0.22 Instant
10 Kindled Fury
$0.05 Instant
4 Lead by Example
$0.07 Instant
2 Learn from the Past
$0.07 Instant
2 Leave in the Dust
$0.09 Instant
2 Life Goes On
$0.06 Instant
3 Lifecrafter's Gift
$0.02 Instant
1 Lightning Axe
$0.17 Instant
2 Lightning Strike
$0.17 Instant
9 Lithomancer's Focus
$0.05 Instant
1 Lookout's Dispersal
$0.20 Instant
2 Magma Spray
$0.05 Instant
1 Make a Stand
$0.14 Instant
1 Meditation Puzzle
$0.08 Instant
5 Merciless Resolve
$0.06 Instant
3 Metallic Rebuke
$0.19 Instant
2 Might of the Masses
$0.04 Instant
10 Mighty Leap
$0.07 Instant
2 Moment of Craving
$0.03 Instant
1 Moment of Triumph
$0.05 Instant
2 Moonlight Hunt
$0.29 Instant
1 Mortal's Ardor
$0.03 Instant
2 Murder
$0.04 Instant
7 Natural Connection
$0.04 Instant
3 Natural Obsolescence
$0.12 Instant
5 Naturalize
$0.08 Instant
20 Negate
$0.14 Instant
6 Ojutai's Breath
$0.06 Instant
3 Open Fire
$0.03 Instant
6 Opt
$0.17 Instant
3 Ornamental Courage
$0.04 Instant
1 Otherworldly Outburst
$0.05 Instant
10 Outnumber
$0.07 Instant
1 Overwhelming Denial
$0.20 Instant
2 Pack's Favor
$0.03 Instant
3 Pause for Reflection
$0.07 Instant
1 Pay No Heed
$0.06 Instant
1 Perilous Predicament
$0.06 Instant
2 Perilous Voyage
$0.07 Instant
7 Plummet
$0.02 Instant
4 Precise Strike
$0.03 Instant
1 Prepare // Fight
$0.14 Instant // Sorcery //
2 Pressure Point
$0.03 Instant
1 Pride of Conquerors
$0.08 Instant
3 Psychic Rebuttal
$0.11 Instant
6 Pulse of Murasa
$0.12 Instant
3 Puncturing Light
$0.05 Instant
1 Punish the Enemy
$0.04 Instant
3 Pursue Glory
$0.03 Instant
3 Radiating Lightning
$0.12 Instant
2 Radical Idea
$0.03 Instant
2 Rakshasa's Disdain
$0.06 Instant
1 Rallying Roar
$0.07 Instant
4 Ravaging Blaze
$0.12 Instant
2 Reality Hemorrhage
$0.06 Instant
2 Reality Shift
$0.54 Instant
1 Reaver Ambush
$0.02 Instant
1 Reckless Rage
$1.10 Instant
1 Reclaim
$0.10 Instant
1 Reduce // Rubble
$0.06 Instant // Sorcery //
1 Refocus
$0.10 Instant
6 Renegade's Getaway
$0.04 Instant
1 Renewed Faith
$0.04 Instant
2 Rescue
$0.03 Instant
2 Resupply
$0.04 Instant
2 Revealing Wind
$0.07 Instant
4 Revolutionary Rebuff
$0.02 Instant
1 Ride Down
$0.07 Instant
2 Righteous Blow
$0.04 Instant
2 Ritual of Rejuvenation
$0.10 Instant
2 River Heralds' Boon
$0.08 Instant
4 Roil's Retribution
$0.03 Instant
10 Roilmage's Trick
$0.04 Instant
1 Root Snare
$0.04 Instant
1 Run Aground
$0.04 Instant
2 Run Amok
$0.04 Instant
2 Rush of Adrenaline
$0.04 Instant
2 Rush of Vitality
$0.06 Instant
1 Sanctified Charge
$0.04 Instant
5 Sandblast
$0.06 Instant
1 Sanguine Sacrament
$0.22 Instant
4 Sarkhan's Rage
$0.04 Instant
2 Sarkhan's Triumph
$2.07 Instant
1 Savage Alliance
$0.10 Instant
3 Scale Blessing
$0.06 Instant
2 Scarab Feast
$0.05 Instant
11 Scour from Existence
$0.14 Instant
3 Scour the Laboratory
$0.08 Instant
2 Searing Light
$0.02 Instant
2 Seismic Strike
$0.22 Instant
7 Send to Sleep
$0.07 Instant
1 Shape the Sands
$0.05 Instant
4 Shatter
$0.02 Instant
2 Shed Weakness
$0.03 Instant
1 Shivan Fire
$0.02 Instant
8 Shock
$0.04 Instant
1 Show of Valor
$0.08 Instant
2 Silverstrike
$0.04 Instant
1 Sinister Sabotage
$0.13 Instant
1 Siren's Ruse
$0.17 Instant
2 Skulduggery
$0.03 Instant
1 Slash of Talons
$0.04 Instant
1 Slice in Twain
$0.03 Instant
7 Smash to Smithereens
$0.20 Instant
11 Smite the Monstrous
$0.09 Instant
2 Sonic Assault
$0.03 Instant
3 Spatial Contortion
$0.17 Instant
4 Spell Pierce
$0.18 Instant
6 Spell Shrivel
$0.04 Instant
2 Splendid Agony
$0.06 Instant
3 Spore Swarm
$0.17 Instant
1 Springsage Ritual
$0.03 Instant
2 Start // Finish
$0.06 Instant // Sorcery //
1 Status // Statue
$0.08 Instant // Instant //
3 Stinging Shot
$0.04 Instant
11 Stonefury
$0.02 Instant
4 Strength of Arms
$0.05 Instant
1 Struggle // Survive
$0.07 Instant // Sorcery //
4 Subtle Strike
$0.05 Instant
3 Succumb to Temptation
$0.09 Instant
1 Sultai Charm
$0.20 Instant
3 Supernatural Stamina
$0.09 Instant
1 Supreme Will
$0.08 Instant
18 Sure Strike
$0.06 Instant
1 Surge of Righteousness
$0.07 Instant
2 Survive the Night
$0.02 Instant
