- MTG DECKS (403)
sta 4C Enchantment Control by Diego_Brando
leg 4c Tron by Jace Mickelson
leg 4C Tron by Mai_Una_Gioia
leg 4C Tron by Tim Wilder
leg 5C Control by TEIMTEIM
leg 5C Enchantment Control by lockw (5-0)
leg 5C Tron by Mitchell Castaldini
leg 5C Tron by WhiteIglesias87
leg Abzan Tortex by Christopher McDonnell
leg Abzan Tortured by Filippo Tirini
leg Astro Jeskai by lindoso01 (7th Place)
leg Azorius Familiars by 420dragon
leg Azorius Familiars by 420dragon (5-0)
sta Azorius Familiars by saidin.raken (5-0)
sta Azorius Familiars Control by Raptor56 (5-0)
sta Azorius Flicker Tron by mlovbo (17th Place)
vin Azorius Prowess by jsiri84
leg Azorius Renewal
leg Azorius Tron
leg Blue Astro Tron by Modern_Monkey (6th Place)
leg Boros Bully by yamakiller (4th Place)
leg Boros Monarch
leg Boros Monarch
leg Boros Monarch by lindoso01 (5-0)
leg Boros Monarch by Mathonical (4th Place)
leg Boros Seeker Monarch
leg Boros Tron
leg Burn
vin Burn by kaikalbuquerque
leg Dimir Alchemy by DaveLombardoJr
leg Dimir Alchemy by pinato
sta Dimir All Spells by bombaj (11th Place)
leg Dimir All Spells by GilipollasJR137 (5-0)
leg Dimir All Spells by Heisen01
leg Dimir All Spells by Nelsoncastermage
leg Dimir All Spells by TSPJendrek
leg Dimir Control
vin Dimir Delver by Zach Allen
vin Dimir Prowess Delver by jsiri84 (5-0)
sta Dimir Reanimator by carvs (5-0)
leg Dimir Reanimator by Entropy263
leg Dimir Reanimator by tyler29 (5-0)
leg Dimir Snow Teachings by mikeyr00r00 (5-0)
leg Dimir Sprout Teachings
leg Dimir Talisman by albana
leg Dimir Teachings by mikeyr00r00
leg Dimir Teachings by obZen
leg Dinrova Snow Tron by Entropy263 (1st Place)
leg Dinrova Snow Tron by Team5c (3rd Place)
leg Dinrova Tron
leg Dinrova Tron 2
leg Dinrova Tron 3
leg Dinrova Tron by A_Adepto Terra
leg Dinrova Tron by Entropy263
leg Dinrova Tron by Entropy263
leg Dinrova Tron by FloydFreak
leg Dinrova Tron by frigley
leg Dinrova Tron by kungfutrees
leg Dinrova Tron by Mirco Ciavatta, Winner
sta Dinrova Tron by Modern_Monkey (1st Place)
leg Dinrova Tron by Moretti Alessandro
leg Dinrova Tron by SteB
leg Elves
leg Esper Devious Esperstilence
leg Esper Familiars by yuyu (5-0)
sta Fangren Tron by FloydFreak (5-0)
sta Fangren Tron by Odovaucer (5-0)
sta Fangren Tron by SimonPark (5-0)
sta Flicker Tron by Entropy263 (8th Place)
sta Flicker Tron by Parallax (5-0)
sta Fog Tron by A_AdeptoTerra (1st Place)
leg Golgari Rock
leg Golgari The Rock by sakkra
leg Golgari Tron by Lucas
leg Grixis Control by jucaoliveira
leg Grixis Control by Nikiforos
leg Grixis Grim Teachings
leg Grixis Noir Flicker by Trohck
leg Gruul Tron by MrSeanie
vin Inside Out by HELLutek
vin Izzet Blitz
vin Izzet Blitz by Amoras27 (5-0)
leg Izzet Control by Entropy263 (5-0)
leg Izzet Cover Control by Entropy263
