SCARECR0W's profile
- MTG DECKS (43)
com Friedhofsnebel
vin Jodah Eternal MK3
com Shrine Superfriends
Decks (Maren)
leg BG Elf Tribal
leg Defense Grid
sta Dinos
com gr00tSt0mp
mod Gruul Stomp
leg Knights
mod Raw Elements
mod Simic Breeding
mod Vehicle MK2
Decks (Ole)
mod Bioessence Superfriends MK2
leg Blitzkrieg
leg Blut für den Blutgott
mod Das Kloster
pio Dimir Surveil
leg Howl in the Dark MK2
pio Inverter
sta Manaless Dredge
leg Moloch
mod Orzhov Afterlife MK2
mod Storm of Thousand Years MK2
unausgereifte Ideen
sta Adventure
mod Beneath the Snow
mod Colossus Hammertime
leg Death and Taxes
leg Dragons MK2
leg EldraziG Tron
leg Esper Control
mod Feather Aggro
mod Gate Colossus
leg Golgary Midrange
sta Izzet Drakes MK2
sta NetDeck: Fires of Invention
mod Parhelion Tron
leg Pride of the Reanimator
sta Simic Creature
leg Simic Hex
sta Stopfgans
mod Thopterpower
sta Adventure
com Sneaky Ninja Zombies (UB)
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |

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Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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