5 Sweep Away
$0.05 Instant
5 Swell of Growth
$0.06 Instant
1 Swift Justice
$0.05 Instant
1 Synchronized Strike
$0.06 Instant
1 Syncopate
$0.05 Instant
2 Tail Slash
$0.04 Instant
4 Take Heart
$0.02 Instant
5 Take into Custody
$0.04 Instant
12 Tandem Tactics
$0.01 Instant
5 Tar Snare
$0.03 Instant
1 Tears of Valakut
$0.12 Instant
3 Tidy Conclusion
$0.04 Instant
4 Titan's Presence
$0.23 Instant
3 Titan's Strength
$0.08 Instant
2 Titanic Growth
$0.04 Instant
1 Torment of Venom
$0.03 Instant
1 Totally Lost
$0.03 Instant
8 Touch of Moonglove
$0.06 Instant
6 Tragic Lesson
$0.05 Instant
5 Tread Upon
$0.05 Instant
2 Trumpet Blast
$0.02 Instant
5 Turn Against
$0.08 Instant
1 Turn Aside
$0.11 Instant
5 Twin Bolt
$0.03 Instant
1 Ultimate Price
$0.11 Instant
4 Uncaged Fury
$0.05 Instant
3 Unexplained Disappearance
$0.07 Instant
3 Unfriendly Fire
$0.02 Instant
9 Unholy Hunger
$0.06 Instant
1 Unity of Purpose
$0.04 Instant
2 Unlicensed Disintegration
$0.08 Instant
6 Unnatural Aggression
$0.04 Instant
2 Unnatural Endurance
$0.04 Instant
9 Unsummon
$0.05 Instant
1 Unwind
$0.63 Instant
3 Vampire's Zeal
$0.05 Instant
3 Vanquish the Weak
$0.07 Instant
2 Verdant Rebirth
$0.15 Instant
5 Vicious Offering
$0.03 Instant
4 Vines of the Recluse
$0.04 Instant
1 Void Shatter
$0.15 Instant
6 Volcanic Rush
$0.02 Instant
10 Volcanic Upheaval
$0.07 Instant
1 War Flare
$0.03 Instant
1 Waxing Moon
$0.11 Instant
3 Welding Sparks
$0.06 Instant
1 Wild Onslaught
$0.06 Instant
3 Winds of Rebuke
$0.11 Instant
3 Without Weakness
$0.07 Instant
1 Wizard's Lightning
$0.17 Instant
1 Woodcutter's Grit
$0.05 Instant
Sorcery (729)
7 Act of Treason
$0.05 Sorcery
2 Adventurous Impulse
$0.05 Sorcery
5 Alchemist's Greeting
$0.04 Sorcery
3 Allied Reinforcements
$0.05 Sorcery
7 Alms of the Vein
$0.38 Sorcery
1 Anchor to the Aether
$0.02 Sorcery
3 Angelic Purge
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Arterial Flow
$0.41 Sorcery
3 Attune with Aether
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Awe for the Guilds
$0.03 Sorcery
1 Baral's Expertise
$0.30 Sorcery
1 Bathe in Dragonfire
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Beneath the Sands
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Benefaction of Rhonas
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Blazing Volley
$0.10 Sorcery
1 Board the Weatherlight
$0.06 Sorcery
14 Boiling Earth
$0.10 Sorcery
8 Bone Splinters
$0.03 Sorcery
1 Bontu's Last Reckoning
$0.44 Sorcery
1 Boulder Salvo
$0.04 Sorcery
11 Brilliant Spectrum
$0.09 Sorcery
2 Broken Bond
$0.31 Sorcery
1 By Force
$0.44 Sorcery
3 Call the Cavalry
$0.04 Sorcery
6 Call the Scions
$0.09 Sorcery
2 Call to the Feast
$0.15 Sorcery
1 Camaraderie
$0.28 Sorcery
3 Cathartic Reunion
$0.19 Sorcery
2 Cemetery Recruitment
$0.10 Sorcery
2 Certain Death
$0.09 Sorcery
4 Chandra's Revolution
$0.03 Sorcery
3 Chaplain's Blessing
$0.12 Sorcery
2 Chart a Course
$0.25 Sorcery
1 Citywide Bust
$0.15 Sorcery
1 Claim // Fame
$0.17 Sorcery // Sorcery //
2 Cleansing Ray
$0.02 Sorcery
9 Clutch of Currents
$0.08 Sorcery
5 Coastal Discovery
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Coax from the Blind Eternities
$0.15 Sorcery
3 Compelling Argument
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Cone of Flame
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Connive // Concoct
$0.14 Sorcery // Sorcery //
1 Contingency Plan
$0.10 Sorcery
1 Contract Killing
$0.03 Sorcery
1 Cosmotronic Wave
$0.07 Sorcery
4 Crash Through
$0.11 Sorcery
1 Creeping Chill
$0.20 Sorcery
1 Creeping Mold
$0.05 Sorcery
4 Crumble to Dust
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Cut // Ribbons
$0.39 Sorcery // Sorcery //
4 Daring Demolition
$0.02 Sorcery
1 Dark Deal
$5.06 Sorcery
1 Dark Inquiry
$0.02 Sorcery
1 Deafening Clarion
$0.23 Sorcery
4 Defeat
$0.02 Sorcery
13 Demolish
$0.02 Sorcery
13 Demon's Grasp
$0.03 Sorcery
5 Destructive Tampering
$0.02 Sorcery
2 Devour in Flames
$0.05 Sorcery
2 Diabolic Tutor
$1.10 Sorcery
1 Die Young
$0.02 Sorcery
2 Direct Current
$0.03 Sorcery
