- EEE's profile
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- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (519)
(Art) Artifacts
- oth (Art) Card Adv
- oth (Art) Creature^
- oth (Art) Play^
- oth (Art) Reclaim
- oth (Art) Self^
- oth (Art) Synergistic
- oth (Art) Tokens
(Aur) Aura
- oth (Aur) Creature^
- oth (Aur) Reclaim
- oth (Aur) Self^
- oth (Aur) Synergistic
(Enc) Enchantment
- sta (Enc) Card Adv
- oth (Enc) Reclaim
- oth (Enc) Synergistic
(Equ) Equipment
- oth (Equ) Creature^
- oth (Equ) Play^
- oth (Equ) Reclaim
- oth (Equ) Synergistic
(Spe) Spells
- oth (Spe) Creature^
- oth (Spe) Play^
- oth (Spe) Reclaim
- oth (Spe) Self^
- oth (Spe) Synergistic
- oth (Spe) Tokens
- oth Block Extra
- oth Deathtouch
- oth Defender
- oth Dmg Protection
- oth Double Strike
- oth Evasive
- oth First Strike
- oth Flash
- oth Flying
- oth Haste
- oth Hexproof
- oth Indestructible
- oth Landwalk
- oth Lifelink
- oth Menace
- oth Protection
- oth Reach
- oth Shroud
- oth Trample
- oth Unblockable
- oth Vigilance
- sta Ward
Deck Specific
- oth -Counters
- oth +Counters
- oth Charge Counters
- oth Counters (Any)
- oth Attacking
- oth Damage dealing
- oth Enter battlefield
- oth Exit battlefield
- oth Spell casting
- oth Targeting
- sta Upkeep
- oth Blink
- oth Cycling deck
- oth Discard - opponent
- oth Discard/Mill - self
- oth Draw deck
- oth Graveyard deck
- oth Graveyard Removal
- oth Life Gain
- oth Life Loss (self)
- oth Milling - opponent
- oth Morph deck
- oth Recursive
- oth Sac Related
- oth Snow deck
- oth Spy
- oth Stax
- oth Tokens
- oth Transform (pos)
- oth Unsummoning (self)
- oth Untapping
Draw [⌂][∞]
[⌂][∞] ~ Cards
[⌂][∞] 1 Card
- oth [⌂1][∞] $+Sac_C
- oth [⌂1][∞] $+Tap
- sta [⌂1][∞] Cast
- oth [⌂1][∞] Dies
- oth [⌂1][∞] Dmg
- oth [⌂1][∞] EtB
- oth [⌂1][∞] Only $
- oth [⌂1][∞] Spec
- oth [⌂1][∞] Tap
[⌂][∞] 2 Cards
- oth [⌂2][∞] Dies_C
- oth [⌂2][∞] Spec
[⌂][∞] 3 Cards
- oth [⌂3][∞] $+Tap
- oth [⌂][∞] No Hnd Size
Draw [⌂][x1]
[⌂][x1] ~ Cards
- oth [⌂~][x1] Self Sac
- oth [⌂~][x1] Spec
[⌂][x1] 1 Card
- oth [⌂1][x1] Cycling
- oth [⌂1][x1] Dies
- oth [⌂1][x1] EtB
- oth [⌂1][x1] Only $
- oth [⌂1][x1] Self Sac
- oth [⌂1][x1] Spec
[⌂][x1] 2 Cards
- oth [⌂2][x1] EtB
- oth [⌂2][x1] Only $
- oth [⌂2][x1] Self Sac
[⌂][x1] 3 Cards
- oth [⌂3][x1] Only $
- oth [⌂3][x1] Self Sac
- oth [⌂3][x1] Spec
Enhance [^][∞]
[^][∞] +P/T
- oth (^C)[∞] +Counters
- oth (^C)[∞] +P
- oth (^C)[∞] +PT
- oth (^C)[∞] +T
[^][∞] Combat
- oth (^C)[∞] 1st Strike
- oth (^C)[∞] Deathtouch
- oth (^C)[∞] Haste
- oth (^C)[∞] Infect
- oth (^C)[∞] Lifelink
- oth (^C)[∞] Trample
- oth (^C)[∞] x2 Strike
[^][∞] Defense
- oth (^C)[∞] +Block
- oth (^C)[∞] Reach
- oth (^C)[∞] Vigilance
[^][∞] Durab ...
