- MTG DECKS (53)
Deck Challenge
com Alela - Esper - Enchantments, Artifacts, and Flyers - Cockatrice
com Ayli, Revamped
com Edric - Simic - Beats
com God of the Arena Two - 5 Color - Enchantments
com Ishai and Akiri - Jeskai - Voltron
com Kalamax - Temur
sta Kenrith and Zirda - WUBRG - Combos
com Krenko - Red - Goblins
com Mangara - Mono White
com Nethroi - Abzan - Recursion
com Oloro - Esper - Life and Taxes
com Ruhan of the Fumori - Jeskai - Voltron
com Scarab God - Dimir - Zombie Tribal
com Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker
com Tinybones - Monoblack - Discard and Mana
com Vito - Bloodlink
com Zedruu - Jeskai - Better Version?
com Zurzoth, Devils!
Pauper Decks
com Ayli - Ozhov - Lifegain/Combo
com Gishath - Draft
com Golos - Ultimatums and Big Spells
com Juri, Master of the Revue - Rakdos - Sacrifice
com Kalamax - Temur - Instants
com Kinnan - Simic - Pauper
com Krark and Thrasios - Coin Flip - Temur
com Kresh, the Bloodbraided
com Kroxa - Rakdos - Grief
com Morophon - ELDER THEME
com Morophon, the Boundless - Changling
com Omnath - Lands
com Rankle - Mono Black - Disruption
com Rin and Seri - Naya - Raining Cats and Dogs
com Selvala - Selesnya - Draft
com Skullbriar - Golgari - Counters New
com Triple Commanders
com Winota - Boros - Stax
com Zirda - Boros - Combo