EEE's profile
- MTG DECKS (519)
(Art) Artifacts
oth (Art) Card Adv
oth (Art) Creature^
oth (Art) Play^
oth (Art) Reclaim
oth (Art) Self^
oth (Art) Synergistic
oth (Art) Tokens
(Aur) Aura
oth (Aur) Creature^
oth (Aur) Reclaim
oth (Aur) Self^
oth (Aur) Synergistic
(Enc) Enchantment
sta (Enc) Card Adv
oth (Enc) Reclaim
oth (Enc) Synergistic
(Equ) Equipment
oth (Equ) Creature^
oth (Equ) Play^
oth (Equ) Reclaim
oth (Equ) Synergistic
(Spe) Spells
oth (Spe) Creature^
oth (Spe) Play^
oth (Spe) Reclaim
oth (Spe) Self^
oth (Spe) Synergistic
oth (Spe) Tokens
oth Block Extra
oth Deathtouch
oth Defender
oth Dmg Protection
oth Double Strike
oth Evasive
oth First Strike
oth Flash
oth Flying
oth Haste
oth Hexproof
oth Indestructible
oth Landwalk
oth Lifelink
oth Menace
oth Protection
oth Reach
oth Shroud
oth Trample
oth Unblockable
oth Vigilance
sta Ward
Deck Specific
oth -Counters
oth +Counters
oth Charge Counters
oth Counters (Any)
oth Attacking
oth Damage dealing
oth Enter battlefield
oth Exit battlefield
oth Spell casting
oth Targeting
sta Upkeep
oth Blink
oth Cycling deck
oth Discard - opponent
oth Discard/Mill - self
oth Draw deck
oth Graveyard deck
oth Graveyard Removal
oth Life Gain
oth Life Loss (self)
oth Milling - opponent
oth Morph deck
oth Recursive
oth Sac Related
oth Snow deck
oth Spy
oth Stax
oth Tokens
oth Transform (pos)
oth Unsummoning (self)
oth Untapping
Draw [⌂][∞]
[⌂][∞] ~ Cards
[⌂][∞] 1 Card
oth [⌂1][∞] $+Sac_C
oth [⌂1][∞] $+Tap
sta [⌂1][∞] Cast
oth [⌂1][∞] Dies
oth [⌂1][∞] Dmg
oth [⌂1][∞] EtB
oth [⌂1][∞] Only $
oth [⌂1][∞] Spec
oth [⌂1][∞] Tap
[⌂][∞] 2 Cards
oth [⌂2][∞] Dies_C
oth [⌂2][∞] Spec
[⌂][∞] 3 Cards
oth [⌂3][∞] $+Tap
oth [⌂][∞] No Hnd Size
Draw [⌂][x1]
[⌂][x1] ~ Cards
oth [⌂~][x1] Self Sac
oth [⌂~][x1] Spec
[⌂][x1] 1 Card
oth [⌂1][x1] Cycling
oth [⌂1][x1] Dies
oth [⌂1][x1] EtB
oth [⌂1][x1] Only $
oth [⌂1][x1] Self Sac
oth [⌂1][x1] Spec
[⌂][x1] 2 Cards
oth [⌂2][x1] EtB
oth [⌂2][x1] Only $
oth [⌂2][x1] Self Sac
[⌂][x1] 3 Cards
oth [⌂3][x1] Only $
oth [⌂3][x1] Self Sac
oth [⌂3][x1] Spec
Enhance [^][∞]
[^][∞] +P/T
oth (^C)[∞] +Counters
oth (^C)[∞] +P
oth (^C)[∞] +PT
oth (^C)[∞] +T
[^][∞] Combat
oth (^C)[∞] 1st Strike
oth (^C)[∞] Deathtouch
oth (^C)[∞] Haste
oth (^C)[∞] Infect
oth (^C)[∞] Lifelink
oth (^C)[∞] Trample
oth (^C)[∞] x2 Strike
[^][∞] Defense
oth (^C)[∞] +Block
oth (^C)[∞] Reach
oth (^C)[∞] Vigilance
[^][∞] Durab ...
