- FMACQUAR's profile
- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (98)
- leg PDS: Slivers
Jumpstart Cube
- oth Archaeology (1)
- oth Basri
- oth Devilish (4)
- oth Dinosaurs (4)
- oth Dragons (1)
- oth Heavily Armored (3)
- oth Milling
- oth Minions (2)
- oth Plus One (1)
- oth Reanimated (2)
- oth Smashing (4)
- oth Spellcasting (3)
- oth Spooky (4)
- oth Under The Sea (1)
- oth Unicorns
- oth Vampires (3)
- oth Walls
- oth Well-Read (2)
- oth Wizards (1)
- cub (Un)³
- cub Lumeria, the Infinite City
- cub Pauper Cube
- com 5 Colour Dragons
- com Aminatiou Blink
- com Arcane Maelstrom
- com Arcane Wizardry
- com Atraxa Superfriends
- com Boros Lifegain
- com Breya Combo
- com Enhanced Evolution
- com Entropic Uprising
- com Inalla Wizards
- com Invent Superiority
- com Jenara Voltron
- com Kess Consultation
- com Kethis Legends
- com Political Lifedrain
- com Ramos Storm
- com Slivers
- com Squirrels
- com Symbiotic Swarm
- com The Breaking Wheel
- com The Defenders
- com Timeless Wisdom
- com Traxos Voltron
- com Urza Artifacts
- com Varina Zombies
- com Zombie Swarm
- leg Burn
- leg Grixis Delver
- mod 8 Rack
- mod Boros Burn
- mod Burn
- mod Eminent Domain
- mod Izzet Phoenix
- mod Mardu Pyromancer
- mod Mardu Vampires
- mod Mono-Green Land Destruction
- mod Mono-Red Phoenix
- mod Runaway Red
- mod Storm
- mod UG Evolve
- mod Urza Tron
- mod Wildfire
- pau Blue-Black Delver
- pau Kuldotha Boros
- pau Pauper Burn
- pio Izzet Phoenix
- sta Boros Weenie
- sta Experimental Stompy
- sta Golgari Midrange
- mod Grixis Energy
- sta Izzet Drakes
- sta Mono-blue Tempo
- sta Mono-Red Aggro
- sta Rainbow Lich
- sta Rakdos Burn
- sta Rakdos Midrange
- sta Rakdos Spectacle
- sta Simic Aggro
- com Breya
- sta Breya Myr
- com cEDH staples
- sta Collectiob
- vin Collection 1
- sta Collection Kijiji
- com Copy of Kess Consultation
- com Copy of Zombie Swarm
- com Copy of Zombie Swarm
- sta Jeskai Fires
- com Markov Vampires
- com Ruthless Regiment
- sta Tree-Hugging (1)
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |
Main Deck - 0 cards, 0 distinct
There are no cards in this set. (yet) ;)
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
Scratchpad - 0 cards, 0 distinct
Cards in the scratchpad represent cards that you are considering for this deck, but are not
actually in the built deck. They do not count towards the in built decks count
shown in your inventory. If you are using the Auto Trade feature, they will be
still be marked for trade although cards in your main deck and sideboard will not.
No cards here. :(
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