1 Discovery // Dispersal
$0.12 Sorcery // Instant //
3 Distemper of the Blood
$0.07 Sorcery
1 Divest
$0.05 Sorcery
3 Divination
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Doomfall
$0.07 Sorcery
1 Drag Under
$0.06 Sorcery
14 Dragon Fodder
$0.14 Sorcery
1 Driven // Despair
$0.24 Sorcery // Sorcery //
8 Duress
$0.04 Sorcery
13 Dutiful Return
$0.06 Sorcery
5 Earthen Arms
$0.08 Sorcery
2 Epic Confrontation
$0.02 Sorcery
1 Ethereal Guidance
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Eviscerate
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Explosive Vegetation
$0.48 Sorcery
2 Eyeblight Massacre
$0.03 Sorcery
1 Fierce Invocation
$0.01 Sorcery
1 Fiery Intervention
$0.03 Sorcery
1 Final Parting
$0.33 Sorcery
1 Firecannon Blast
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Floodwaters
$0.02 Sorcery
1 Flower // Flourish
$0.05 Sorcery // Sorcery //
1 Fortuitous Find
$0.07 Sorcery
4 Fragmentize
$0.08 Sorcery
2 From Under the Floorboards
$0.18 Sorcery
1 Fumigate
$0.73 Sorcery
1 Gather the Pack
$0.14 Sorcery
1 Ghostform
$0.03 Sorcery
2 Gird for Battle
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Golden Demise
$0.08 Sorcery
3 Gone Missing
$0.04 Sorcery
3 Gravitic Punch
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Grim Captain's Call
$0.06 Sorcery
3 Grow from the Ashes
$0.19 Sorcery
1 Gruesome Fate
$0.15 Sorcery
2 Harsh Scrutiny
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Harvest Season
$2.24 Sorcery
9 Healing Hands
$0.05 Sorcery
5 Hijack
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Hordeling Outburst
$0.38 Sorcery
1 Hour of Devastation
$0.46 Sorcery
1 Hour of Revelation
$1.29 Sorcery
4 Hunt the Weak
$0.05 Sorcery
2 Impale
$0.02 Sorcery
2 Incendiary Flow
$0.06 Sorcery
2 Incremental Growth
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Insult // Injury
$1.09 Sorcery // Sorcery //
1 Into the Void
$0.06 Sorcery
2 Ironwright's Cleansing
$0.01 Sorcery
1 Kamahl's Druidic Vow
$0.64 Legendary Sorcery
1 Kari Zev's Expertise
$0.60 Sorcery
1 Kefnet's Last Word
$0.13 Sorcery
5 Larger Than Life
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Lava Coil
$0.06 Sorcery
2 Legion's Judgment
$0.02 Sorcery
2 Lethal Sting
$0.05 Sorcery
8 Lightning Javelin
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Liliana's Defeat
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Live Fast
$0.03 Sorcery
5 Lose Calm
$0.05 Sorcery
12 Macabre Waltz
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Madcap Experiment
$0.16 Sorcery
6 Magmatic Chasm
$0.10 Sorcery
4 Magmatic Insight
$0.15 Sorcery
1 Make Mischief
$0.03 Sorcery
4 Malevolent Whispers
$0.03 Sorcery
3 March of the Drowned
$0.13 Sorcery
2 Maximize Altitude
$0.07 Sorcery
2 Maximize Velocity
$0.05 Sorcery
2 Mephitic Vapors
$0.07 Sorcery
10 Mind Rot
$0.03 Sorcery
12 Mire's Malice
$0.03 Sorcery
1 Mnemonic Betrayal
$6.09 Sorcery
1 Monstrous Onslaught
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Morbid Curiosity
$0.12 Sorcery
1 Mouth // Feed
$0.18 Sorcery // Sorcery //
5 Murderous Compulsion
$0.08 Sorcery
6 Mystic Meditation
$0.05 Sorcery
3 Nagging Thoughts
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Nahiri's Wrath
$0.36 Sorcery
1 Nature's Spiral
$0.07 Sorcery
4 Necromantic Summons
$0.12 Sorcery
2 Never // Return
$0.25 Sorcery // Sorcery //
7 Nightsnare
$0.03 Sorcery
4 Nissa's Defeat
$0.05 Sorcery
2 Nissa's Encouragement
$0.19 Sorcery
1 Not Forgotten
$0.07 Sorcery
3 Notion Rain
$0.09 Sorcery
5 Oblivion Strike
$0.04 Sorcery
3 Ojutai's Summons
$0.03 Sorcery
2 Ondu Rising
$0.05 Sorcery
2 Open into Wonder
$0.21 Sorcery
1 Open the Armory
$2.39 Sorcery
2 Painful Lesson
$0.09 Sorcery
3 Pieces of the Puzzle
$0.09 Sorcery
2 Pirate's Pillage
$0.31 Sorcery
2 Pirate's Prize
$0.12 Sorcery
2 Pore Over the Pages
$0.12 Sorcery
2 Press for Answers
$0.05 Sorcery
10 Prey Upon
$0.08 Sorcery
1 Primevals' Glorious Rebirth
$0.96 Legendary Sorcery
5 Processor Assault
$0.02 Sorcery
4 Puncturing Blow
$0.02 Sorcery
1 Pyrotechnics
$0.02 Sorcery
2 Quasiduplicate
$0.43 Sorcery