- oth (^C)[∞] Dmg redux
- oth (^C)[∞] Hexproof
- oth (^C)[∞] Indestructible
- oth (^C)[∞] Protection
- oth (^C)[∞] Regen
- oth (^C)[∞] Shroud
[^][∞] Evasion
- oth (^C)[∞] Fear
- oth (^C)[∞] Flying
- oth (^C)[∞] Intimidate
- oth (^C)[∞] Menace
- oth (^C)[∞] Skulk
- oth (^C)[∞] Unblockable
[^][∞] Spec
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] +Counters
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] +P
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] +PT
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] +T
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] 1st Strike
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] Countering
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] Flying
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] Haste
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] Hexproof
- sta (^SpeC)[∞] Indestructible
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] Lifelink
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] Menace
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] Trample
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] Unblockable
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] Vigilance
- oth (^SpeC)[∞] Ward
Enhance [^][x1]
[^][x1] +P/T
- oth (^C)[x1] +Counters
- oth (^C)[x1] +P
- oth (^C)[x1] +PT
- oth (^C)[x1] +T
[^][x1] Combat
- oth (^C)[x1] 1st Strike
- sta (^C)[x1] Deathtouch
- oth (^C)[x1] Lifelink
- oth (^C)[x1] Trample
- oth (^C)[x1] x2 Strike
[^][x1] Defense
[^][x1] Durability
[^][x1] Evasion
- oth (^C)[x1] Flying
- oth (^C)[x1] Unblockable
[^][x1] Spec
- oth (^SpeC)[x1] +Counters
- oth (^SpeC)[x1] +P
Filter [⍒][∞]
[⍒][∞] 1 Card
- oth [⍒1][∞] Any
- oth [⍒1][∞] Tribal
Filter [⍒][x1]
[⍒][x1] ~ Cards
- oth [⍒~][x1] Tribal
[⍒][x1] 1 Card
- oth [⍒1][x1] Any
- oth [⍒1][x1] Artifact
- oth [⍒1][x1] Creature
- oth [⍒1][x1] Land
Impede [▼][∞]
[▼][∞] Any
[▼][∞] Creature
- oth [▼C][∞] Attack ✖
- oth [▼C][∞] Block ✖
- oth [▼C][∞] Cost ⇧
- oth [▼C][∞] Hostility
- oth [▼C][∞] P redux
Impede [▼][x1]
[▼][x1] Creature
- oth [▼C][x1] Block ✖
- oth [▼C][x1] Hostility
- oth [▼C][x1] P redux
Loot [◊][∞]
[◊][∞] 1 Card
- oth [-◊1][∞] Spec
- oth [+◊1][∞] $+Tap
- oth [+◊1][∞] Only $
[◊][∞] 2 Cards
- oth [+◊2][∞] Dmg
Loot [◊][x1]
[◊][x1] ~ Cards
- oth [-◊~][x1] Only $
- oth [+◊~][x1] Only $
[◊][x1] 2 Cards
- oth [+◊2][x1] EtB
- oth [+◊2][x1] Only $
Mana [$][∞]
[$][∞] ~ Mana
- oth [~$][∞] Any Color
- oth [~$][∞] Colorless
- oth [~$][∞] Dual Color
[$][∞] 1 Mana
- oth [1$][∞] Any Color
- oth [1$][∞] Colorless
- oth [1$][∞] Dual Color
- oth [1$][∞] Mono Color
- oth [1$][∞] Spec Color
- oth [1$][∞] Tri Color
[$][∞] 2 Mana
- oth [2$][∞] Colorless
- oth [2$][∞] Dual Color
[$][∞] 3 Mana
- oth [3$][∞] Colorless
- sta [3$][∞] Mono
[$][∞] Spec Mana
Mana [$][x1]
[$][x1] ~ Mana
[$][x1] 1 Mana
[$][x1] 3 Mana
- oth Affinity
