EZRAN's profile
- MTG DECKS (44)
vin [Repository] Aminatou
vin [Repository] Judith Recursion EDH
vin [Repository] Licia
vin [Repository] Roalesk
vin [Template] Aminatou cEDH
vin Aminatou ETB Combo EDH
vin Aminatou Landfall EDH
vin Arcades Walls EDH
sta Bant Enchantments
sta blank
vin Bolas Budget Disco EDH
vin Breya Artifacts Combo EDH
leg c19 Cards of Interest
leg Child of Alara EDH
com Copy of Kestia Enchantress
vin Copy of scratchpad
vin Elsha Storm EDH
vin Elsha Voltron EDH
leg Feather Voltron EDH
leg Ikra/Tymna/Ravos Lifegain EDH
leg Jodah Big Spells EDH
vin Judith Budget EDH
vin Judith Hi-Power EDH
vin Judith Recursion EDH
vin junk Teysa Afterlife EDH
vin Karador Combo Budget EDH
vin Karador Combo cEDH
vin Karador Combo Mid-Power EDH
com Kestia Enchantress
vin Licia Pain EDH
vin Licia Vamp Tribal EDH
vin Licia Voltron EDH
vin Mayael EDH
vin Mayael Tech EDH
vin Roalesk Money EDH
vin Roalesk Test EDH
vin Roalesk Tokens EDH
sta scratchpad
vin Sephara Angels EDH
mod shopping list
vin Sisay Legends EDH
vin Teysa Aristocrat EDH
sta Tuvasa cEDH (de-tune)
sta Zirda Infinite Mana
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |

There are no cards in this set. (yet) ;)
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
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