BAGELHEART's profile
- MTG DECKS (78)
athreos boardwipe ideas
leg boardwipe ideas
leg creature ideas
mod nuke?
leg reanimation idea
vin the deck
athreos others
vin athreos good stuff
vin athreos sac
sta Adeliz Budget
leg all kicker multikicker
vin Aminatou
vin Anthousa
leg Athreos Apostle
vin athreos human
vin Baby Tribal
sta Boros Jank
vin child of alara board
vin Chronozoa
leg Chronozoa - Yennett
leg Cool Cards
vin Copy of Kenrith Twins (swapparoo)
leg creatures you can block but really dun wanna
leg dino deck
sta Fun Cards
vin Garna
sta Geist Ideas
sta Gnostro Ideas
vin go to hell sean
leg go to hell sean 2
vin God Eternal Oketra
mod Golos Hondens
mod golos land
vin Greven
vin hallar token
leg hallar token 2
vin hallar?
vin hallar.
leg Heals for everyone
vin Jae's Neheb
vin Jund Spellslinger
vin k&t landfall
vin Kenrith Twins (swapparoo)
vin Keranos
vin Landmine
vin Landmine (Jeskai)
leg Lord Windgrace
vin Mairsil I want!
sta Mathas Enchantress
vin Mathas life change ideas 2.0
vin najeela
sta neheb upgrades
vin Neheb, Eternal
mod Nicol Bolas
vin Niv Mizzet Eternal
vin Noyan Dar
sta Obeka Idea: Wizard Tribal
sta OP for spellslinger
vin radha
leg Rakdos Enchantress
leg Red's Fuck You
sta Sefris
sta Sekkuar
vin Shattergang Brothers
leg Sisay
leg Sunspeaker and Firesong Ideas
vin Tasigur v1.0
sta Tayam Ideas
sta Teshar Stupid
vin Tymna Life Change -> Mathas
vin Tymna life change ideas
leg Upkeep deck brainstorm
vin Upkeep gods
leg voltron idea
leg Vote
vin wall deck
leg weird counters
mod yuriko
vin zacama storm
leg zedruu brainstorm
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |

There are no cards in this set. (yet) ;)
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
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