oth (^C)[∞] Dmg redux
oth (^C)[∞] Hexproof
oth (^C)[∞] Indestructible
oth (^C)[∞] Protection
oth (^C)[∞] Regen
oth (^C)[∞] Shroud
[^][∞] Evasion
oth (^C)[∞] Fear
oth (^C)[∞] Flying
oth (^C)[∞] Intimidate
oth (^C)[∞] Menace
oth (^C)[∞] Skulk
oth (^C)[∞] Unblockable
[^][∞] Spec
oth (^SpeC)[∞] +Counters
oth (^SpeC)[∞] +P
oth (^SpeC)[∞] +PT
oth (^SpeC)[∞] +T
oth (^SpeC)[∞] 1st Strike
oth (^SpeC)[∞] Countering
oth (^SpeC)[∞] Flying
oth (^SpeC)[∞] Haste
oth (^SpeC)[∞] Hexproof
sta (^SpeC)[∞] Indestructible
oth (^SpeC)[∞] Lifelink
oth (^SpeC)[∞] Menace
oth (^SpeC)[∞] Trample
oth (^SpeC)[∞] Unblockable
oth (^SpeC)[∞] Vigilance
oth (^SpeC)[∞] Ward
Enhance [^][x1]
[^][x1] +P/T
oth (^C)[x1] +Counters
oth (^C)[x1] +P
oth (^C)[x1] +PT
oth (^C)[x1] +T
[^][x1] Combat
oth (^C)[x1] 1st Strike
sta (^C)[x1] Deathtouch
oth (^C)[x1] Lifelink
oth (^C)[x1] Trample
oth (^C)[x1] x2 Strike
[^][x1] Defense
[^][x1] Durability
[^][x1] Evasion
oth (^C)[x1] Flying
oth (^C)[x1] Unblockable
[^][x1] Spec
oth (^SpeC)[x1] +Counters
oth (^SpeC)[x1] +P
Filter [⍒][∞]
[⍒][∞] 1 Card
oth [⍒1][∞] Any
oth [⍒1][∞] Tribal
Filter [⍒][x1]
[⍒][x1] ~ Cards
oth [⍒~][x1] Tribal
[⍒][x1] 1 Card
oth [⍒1][x1] Any
oth [⍒1][x1] Artifact
oth [⍒1][x1] Creature
oth [⍒1][x1] Land
Impede [▼][∞]
[▼][∞] Any
[▼][∞] Creature
oth [▼C][∞] Attack ✖
oth [▼C][∞] Block ✖
oth [▼C][∞] Cost ⇧
oth [▼C][∞] Hostility
oth [▼C][∞] P redux
Impede [▼][x1]
[▼][x1] Creature
oth [▼C][x1] Block ✖
oth [▼C][x1] Hostility
oth [▼C][x1] P redux
Loot [◊][∞]
[◊][∞] 1 Card
oth [-◊1][∞] Spec
oth [+◊1][∞] $+Tap
oth [+◊1][∞] Only $
[◊][∞] 2 Cards
oth [+◊2][∞] Dmg
Loot [◊][x1]
[◊][x1] ~ Cards
oth [-◊~][x1] Only $
oth [+◊~][x1] Only $
[◊][x1] 2 Cards
oth [+◊2][x1] EtB
oth [+◊2][x1] Only $
Mana [$][∞]
[$][∞] ~ Mana
oth [~$][∞] Any Color
oth [~$][∞] Colorless
oth [~$][∞] Dual Color
[$][∞] 1 Mana
oth [1$][∞] Any Color
oth [1$][∞] Colorless
oth [1$][∞] Dual Color
oth [1$][∞] Mono Color
oth [1$][∞] Spec Color
oth [1$][∞] Tri Color
[$][∞] 2 Mana
oth [2$][∞] Colorless
oth [2$][∞] Dual Color
[$][∞] 3 Mana
oth [3$][∞] Colorless
sta [3$][∞] Mono
[$][∞] Spec Mana
Mana [$][x1]
[$][x1] ~ Mana
[$][x1] 1 Mana