2 Queen's Commission
$0.06 Sorcery
6 Rabid Bite
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Raise Dead
$0.07 Sorcery
1 Razaketh's Rite
$0.32 Sorcery
5 Read the Bones
$0.35 Sorcery
1 Reason // Believe
$0.21 Sorcery // Sorcery //
5 Reave Soul
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Reclaiming Vines
$0.04 Sorcery
6 Recover
$0.05 Sorcery
6 Reduce to Ashes
$0.04 Sorcery
2 Refurbish
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Release the Gremlins
$0.21 Sorcery
1 Remorseless Punishment
$0.08 Sorcery
5 Renegade Tactics
$0.07 Sorcery
3 Resourceful Return
$0.07 Sorcery
2 Reverse Engineer
$0.09 Sorcery
2 Rile
$0.13 Sorcery
6 Rising Miasma
$0.09 Sorcery
2 Roast
$0.13 Sorcery
4 Roil Spout
$0.03 Sorcery
2 Roiling Waters
$0.03 Sorcery
7 Rolling Thunder
$0.08 Sorcery
3 Root Out
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Ruin in Their Wake
$0.08 Sorcery
13 Rush of Ice
$0.07 Sorcery
1 Saproling Migration
$0.12 Sorcery
1 Savage Stomp
$0.11 Sorcery
1 Secrets of the Golden City
$0.06 Sorcery
4 Seek the Wilds
$0.03 Sorcery
1 Seismic Shift
$0.05 Sorcery
3 Self-Inflicted Wound
$0.04 Sorcery
3 Servo Exhibition
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Severed Strands
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Shamble Back
$0.07 Sorcery
16 Sheer Drop
$0.03 Sorcery
5 Shoulder to Shoulder
$0.03 Sorcery
1 Sight Beyond Sight
$0.06 Sorcery
2 Slip Through Space
$0.32 Sorcery
1 Sparkmage's Gambit
$0.03 Sorcery
3 Spectral Reserves
$0.05 Sorcery
2 Sphinx's Decree
$0.15 Sorcery
2 Spreading Rot
$0.04 Sorcery
2 Spring // Mind
$0.12 Sorcery // Instant //
1 Sprouting Renewal
$0.07 Sorcery
1 Star of Extinction
$1.16 Sorcery
1 Start Your Engines
$0.13 Sorcery
1 Stensia Banquet
$0.10 Sorcery
1 Stir the Sands
$0.08 Sorcery
2 Strategic Planning
$0.03 Sorcery
1 Structural Distortion
$0.03 Sorcery
7 Swarm Surge
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Sworn Companions
$0.07 Sorcery
5 Taigam's Strike
$0.03 Sorcery
2 Take Down
$0.06 Sorcery
2 Take Inventory
$0.07 Sorcery
5 Tezzeret's Ambition
$0.03 Sorcery
2 Tezzeret's Betrayal
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Thought Erasure
$0.16 Sorcery
2 Torment of Hailfire
$19.89 Sorcery
3 Tormented Thoughts
$0.04 Sorcery
13 Tormenting Voice
$0.06 Sorcery
6 Touch of the Void
$0.04 Sorcery
2 Transgress the Mind
$0.06 Sorcery
2 Ugin's Insight
$0.18 Sorcery
4 Unburden
$0.03 Sorcery
3 Unconventional Tactics
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Undercity Uprising
$0.04 Sorcery
4 Unified Front
$0.02 Sorcery
5 Vandalize
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Vicious Rumors
$0.29 Sorcery
2 Violent Impact
$0.04 Sorcery
3 Walk the Plank
$0.13 Sorcery
1 Wander in Death
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Warlord's Fury
$0.14 Sorcery
1 Whispers of Emrakul
$0.08 Sorcery
1 Wildest Dreams
$0.27 Sorcery
1 Wing Snare
$0.03 Sorcery
2 Witness the End
$0.03 Sorcery
7 Wrangle
$0.09 Sorcery
Artifact (307)
1 Abandoned Sarcophagus
$0.12 Artifact
1 Abzan Banner
$0.11 Artifact
1 Aetherflux Reservoir
$12.75 Artifact
8 Alchemist's Vial
$0.08 Artifact
1 Angel's Tomb
$0.09 Artifact
6 Aradara Express
$0.03 Artifact - Vehicle
4 Atarka Monument
$0.09 Artifact
1 Ballista Charger
$0.09 Artifact - Vehicle
4 Bloodtallow Candle
$0.03 Artifact
3 Bone Saw
$0.08 Artifact - Equipment
1 Bontu's Monument
$4.80 Legendary Artifact
3 Boros Locket
$0.05 Artifact
5 Brawler's Plate
$0.12 Artifact - Equipment
1 Cathar's Shield
$0.15 Artifact - Equipment
2 Chitinous Cloak
$0.08 Artifact - Equipment
3 Cobbled Wings
$0.06 Artifact - Equipment
1 Cogworker's Puzzleknot
$0.04 Artifact
4 Consulate Turret
$0.07 Artifact
1 Crook of Condemnation
$0.07 Artifact
1 Cryptolith Fragment // Aurora of Emrakul
$0.54 Artifact // Creature - Eldrazi Reflection
1 Cultist's Staff
$0.04 Artifact - Equipment
2 Dagger of the Worthy
$0.06 Artifact - Equipment
1 Damping Sphere
$0.48 Artifact
2 Daredevil Dragster
$0.03 Artifact - Vehicle
4 Decoction Module
$0.13 Artifact
1 Desecrated Tomb
$1.52 Artifact