- oth Amass
- oth Annihilator
- oth Assist
- oth Battalion
- oth Battle cry
- oth Bloodrush
- oth Cascade
- oth Cipher
- oth Constellation
- oth Cycling
- oth Cycling_Land
- oth Detain
- oth Devoid
- oth Embalm
- oth Encore
- oth Evolve
- oth Exalted
- sta Experience
- oth Extort
- oth Flashback
- oth Forecast
- oth Goad [∞]
- oth Goad [x1]
- oth Heroic
- oth Imprint
- oth Infect
- oth Inspired
- sta Kicker
- oth Kicker_Multi
- oth Landfall
- oth Manifest
- oth Metalcraft
- oth Modular
- oth Morph
- oth Mutate
- oth Ninjutsu
- oth Overload
- oth Party
- oth Persist
- oth Populate [∞]
- oth Populate [x1]
- oth Proliferate [∞]
- oth Proliferate [x1]
- oth Prowess
- oth Retrace
- oth Revolt
- oth Riot
- oth Scavenge
- oth Strive
- oth Sunburst
- oth Surveil [∞]
- oth Surveil [x1]
- oth Unearth
- oth Unleash
- oth Wither
Play ^ [△][∞]
[△][∞] Artifact
[△][∞] Creature
- oth [△C][∞] Cost Redux
- oth [△C][∞] Free Play
- oth [△C][∞] Spec Free
- oth [△C][∞] Spec Redux
[△][∞] Equip
[△][∞] Instant
[△][∞] Nonland
[△][∞] Planeswalker
[△][∞] Sorcery
Play ^ [△][x1]
[△][x1] Creature
[△][x1] Nonland
Protect [][∞]
[][∞] Player
- oth [][∞] Dmg Prevent
- oth [][∞] Spell Protect
Ramp [L][∞]
[L][∞] Play ^
- oth [LPlay][∞] Any
- oth [LPlay][∞] Basic
Ramp [L][x1]
[L][x1] Fld ϙ
- oth [1LFld][x1] Basic
- sta [1LFld][x1] Forest
- oth [2LFld][x1] Basic
[L][x1] Hnd ϙ
- oth [1LHnd][x1] Any
- oth [1LHnd][x1] Basic
- oth [1LHnd][x1] Island
- oth [1LHnd][x1] Mountain
- oth [1LHnd][x1] Swamp
- oth [2LHnd][x1] Basic
[L][x1] Play ^
- oth [LPlay][x1] Any
Reclaim [+][∞]
[+][∞] Aura
- oth (+Au)[∞] Hnd_MyG
[+][∞] Creature
- oth (+C)[∞] Hnd_MyG
[+][∞] Equip ...
- oth (+Eq)[∞] Hnd_MyG
[+][∞] Land
- oth [+L][∞] Fld_MyG
[+][∞] Perm
Reclaim [+][x1]
[+][x1] Any
- oth (+Any)[x1] Hnd_MyG
- oth (+Any)[x1] Lib_MyG
[+][x1] Artifact
- oth (+A)[x1] Hnd_MyG
[+][x1] Creature
- oth (+C)[x1] Fld_G
- oth (+C)[x1] Fld_MyG
- oth (+C)[x1] Hnd_MyG
[+][x1] Enchant
- oth (+E)[x1] Hnd_MyG
[+][x1] Instant
- oth (+I)[x1] Hnd_MyG
- oth (+I)[x1] Lib_MyG
[+][x1] Permanent
[+][x1] Planeswalker
[+][x1] Sorcery
- oth (+S)[x1] Hnd_MyG
- oth (+S)[x1] Lib_MyG
[+][x1] Spec
Removal [⌧][∞]
[⌧][∞] Any T ...
- oth [∞] Damage
- oth [∞] Spec Damage
[⌧][∞] Artifact
- oth (A)[∞] Destroy
- oth (A)[∞] Tap out
[⌧][∞] Board ...
[⌧][∞] Creature
- oth (C)[∞] -Counters
- oth (C)[∞] -P/T
- oth (C)[∞] Damage
- oth (C)[∞] Flicker
- oth (C)[∞] Pacify
- oth (C)[∞] Sacrifice
- oth (C)[∞] Spec -P/T
- oth (C)[∞] Spec Tap out
- oth (C)[∞] Tap out
- oth (C)[∞] Thievery
- oth (C)[∞] Unsummon
[⌧][∞] Enchant
- oth (E)[∞] Destroy
[⌧][∞] Grave ...
- sta (G)[∞] Exile Any
- oth (G)[∞] Exile I/S
[⌧][∞] NonL
- oth (NL)[∞] Pacify
[⌧][∞] Perma ...
- oth (Per)[∞] Exile
- oth (Per)[∞] Sac
[⌧][∞] Plane ...
- oth (P)[∞] Damage
[⌧][∞] Player
- oth (Pl)[∞] Damage
- oth (Pl)[∞] Life Loss
Removal [⌧][x1]
[⌧][x1] Any ...