[$][x1] 3 Mana
oth Affinity
oth Amass
oth Annihilator
oth Assist
oth Battalion
oth Battle cry
oth Bloodrush
oth Cascade
oth Cipher
oth Constellation
oth Cycling
oth Cycling_Land
oth Detain
oth Devoid
oth Embalm
oth Encore
oth Evolve
oth Exalted
sta Experience
oth Extort
oth Flashback
oth Forecast
oth Goad [∞]
oth Goad [x1]
oth Heroic
oth Imprint
oth Infect
oth Inspired
sta Kicker
oth Kicker_Multi
oth Landfall
oth Manifest
oth Metalcraft
oth Modular
oth Morph
oth Mutate
oth Ninjutsu
oth Overload
oth Party
oth Persist
oth Populate [∞]
oth Populate [x1]
oth Proliferate [∞]
oth Proliferate [x1]
oth Prowess
oth Retrace
oth Revolt
oth Riot
oth Scavenge
oth Strive
oth Sunburst
oth Surveil [∞]
oth Surveil [x1]
oth Unearth
oth Unleash
oth Wither
Play ^ [△][∞]
[△][∞] Artifact
[△][∞] Creature
oth [△C][∞] Cost Redux
oth [△C][∞] Free Play
oth [△C][∞] Spec Free
oth [△C][∞] Spec Redux
[△][∞] Equip
[△][∞] Instant
[△][∞] Nonland
[△][∞] Planeswalker
[△][∞] Sorcery
Play ^ [△][x1]
[△][x1] Creature
[△][x1] Nonland
Protect [][∞]
[][∞] Player
oth [][∞] Dmg Prevent
oth [][∞] Spell Protect
Ramp [L][∞]
[L][∞] Play ^
oth [LPlay][∞] Any
oth [LPlay][∞] Basic
Ramp [L][x1]
[L][x1] Fld ϙ
oth [1LFld][x1] Basic
sta [1LFld][x1] Forest
oth [2LFld][x1] Basic
[L][x1] Hnd ϙ
oth [1LHnd][x1] Any
oth [1LHnd][x1] Basic
oth [1LHnd][x1] Island
oth [1LHnd][x1] Mountain
oth [1LHnd][x1] Swamp
oth [2LHnd][x1] Basic
[L][x1] Play ^
oth [LPlay][x1] Any
Reclaim [+][∞]
[+][∞] Aura
oth (+Au)[∞] Hnd_MyG
[+][∞] Creature
oth (+C)[∞] Hnd_MyG
[+][∞] Equip ...
oth (+Eq)[∞] Hnd_MyG
[+][∞] Land
oth [+L][∞] Fld_MyG
[+][∞] Perm
Reclaim [+][x1]
[+][x1] Any
oth (+Any)[x1] Hnd_MyG
oth (+Any)[x1] Lib_MyG
[+][x1] Artifact
oth (+A)[x1] Hnd_MyG
[+][x1] Creature
oth (+C)[x1] Fld_G
oth (+C)[x1] Fld_MyG
oth (+C)[x1] Hnd_MyG
[+][x1] Enchant
oth (+E)[x1] Hnd_MyG
[+][x1] Instant
oth (+I)[x1] Hnd_MyG
oth (+I)[x1] Lib_MyG
[+][x1] Permanent
[+][x1] Planeswalker
[+][x1] Sorcery
oth (+S)[x1] Hnd_MyG
oth (+S)[x1] Lib_MyG
[+][x1] Spec
Removal [⌧][∞]
[⌧][∞] Any T ...
oth [∞] Damage
oth [∞] Spec Damage
[⌧][∞] Artifact
oth (A)[∞] Destroy
oth (A)[∞] Tap out
[⌧][∞] Board ...