1 Dimir Locket
$0.11 Artifact
1 Dowsing Dagger // Lost Vale
$7.03 Artifact - Equipment // Land
4 Dromoka Monument
$0.17 Artifact
1 Dusk Legion Dreadnought
$0.10 Artifact - Vehicle
1 Embalmer's Tools
$0.11 Artifact
5 Explosive Apparatus
$0.02 Artifact
1 Fabrication Module
$0.27 Artifact
1 Fell Flagship
$0.48 Artifact - Vehicle
4 Fireforger's Puzzleknot
$0.03 Artifact
2 Gate Smasher
$0.13 Artifact - Equipment
6 Glassblower's Puzzleknot
$0.08 Artifact
3 Golgari Locket
$0.05 Artifact
1 Haunted Cloak
$0.08 Artifact - Equipment
1 Hazoret's Monument
$0.88 Legendary Artifact
1 Heart of Kiran
$0.32 Legendary Artifact - Vehicle
5 Hedron Archive
$0.14 Artifact
6 Hedron Blade
$0.08 Artifact - Equipment
1 Hierophant's Chalice
$0.04 Artifact
3 Honed Khopesh
$0.07 Artifact - Equipment
3 Implement of Combustion
$0.17 Artifact
7 Implement of Examination
$0.04 Artifact
4 Implement of Ferocity
$0.05 Artifact
5 Implement of Improvement
$0.08 Artifact
2 Implement of Malice
$0.03 Artifact
2 Inventor's Goggles
$0.09 Artifact - Equipment
5 Irontread Crusher
$0.04 Artifact - Vehicle
2 Izzet Locket
$0.15 Artifact
4 Jayemdae Tome
$0.06 Artifact
2 Jeskai Banner
$0.08 Artifact
3 Jousting Lance
$0.07 Artifact - Equipment
1 Key to the City
$0.33 Artifact
1 Kolaghan Monument
$0.21 Artifact
5 Luxa River Shrine
$0.09 Artifact
2 Manalith
$0.07 Artifact
1 Metalspinner's Puzzleknot
$0.03 Artifact
1 Meteorite
$0.05 Artifact
2 Mirage Mirror
$0.50 Artifact
4 Mobile Garrison
$0.14 Artifact - Vehicle
2 Murderer's Axe
$0.08 Artifact - Equipment
1 Navigator's Compass
$0.06 Artifact
1 Neglected Heirloom // Ashmouth Blade
$0.16 Artifact - Equipment // Artifact - Equipment
3 Orazca Relic
$0.07 Artifact
1 Ovalchase Dragster
$0.11 Artifact - Vehicle
2 Pacification Array
$0.13 Artifact
5 Pathway Arrows
$0.09 Artifact - Equipment
1 Peacewalker Colossus
$0.31 Artifact - Vehicle
4 Pendulum of Patterns
$0.08 Artifact
1 Perpetual Timepiece
$0.28 Artifact
3 Pirate's Cutlass
$0.05 Artifact - Equipment
1 Powerstone Shard
$0.09 Artifact
1 Primal Amulet // Primal Wellspring
$11.00 Artifact // Land
1 Prism Ring
$0.30 Artifact
5 Prophetic Prism
$0.07 Artifact
1 Prying Blade
$0.19 Artifact - Equipment
2 Renegade Freighter
$0.09 Artifact - Vehicle
5 Renegade Map
$0.04 Artifact
3 Seer's Lantern
$0.05 Artifact
2 Selesnya Locket
$0.08 Artifact
2 Servo Schematic
$0.15 Artifact
1 Shadowed Caravel
$0.22 Artifact - Vehicle
1 Shard of Broken Glass
$0.04 Artifact - Equipment
4 Short Sword
$0.02 Artifact - Equipment
4 Sigil of Valor
$0.14 Artifact - Equipment
1 Silent Dart
$0.04 Artifact
2 Silent Gravestone
$0.40 Artifact
2 Silumgar Monument
$0.15 Artifact
4 Skeleton Key
$0.17 Artifact - Equipment
2 Sky Skiff
$0.06 Artifact - Vehicle
1 Skysovereign, Consul Flagship
$1.26 Legendary Artifact - Vehicle
6 Slab Hammer
$0.09 Artifact - Equipment
1 Slayer's Cleaver
$0.07 Artifact - Equipment
1 Sleek Schooner
$0.08 Artifact - Vehicle
1 Sorcerer's Wand
$0.07 Artifact - Equipment
5 Spidersilk Net
$0.09 Artifact - Equipment
1 Staff of the Mind Magus
$0.17 Artifact
1 Staff of the Sun Magus
$0.11 Artifact
3 Stormrider Rig
$0.11 Artifact - Equipment
3 Strider Harness
$0.05 Artifact - Equipment
1 Sunset Pyramid
$0.05 Artifact
1 Tamiyo's Journal
$1.60 Legendary Artifact
2 Tapestry of the Ages
$0.08 Artifact
2 Terrarion
$0.04 Artifact
3 Throwing Knife
$0.08 Artifact - Equipment
3 Torch Gauntlet
$0.03 Artifact - Equipment
7 Traveler's Amulet
$0.05 Artifact
4 True-Faith Censer
$0.06 Artifact - Equipment
5 Universal Solvent
$0.07 Artifact
1 Urza's Tome
$0.05 Artifact
10 Veteran's Sidearm
$0.05 Artifact - Equipment
3 Vial of Dragonfire
$0.02 Artifact
1 Wand of Vertebrae
$0.13 Artifact
3 War Horn
$0.09 Artifact
3 Woodweaver's Puzzleknot
$0.05 Artifact
Enchantment (412)
2 Aether Meltdown
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
2 Ancestral Vengeance
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
8 Angelic Gift
$0.07 Enchantment - Aura
1 Aquatic Incursion
$0.14 Enchantment
1 Arcane Adaptation
$5.37 Enchantment
1 As Foretold
