- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (109)
- 4C (white)
- 4C Traverse
- Esper
- Esper v2
- Esper v3
- Grixis
- Grixis (Lurrus)
- Grixis Shadow/Murktide
- Jund
- Jund Prowess
- Jund Traverse
- RB
- RB (post-MH3)
- RBg
- Sultai (old)
- Sultai (UBg)
- Sultai (Windcaller)
- UB (Brineborn)
- UB (Dauthi/Night's Whisper)
- UB (Night's Whisper)
- UB (Shadow of Mortality)
- UB (Street Wraith)
- UB (Xerox)
- UB Scam
- BG Cat Rock (comp)
- BG Cat Rock (main)
- BG Cat Shadow
- BG Plague Rock
- BG Plague Rock v2
- BG Rock
- BG Rock (Sarulf)
- BGr Traverse Cat Shadow
- Blue Moon Madcap
- Blue Moon v1
- Blue Moon v2
- Blue Moon v3
- Blue Moon v4
- Blue Moon v5
- Blue Moon v6
- Blue Steel
- BR Rock
- BR Rock (Unearth)
- BR Scam
- BR Scam (post-Fury ban)
- BR Skelemental
- BRw Scam
- Domain Beans Scam Zoo
- Domain Zoo
- Esper Control
- Esper Faerie Tempo
- Esper Lurrus
- Esper Thing Control
- Esper Vindicate Control
- Grixis 8-Kroxa
- Grixis Arcanist
- Grixis Bitterblossom
- Grixis Bitterblossom AV
- Grixis Control
- Grixis Darcy
- Grixis Delver Shadow Scourge
- Grixis Delver v1
- Grixis Delver v2
- Grixis Delver v3
- Grixis Delver v4
- Grixis Delver v5 (2021)
- Grixis Dragons + Lurrus
- Grixis Kroxa Shadow
- Grixis Ragavan Control
- Jeskai Lotus Field
- Jund
- Jund Hexy Scourge
- Jund Scourge (Lurrus Main)
- Lurrus Jund
- Sultai Bitterblossom Grist
- Sultai Lurrus Control
- Temur Delver
- Temur Domain (Lurrus)
- Temur Domain Zoo
- UB Bitterblossom Tempo
- UB Control
- UB Inverter
- UB Inverter v2
- UB Tezzerator
- UR Control
- UR Delver
- UR Delver v2
- UR Delver v3
- UR Kiki Cutthroat
- UR Murktide
- UR Tempo
- UW 5c (Leyline/Typhoon) Control
- UW 5c (Narset/Leyline) Control
- UW 5c Control
- UW(b) Control
- UW(g) Control
- UW(r) Control
- UWrenn 5c (Leyline) Control
- WBR Scam
Pre-FIRE Modern
- Cards on Loan
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |
Main Deck - 0 cards, 0 distinct
There are no cards in this set. (yet) ;)
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
Scratchpad - 0 cards, 0 distinct
Cards in the scratchpad represent cards that you are considering for this deck, but are not
actually in the built deck. They do not count towards the in built decks count
shown in your inventory. If you are using the Auto Trade feature, they will be
still be marked for trade although cards in your main deck and sideboard will not.
No cards here. :(
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