[⌧][∞] Creature
oth (C)[∞] -Counters
oth (C)[∞] -P/T
oth (C)[∞] Damage
oth (C)[∞] Flicker
oth (C)[∞] Pacify
oth (C)[∞] Sacrifice
oth (C)[∞] Spec -P/T
oth (C)[∞] Spec Tap out
oth (C)[∞] Tap out
oth (C)[∞] Thievery
oth (C)[∞] Unsummon
[⌧][∞] Enchant
oth (E)[∞] Destroy
[⌧][∞] Grave ...
sta (G)[∞] Exile Any
oth (G)[∞] Exile I/S
[⌧][∞] NonL
oth (NL)[∞] Pacify
[⌧][∞] Perma ...
oth (Per)[∞] Exile
oth (Per)[∞] Sac
[⌧][∞] Plane ...
oth (P)[∞] Damage
[⌧][∞] Player
oth (Pl)[∞] Damage
oth (Pl)[∞] Life Loss
Removal [⌧][x1]
[⌧][x1] Any ...
oth [x1] Counter
oth [x1] Damage
oth [x1] Redirection
oth [x1] Spec Counter
[⌧][x1] Arti ...
oth (A)[x1] Destroy
oth (A)[x1] Exile
oth (A)[x1] Spec Destroy
oth (A)[x1] Tap out
[⌧][x1] Boar ...
oth (BW-C)[x1] -P/T
oth (BW-C)[x1] Damage
oth (BW-C)[x1] Tap out
[⌧][x1] Crea ...
oth (C)[x1] -Counters
oth (C)[x1] -P/T
oth (C)[x1] Counter
oth (C)[x1] Damage
oth (C)[x1] Destroy
oth (C)[x1] Exchange
oth (C)[x1] Fight
oth (C)[x1] Flicker
oth (C)[x1] Sacrifice
oth (C)[x1] Spec -P/T
oth (C)[x1] Spec Damage
oth (C)[x1] Spec Destroy
oth (C)[x1] Spec Exile
oth (C)[x1] Spec Fight
oth (C)[x1] Spec Unsummon
oth (C)[x1] Tap out
oth (C)[x1] Transform
oth (C)[x1] Unsummon
[⌧][x1] Enchant
oth (E)[x1] Destroy
oth (E)[x1] Exile
oth (E)[x1] Spec Destroy
[⌧][x1] Grav ...
oth (G)[x1] Exile All
oth (G)[x1] Exile Any
[⌧][x1] Instant
oth (I)[x1] Counter
[⌧][x1] NonC
oth (NC)[x1] Counter
oth (NC)[x1] Exchange
oth (NC)[x1] Spec Counter
[⌧][x1] NonL
oth (NL)[x1] Destroy
sta (NL)[x1] Exile
oth (NL)[x1] Spec Unsummon
[⌧][x1] Perm ...
oth (Per)[x1] Destroy
oth (Per)[x1] Spec Exile
oth (Per)[x1] Tap out
oth (Per)[x1] Unsummon
[⌧][x1] Plan ...
oth (P)[x1] Damage
[⌧][x1] Player
oth (Pl)[x1] Damage
oth (Pl)[x1] Life Loss
Scry [⇅][∞]
[⇅][∞] Scry 1
oth [⇅1][∞] $+Sac_C
oth [⇅1][∞] $+Tap
oth [⇅1][∞] Spec
[⇅][∞] Scry 2
oth [⇅2][∞] $+Tap
Scry [⇅][x1]
[⇅][x1] Scry 1
oth [⇅1][x1] EtB
Self ^ [*][∞]
[*][∞] +P/T
oth [*][∞] +Counters
oth [*][∞] +P
oth [*][∞] +PT
[*][∞] Durab ...