$1.05 Enchantment
1 Authority of the Consuls
$6.57 Enchantment
2 Baffling End
$0.09 Enchantment
1 Behind the Scenes
$0.20 Enchantment
1 Blood Mist
$0.24 Enchantment
1 Blood Sun
$0.40 Enchantment
1 Bound by Moonsilver
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
2 Bounty of the Luxa
$0.15 Enchantment
3 Brave the Sands
$3.14 Enchantment
1 Call for Unity
$0.19 Enchantment
5 Call of the Full Moon
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
8 Call the Bloodline
$0.12 Enchantment
4 Candlelight Vigil
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
1 Capture Sphere
$0.02 Enchantment - Aura
1 Cartouche of Knowledge
$0.11 Enchantment - Aura Cartouche
1 Cartouche of Solidarity
$0.14 Enchantment - Aura Cartouche
2 Cartouche of Zeal
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura Cartouche
2 Cast Out
$0.07 Enchantment
3 Caught in the Brights
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
1 Chainer's Torment
$0.05 Enchantment - Saga
5 Choking Restraints
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
11 Claustrophobia
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
3 Compulsory Rest
$0.02 Enchantment - Aura
3 Consecrated by Blood
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
1 Consulate Surveillance
$0.17 Enchantment
2 Consuming Fervor
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
3 Containment Membrane
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
4 Conviction
$0.08 Enchantment - Aura
1 Crawling Sensation
$0.14 Enchantment
1 Creeping Dread
$0.12 Enchantment
1 Crop Sigil
$0.17 Enchantment
1 Curator's Ward
$0.24 Enchantment - Aura
1 Curious Obsession
$0.57 Enchantment - Aura
1 Curse of the Forsaken
$0.22 Enchantment - Aura Curse
3 Dampening Pulse
$0.04 Enchantment
1 Darksteel Mutation
$1.71 Enchantment - Aura
4 Dead Weight
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
1 Deadly Wanderings
$0.06 Enchantment
2 Deep Freeze
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
1 Deeproot Waters
$0.22 Enchantment
1 Demonic Vigor
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
1 Demotion
$0.12 Enchantment - Aura
2 Desert's Hold
$0.11 Enchantment - Aura
3 Disinformation Campaign
$0.11 Enchantment
1 Divine Favor
$0.10 Enchantment - Aura
3 Dragon Tempest
$8.37 Enchantment
2 Dub
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
1 Durable Handicraft
$0.12 Enchantment
1 Encase in Ice
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
1 Equestrian Skill
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
1 Era of Innovation
$0.10 Enchantment
1 Ethereal Armor
$0.23 Enchantment - Aura
1 Faith Unbroken
$0.10 Enchantment - Aura
1 Favorable Winds
$0.31 Enchantment
1 Firemind's Research
$0.18 Enchantment
1 Fleeting Memories
$0.11 Enchantment
1 Fraying Sanity
$1.23 Enchantment - Aura Curse
2 Frenzied Rage
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
2 Ghirapur Aether Grid
$0.15 Enchantment
3 Ghostly Wings
$0.07 Enchantment - Aura
2 Giant Spectacle
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
2 Gift of Paradise
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
2 Glaring Aegis
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
13 Goblin War Paint
$0.07 Enchantment - Aura
3 Goblinslide
$0.14 Enchantment
1 Gonti's Machinations
$0.15 Enchantment
1 Graf Harvest
$0.24 Enchantment
7 Grasp of the Hieromancer
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
2 Gremlin Infestation
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
2 Gryff's Boon
$0.20 Enchantment - Aura
1 Guild Summit
$0.35 Enchantment
1 Harness the Storm
$0.23 Enchantment
1 Hidden Stockpile
$0.18 Enchantment
1 Hope Against Hope
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
5 Ice Over
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
1 Illusory Wrappings
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
1 In Bolas's Clutches
$0.14 Legendary Enchantment - Aura
12 Infectious Bloodlust
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
10 Infernal Scarring
