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- MTG DECKS (42)
- vin Al
- vin Align
- vin An
- leg Apparently I didn't make the Ayumi deck after all
- vin Athreos
- mod Black Crusade
- mod Bloodstained
- vin Chandra EDH
- leg Chromium
- com Copy of Al
- mod Cruel, Unadulterated Ferality
- sta Dusk's Falling
- vin EDH Deck
- vin Eldrazi Insanity
- vin Estrid(?) EDH
- vin Exava EDH
- leg Fates EDH
- mod God Inside Oketra
- mod God Inside Oketra (Boros)
- mod God Inside Oketra (Orzhov)
- mod Gonti's Revenge
- vin Help me I am literally going insane
- leg Jeleva Storm
- leg Kill Them With Kindness
- vin Mr. Brudiclad's Other Wild Ride
- vin Mr. Brudiclad's Wild Ride
- mod Necromaster
- vin Operation Bunny Eater
- mod Pyromaster
- vin Radha EDH
- leg Saint Traft EDH
- mod Second Black Crusade
- leg Tariel EDH
- leg The Abandoned Mineshaft
- vin The Borborygmos Budget
- vin The Cooler Unending Insanity
- sta The Third Black Crusade
- vin The Wonderful World of Goblins
- mod Unbreakable Wall
- vin Unending Insanity
- vin Unstoppable Wall
- leg Wasted Eternity
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |
Main Deck - 0 cards, 0 distinct
There are no cards in this set. (yet) ;)
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
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