oth [*][∞] Regen
Self ^ [*][x1]
[*][x1] +P/T
oth [*][x1] +Counters
oth [*][x1] +PT
oth Commander_2011
oth Commander_2013
oth Commander_2014
oth Commander_2015
oth Commander_2016
oth Commander_2017
oth Commander_2018
oth Commander_2019
oth Commander_2020
oth Commander_2021
oth Elder Dragons
oth Primordial Dragons
oth Amonkhet Gods
oth Theros Gods
Multiplayer set
oth Battlebond
oth Brawl
oth Conspiracy
oth Planechase
oth M_Planeswalkers
oth R_Planeswalkers
oth U_Planeswalkers
Wedge sets
Common (s)
oth C_Black (s)
oth C_Blue (s)
oth C_Colourless (s)
oth C_Foil (s)
oth C_Green (s)
oth C_Legends (s)
oth C_Multicolor (s)
oth C_Red (s)
oth C_White (s)
Uncommon (s)
oth U_Black (s)
oth U_Blue (s)
oth U_Colourless (s)
oth U_Foils (s)
oth U_Green (s)
oth U_Legends (s)
oth U_Multicolor (s)
Defender (Def)
Flying (Fly)
sta (Fly) Creature^
sta (Fly) Play^
sta (Fly) Synergistic
Knights (Kni)
oth (Kni) Creature^
oth (Kni) Tokens
Ninjas (Nin)
sta (Nin) Creature^
oth (Nin) Synergistic
Rogues (Rog)
oth (Rog) Creature^
oth (Rog) Synergistic
Soldiers (Sol)
oth (Sol) Tokens
Warriors (War)
oth (War) Creature^
oth (War) Tokens
Wizards (Wiz)
oth (Wiz) Creature^
oth (Wiz) Synergistic
Angels (Ang)
oth (Ang) Creature^
oth (Ang) Synergistic
Elves (Elf)
sta (Elf) Synergistic
oth (Elf) Tokens
Faeries (Fae)
oth (Fae) Tokens
Goblins (Gob)
oth (Gob) Tokens
Humans (Hum)
oth (Hum) Creature^
sta (Hum) Tokens
Insects (Ins)
oth (Ins) Tokens
Minotaurs (Min)
oth (Min) Play^
Myr (Myr)
oth (Myr) Tokens
Saproling (Sap)
oth (Sap) Synergistic
oth (Sap) Tokens
Spirits (Spir)
oth (Spir) Creature^
oth (Spir) Tokens
Vampires (Vam)
oth (Vam) Creature^
Zombies (Zom)
oth (Zom) Creature^
oth (Zom) Synergistic
oth (Zom) Tokens
oth Eldrazi
oth Non-human
oth Shapeshifter
oth Specified^
oth Tribal Oriented
Tutor [⌕][∞]
[⌕][∞] Any
oth [⌕Any][∞] Hnd
[⌕][∞] Creature
oth [⌕C][∞] Hnd
Tutor [⌕][x1]
[⌕][x1] Artifact
oth [⌕A][x1] Hnd
[⌕][x1] Creature
oth [⌕C][x1] Hnd
oth C_Black
oth C_Blue
oth C_Colourless
oth C_Green
oth C_Lands
oth C_Multicolor
oth C_Red
oth C_White
oth M_Black
oth M_Blue
oth M_Colourless
oth M_Green
oth M_Lands
oth M_Multicolored
oth M_Red
oth M_White
oth R_Black
oth R_Blue
oth R_Colourless
oth R_Green
oth R_Lands
oth R_Multicolored
oth R_Red
oth R_White
oth U_Black
oth U_Blue
oth U_Colourless
oth U_Green
oth U_Lands
oth U_Multicolor
oth U_Red
oth U_White

Name | Cost ![]() |
Witch's Oven | |
Selesnya Charm | |
Sundering Growth | |
Oketra's Monument | |
Saheeli, Sublime Artificer | |
Golgari Germination | |
Alive // Well | // |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Kin-Tree Invocation | |
2 | Bear's Companion | |
3 | Koll, the Forgemaster | |
4 | Korozda Guildmage | |
5 | Svella, Ice Shaper | |
6 | Ancestral Blade |
Mana Base
Colors | |||||
Symbols | 26 | 22 | 16 | 12 | 11 |
Percent | 29.5 | 25.6 | 18.8 | 13.6 | 12.5 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.