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
1 Invocation of Saint Traft
$0.15 Enchantment - Aura
3 Iona's Blessing
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
4 Isolation Zone
$0.04 Enchantment
1 Ixalan's Binding
$0.12 Enchantment
1 Jeskai Runemark
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
2 Knightly Valor
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
1 Kumena's Awakening
$0.46 Enchantment
1 Lay Claim
$0.08 Enchantment - Aura
1 Liliana's Mastery
$0.42 Enchantment
4 Luminous Bonds
$0.01 Enchantment - Aura
1 Lunar Force
$0.09 Enchantment
1 Makeshift Munitions
$0.07 Enchantment
4 Malfunction
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
1 Maniacal Rage
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
2 Mantle of Webs
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
2 Mark of the Vampire
$0.13 Enchantment - Aura
2 Marked by Honor
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
5 Molten Nursery
$0.15 Enchantment
1 Nahiri's Machinations
$0.11 Enchantment
2 New Horizons
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
3 Oakenform
$0.18 Enchantment - Aura
2 Oath of Ajani
$0.60 Legendary Enchantment
2 Oath of Liliana
$0.40 Legendary Enchantment
1 On Serra's Wings
$0.15 Legendary Enchantment - Aura
4 One With the Wind
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
2 Ongoing Investigation
$0.08 Enchantment
5 Pacifism
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
1 Path of Discovery
$0.60 Enchantment
1 Peace of Mind
$0.07 Enchantment
1 Pious Interdiction
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
1 Precognition Field
$0.23 Enchantment
3 Pyromancer's Assault
$0.05 Enchantment
2 Raiders' Wake
$0.45 Enchantment
5 Reduce in Stature
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
3 Retreat to Coralhelm
$0.45 Enchantment
5 Retreat to Emeria
$0.20 Enchantment
6 Retreat to Hagra
$1.80 Enchantment
2 Retreat to Kazandu
$4.87 Enchantment
7 Retreat to Valakut
$0.06 Enchantment
3 Revoke Privileges
$0.02 Enchantment - Aura
1 Riddleform
$0.06 Enchantment
1 Seal Away
$0.10 Enchantment
1 See Red
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
1 Senseless Rage
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
4 Sheltered Aerie
$0.07 Enchantment - Aura
2 Siege Modification
$0.11 Enchantment - Aura
1 Singing Bell Strike
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
3 Skywise Teachings
$0.06 Enchantment
1 Sleep Paralysis
$0.01 Enchantment - Aura
1 Song of Freyalise
$0.45 Enchantment - Saga
1 Sphinx's Tutelage
$0.98 Enchantment
2 Spiteful Motives
$0.02 Enchantment - Aura
2 Spontaneous Mutation
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
1 Squire's Devotion
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
3 Stensia Masquerade
$0.27 Enchantment
3 Strange Augmentation
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
1 Stratus Walk
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
2 Street Riot
$0.17 Enchantment
2 Suppression Bonds
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
1 Swashbuckling
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
1 Talons of Wildwood
$0.09 Enchantment - Aura
6 Tezzeret's Touch
$0.07 Enchantment - Aura
1 The Flame of Keld
$0.04 Enchantment - Saga
1 The Mending of Dominaria
$0.21 Enchantment - Saga
2 Thopter Arrest
$0.04 Enchantment
13 Tightening Coils
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
3 Torment of Scarabs
$0.31 Enchantment - Aura Curse
2 Trespasser's Curse
$0.85 Enchantment - Aura Curse
1 Trial of Ambition
$0.05 Enchantment
1 Trial of Zeal
$0.04 Enchantment
1 Tricks of the Trade
$0.07 Enchantment - Aura
3 Ulvenwald Mysteries
$0.12 Enchantment
3 Unbridled Growth
$0.16 Enchantment - Aura
1 Unquenchable Thirst
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
3 Untamed Hunger
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
1 Urban Utopia
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
4 Vampiric Rites
$0.25 Enchantment
4 Vessel of Ephemera
$0.02 Enchantment
3 Vessel of Malignity