- oth [x1] Counter
- oth [x1] Damage
- oth [x1] Redirection
- oth [x1] Spec Counter
[⌧][x1] Arti ...
- oth (A)[x1] Destroy
- oth (A)[x1] Exile
- oth (A)[x1] Spec Destroy
- oth (A)[x1] Tap out
[⌧][x1] Boar ...
- oth (BW-C)[x1] -P/T
- oth (BW-C)[x1] Damage
- oth (BW-C)[x1] Tap out
[⌧][x1] Crea ...
- oth (C)[x1] -Counters
- oth (C)[x1] -P/T
- oth (C)[x1] Counter
- oth (C)[x1] Damage
- oth (C)[x1] Destroy
- oth (C)[x1] Exchange
- oth (C)[x1] Fight
- oth (C)[x1] Flicker
- oth (C)[x1] Sacrifice
- oth (C)[x1] Spec -P/T
- oth (C)[x1] Spec Damage
- oth (C)[x1] Spec Destroy
- oth (C)[x1] Spec Exile
- oth (C)[x1] Spec Fight
- oth (C)[x1] Spec Unsummon
- oth (C)[x1] Tap out
- oth (C)[x1] Transform
- oth (C)[x1] Unsummon
[⌧][x1] Enchant
- oth (E)[x1] Destroy
- oth (E)[x1] Exile
- oth (E)[x1] Spec Destroy
[⌧][x1] Grav ...
- oth (G)[x1] Exile All
- oth (G)[x1] Exile Any
[⌧][x1] Instant
- oth (I)[x1] Counter
[⌧][x1] NonC
- oth (NC)[x1] Counter
- oth (NC)[x1] Exchange
- oth (NC)[x1] Spec Counter
[⌧][x1] NonL
- oth (NL)[x1] Destroy
- sta (NL)[x1] Exile
- oth (NL)[x1] Spec Unsummon
[⌧][x1] Perm ...
- oth (Per)[x1] Destroy
- oth (Per)[x1] Spec Exile
- oth (Per)[x1] Tap out
- oth (Per)[x1] Unsummon
[⌧][x1] Plan ...
- oth (P)[x1] Damage
[⌧][x1] Player
- oth (Pl)[x1] Damage
- oth (Pl)[x1] Life Loss
Scry [⇅][∞]
[⇅][∞] Scry 1
- oth [⇅1][∞] $+Sac_C
- oth [⇅1][∞] $+Tap
- oth [⇅1][∞] Spec
[⇅][∞] Scry 2
- oth [⇅2][∞] $+Tap
Scry [⇅][x1]
[⇅][x1] Scry 1
- oth [⇅1][x1] EtB
Self ^ [*][∞]
[*][∞] +P/T
- oth [*][∞] +Counters
- oth [*][∞] +P
- oth [*][∞] +PT
[*][∞] Durab ...
- oth [*][∞] Regen
Self ^ [*][x1]
[*][x1] +P/T
- oth [*][x1] +Counters
- oth [*][x1] +PT
- oth Commander_2011
- oth Commander_2013
- oth Commander_2014
- oth Commander_2015
- oth Commander_2016
- oth Commander_2017
- oth Commander_2018
- oth Commander_2019
- oth Commander_2020
- oth Commander_2021
- oth Elder Dragons
- oth Primordial Dragons
- oth Amonkhet Gods
- oth Theros Gods
Multiplayer set
- oth Battlebond
- oth Brawl
- oth Conspiracy
- oth Planechase
- oth M_Planeswalkers
- oth R_Planeswalkers
- oth U_Planeswalkers
Wedge sets
Common (s)
- oth C_Black (s)
- oth C_Blue (s)
- oth C_Colourless (s)
- oth C_Foil (s)
- oth C_Green (s)
- oth C_Legends (s)
- oth C_Multicolor (s)
- oth C_Red (s)
- oth C_White (s)
Uncommon (s)
- oth U_Black (s)
- oth U_Blue (s)
- oth U_Colourless (s)
- oth U_Foils (s)
- oth U_Green (s)
- oth U_Legends (s)
- oth U_Multicolor (s)
Defender (Def)
Flying (Fly)
- sta (Fly) Creature^
- sta (Fly) Play^
- sta (Fly) Synergistic
Knights (Kni)
- oth (Kni) Creature^
- oth (Kni) Tokens
Ninjas (Nin)
- sta (Nin) Creature^
- oth (Nin) Synergistic
Rogues (Rog)
- oth (Rog) Creature^
- oth (Rog) Synergistic
Soldiers (Sol)
- oth (Sol) Tokens
Warriors (War)
- oth (War) Creature^
- oth (War) Tokens
Wizards (Wiz)
- oth (Wiz) Creature^
- oth (Wiz) Synergistic
Angels (Ang)
- oth (Ang) Creature^
- oth (Ang) Synergistic
Elves (Elf)
- sta (Elf) Synergistic
- oth (Elf) Tokens
Faeries (Fae)
- oth (Fae) Tokens
Goblins (Gob)
- oth (Gob) Tokens
Humans (Hum)
- oth (Hum) Creature^
- sta (Hum) Tokens
Insects (Ins)
- oth (Ins) Tokens
Minotaurs (Min)
- oth (Min) Play^
Myr (Myr)
- oth (Myr) Tokens
Saproling (Sap)
- oth (Sap) Synergistic
- oth (Sap) Tokens
Spirits (Spir)
- oth (Spir) Creature^
- oth (Spir) Tokens
Vampires (Vam)
- oth (Vam) Creature^
Zombies (Zom)
- oth (Zom) Creature^
- oth (Zom) Synergistic
- oth (Zom) Tokens
- oth Eldrazi
- oth Non-human
- oth Shapeshifter
- oth Specified^
- oth Tribal Oriented
Tutor [⌕][∞]
[⌕][∞] Any
- oth [⌕Any][∞] Hnd
[⌕][∞] Creature
- oth [⌕C][∞] Hnd
Tutor [⌕][x1]
[⌕][x1] Artifact
- oth [⌕A][x1] Hnd
[⌕][x1] Creature
- oth [⌕C][x1] Hnd
- oth C_Black
- oth C_Blue
- oth C_Colourless
- oth C_Green
- oth C_Lands
- oth C_Multicolor
- oth C_Red
- oth C_White
- oth M_Black
- oth M_Blue
- oth M_Colourless
