SAIRASU's profile
- MTG DECKS (42)
vin Al
vin Align
vin An
leg Apparently I didn't make the Ayumi deck after all
vin Athreos
mod Black Crusade
mod Bloodstained
vin Chandra EDH
leg Chromium
com Copy of Al
mod Cruel, Unadulterated Ferality
sta Dusk's Falling
vin EDH Deck
vin Eldrazi Insanity
vin Estrid(?) EDH
vin Exava EDH
leg Fates EDH
mod God Inside Oketra
mod God Inside Oketra (Boros)
mod God Inside Oketra (Orzhov)
mod Gonti's Revenge
vin Help me I am literally going insane
leg Jeleva Storm
leg Kill Them With Kindness
vin Mr. Brudiclad's Other Wild Ride
vin Mr. Brudiclad's Wild Ride
mod Necromaster
vin Operation Bunny Eater
mod Pyromaster
vin Radha EDH
leg Saint Traft EDH
mod Second Black Crusade
leg Tariel EDH
leg The Abandoned Mineshaft
vin The Borborygmos Budget
vin The Cooler Unending Insanity
sta The Third Black Crusade
vin The Wonderful World of Goblins
mod Unbreakable Wall
vin Unending Insanity
vin Unstoppable Wall
leg Wasted Eternity
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |

There are no cards in this set. (yet) ;)
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
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