$0.08 Enchantment
4 Vessel of Nascency
$0.16 Enchantment
1 Vessel of Paramnesia
$0.06 Enchantment
1 Vessel of Volatility
$0.11 Enchantment
2 Virulent Plague
$0.19 Enchantment
1 Visions of Brutality
$0.10 Enchantment - Aura
2 Waterknot
$0.11 Enchantment - Aura
6 Weight of the Underworld
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
1 Weirding Wood
$0.11 Enchantment - Aura
2 Wolfkin Bond
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
1 Zendikar Resurgent
$2.42 Enchantment
Planeswalker (9)
1 Chandra, Flamecaller
$0.57 Legendary Planeswalker - Chandra
1 Gideon of the Trials
$2.03 Legendary Planeswalker - Gideon
1 Jaya Ballard
$0.80 Legendary Planeswalker - Jaya
1 Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh
$2.75 Legendary Planeswalker - Bolas
1 Nissa, Genesis Mage
$2.08 Legendary Planeswalker - Nissa
1 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
$1.16 Legendary Planeswalker - Nissa
1 Saheeli Rai
$1.54 Legendary Planeswalker - Saheeli
1 Tezzeret, Master of Metal
$0.85 Legendary Planeswalker - Tezzeret
1 Vraska, Golgari Queen
$3.27 Legendary Planeswalker - Vraska
Land (1328)
1 Aether Hub
$0.28 Land
1 Arch of Orazca
$0.27 Land
5 Blighted Cataract
$0.07 Land
5 Blighted Fen
$0.04 Land
4 Blighted Gorge
$0.09 Land
3 Blighted Steppe
$0.10 Land
7 Blighted Woodland
$0.33 Land
1 Bloodfell Caves
$0.06 Land
1 Blooming Marsh
$3.93 Land
3 Blossoming Sands
$0.10 Land
4 Boros Guildgate
$0.09 Land - Gate
1 Cascading Cataracts
$1.34 Land
7 Cinder Barrens
$0.09 Land
1 Clifftop Retreat
$0.67 Land
1 Concealed Courtyard
$2.58 Land
3 Cradle of the Accursed
$0.14 Land - Desert
1 Crumbling Vestige
$0.18 Land
1 Crypt of the Eternals
$0.19 Land
4 Desert of the Fervent
$0.08 Land - Desert
2 Desert of the Glorified
$0.15 Land - Desert
3 Desert of the Indomitable
$0.10 Land - Desert
1 Desert of the Mindful
$0.07 Land - Desert
2 Desert of the True
$0.11 Land - Desert
6 Dimir Guildgate
$0.08 Land - Gate
40 Evolving Wilds
$0.07 Land
10 Fertile Thicket
$0.04 Land
208 Forest
$0.13 Basic Land - Forest
6 Forsaken Sanctuary
$0.11 Land
8 Foul Orchard
$0.13 Land
3 Foundry of the Consuls
$0.16 Land
2 Gateway Plaza
$0.11 Land - Gate
1 Geier Reach Sanitarium
$1.55 Legendary Land
1 Glacial Fortress
$0.86 Land
3 Golgari Guildgate
$0.17 Land - Gate
1 Hanweir Battlements
$3.61 Land
1 Hashep Oasis
$0.12 Land - Desert
8 Highland Lake
$0.09 Land
2 Hinterland Harbor
$0.75 Land
3 Holdout Settlement
$0.17 Land
1 Ifnir Deadlands
$0.31 Land - Desert
2 Inspiring Vantage
$4.55 Land
1 Ipnu Rivulet
$0.33 Land - Desert
1 Irrigated Farmland
$0.17 Land - Plains Island
208 Island
$0.14 Basic Land - Island
8 Izzet Guildgate
$0.10 Land - Gate
1 Jungle Hollow
$0.10 Land
12 Looming Spires
$0.06 Land
7 Meandering River
$0.11 Land
1 Memorial to Genius
$0.06 Land
1 Memorial to Glory
$0.06 Land
1 Memorial to Unity
$0.07 Land
11 Mortuary Mire
$0.13 Land
185 Mountain
$0.09 Basic Land - Mountain
1 Needle Spires
$0.23 Land
3 Painted Bluffs
$0.08 Land - Desert
217 Plains
$0.06 Basic Land - Plains
1 Ramunap Ruins
$0.27 Land - Desert
3 Rogue's Passage
$0.27 Land
4 Rugged Highlands
$0.07 Land
1 Rupture Spire
$0.07 Land
8 Sandstone Bridge
$0.07 Land
2 Selesnya Guildgate
$0.08 Land - Gate
1 Sequestered Stash
$0.14 Land
1 Shefet Dunes
$0.21 Land - Desert
1 Sheltered Thicket
$0.28 Land - Mountain Forest
8 Skyline Cascade
$0.10 Land
1 Smoldering Marsh
$0.31 Land - Swamp Mountain
3 Spawning Bed
$0.23 Land
1 Spirebluff Canal
$4.82 Land
7 Stone Quarry
$0.07 Land
11 Submerged Boneyard
$0.09 Land
4 Sunscorched Desert
$0.27 Land - Desert
2 Survivors' Encampment
$0.28 Land - Desert
181 Swamp
$1.33 Basic Land - Swamp
8 Timber Gorge
$0.08 Land
2 Tranquil Cove
$0.06 Land
8 Tranquil Expanse
$0.06 Land
2 Unclaimed Territory
$0.31 Land
5 Unknown Shores
$0.06 Land
2 Wandering Fumarole
$0.20 Land
5 Warped Landscape
$0.28 Land
19 Wastes
$0.70 Basic Land
1 Wind-Scarred Crag
$0.08 Land
10 Woodland Stream
$0.07 Land
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

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