- oth M_Green
- oth M_Lands
- oth M_Multicolored
- oth M_Red
- oth M_White
- oth R_Black
- oth R_Blue
- oth R_Colourless
- oth R_Green
- oth R_Lands
- oth R_Multicolored
- oth R_Red
- oth R_White
- oth U_Black
- oth U_Blue
- oth U_Colourless
- oth U_Green
- oth U_Lands
- oth U_Multicolor
- oth U_Red
- oth U_White
Avg. CMC 5.03 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |
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Main Deck - 29 cards, 29 distinct
Name | Edition | $ | Type | Cost | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rarity | Color | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Creature (17) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer | $7.93 | Legendary Creature - Elf Shaman | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Balefire Dragon | $14.58 | Creature - Dragon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Bogardan Hellkite | $0.43 | Creature - Dragon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Combustible Gearhulk | $0.61 | Artifact Creature - Construct | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Dragonmaster Outcast | $1.13 | Creature - Human Shaman | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Hellkite Tyrant | $3.68 | Creature - Dragon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker | $8.82 | Legendary Creature - Goblin Shaman | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Malignus | $3.59 | Creature - Elemental Spirit | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Moonveil Dragon | $0.60 | Creature - Dragon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Moraug, Fury of Akoum | $8.70 | Legendary Creature - Minotaur Warrior | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Neheb, the Eternal | $1.95 | Legendary Creature - Zombie Minotaur Warrior | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Scourge of the Throne | $1.01 | Creature - Dragon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Shaman of the Great Hunt | $0.60 | Creature - Orc Shaman | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Stormbreath Dragon | $1.11 | Creature - Dragon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Terror of the Peaks | $18.70 | Creature - Dragon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Urabrask the Hidden | $1.15 | Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Praetor | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Utvara Hellkite | $6.82 | Creature - Dragon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Instant (1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Comet Storm | $0.95 | Instant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sorcery (8) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Bonfire of the Damned | $2.20 | Sorcery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Descent of the Dragons | $3.42 | Sorcery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Explosive Singularity | $0.22 | Sorcery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Finale of Promise | $0.48 | Sorcery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Indomitable Creativity | $7.11 | Sorcery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Star of Extinction | $0.90 | Sorcery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Subterranean Tremors | $8.39 | Sorcery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Worldfire | $21.93 | Sorcery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enchantment (3) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Fiery Emancipation | $8.43 | Enchantment | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Passionate Archaeologist | $15.17 | Legendary Enchantment - Background | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Sneak Attack | $4.06 | Enchantment |
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