leg Izzet Cover-Up by Entropy263 (12th Place)
leg Izzet Cover-Up by Entropy263 (6th Place)
leg Izzet Cover-Up by Entropy263 (7th Place)
leg Izzet Cover-up by kungfutrees
vin Izzet Delver
sta Izzet Faeries by Modern_Monkey (2nd Place)
leg Izzet Flicker by janicestone
leg Izzet Flicker by janicestone
leg Izzet Flicker by OlavoJusMTM (5-0)
leg Izzet Miracles by Dibenzopiceno
sta Izzet Puzzles by oisicraT
vin Izzet Skred by ChironTheMage (2nd Place)
leg Izzet Skred by DenisevichAlexey (1st Place)
leg Izzet Tron by qbturtle15
leg Izzet Tron by SSWAKIZASHI
sta Jeskai Control by Almoslmi (5-0)
leg Jeskai Ephemerate Lord_Beerus (5-0)
leg Jeskai Midrange by MakingSmartPlays
leg Jeskai Midrange by MakingSmartPlays
leg Jeskai Midrange by MakingSmartPlays
sta Jeskai Renewal by Lucas
leg Mardu Control by m9serumu
leg Mardu Monarch by XTO2 (5-0)
leg MBC By Rodrigo Coorsh
leg Mono G Elves by A_AdeptoTerra (9th Place)
leg Mono G Elves by Matsume (8th Place)
leg Mono G Elves by TonyMontana (5th Place)
vin Mono U by numbersdude
vin Mono U Delver
vin Mono U Delver by CharlesBukowski (5-0)
vin Mono U Delver by Entropy263
vin Mono U Delver by Gabc (5-0)
vin Mono U Delver by LucaAshok
vin Mono U Delver by MEZZEL (5-0)
vin Mono U Delver by Mezzel (5-0)
leg Mono U Delver Control
leg Murasa Tron
leg Murasa Tron 2
leg Murasa Tron 3
sta Murasa Tron by Alleyezonme (5-0)
leg Murasa Tron by Entropy263
leg Murasa Tron by Entropy263
sta Murasa Tron by HellYeah (5-0)
leg Murasa Tron by Iguinkk (1st Place)
pau Murasa Tron by Lucas Pereira
leg Murasa Tron by onewaygarden
leg Murasa Tron by TomatoCheese
leg Murasa Tron by TOP_CAKE (5-0)
leg Murasa Tron by TOP_KEK
leg Murasa Tron by Zagallo
leg Orzhov Monarch by VJT
leg Rakdos Discard by Lucas Pereira
leg Rakdos Tron by FalseMufn
leg Stonehorn Dinrova Tron
leg Stonehorn Tron
leg Stonehorn Tron by Hellsau
leg Stonehorn Tron by Lucas
sta Sultai Songs
leg Sultai Songs of the Damned
leg Temur Tron
leg Temur Tron
leg Temur Tron by decx100
sta Temur Tron by Horobi (3rd place)
leg Temur Tron by Lucas
leg Temur Tron by pinato
leg Temur Tron by pinato (5-0)
vin Tireless Tribe
leg Tron Snow Dinrova by Swarm_OF_Mats (9th Place)
leg Urzatron
leg Urzatron 2
mod Abzan Kami Haze by somebroyouknow
sta Abzan Sisters Combo by OpenMapOpenMind (5-0)
sta Affinity Atog Combo by Jkwer (5-0)
leg Affinity Conbo by A_AdeptoTerra (5-0)
leg Azorius Midrange
leg Bant Acid Trip
leg Bant Familiars
leg Bant Pirate Flicker
leg Boros Bully by deluxeicoff
sta Boros Metalcraft by CosmicCharles (5-0)
vin Boros Rites by jffck (5-0)
leg Dimir Devotion by Mr.Page (28th Place)
sta Dimir LD by iDaveW (22nd Place)
vin Dimir Pyrestorm 3.0 Mill by somebroyouknow
leg Disciple Affinity by HughC (11th Place)
leg Esper Familiar by 420dragon
leg Esper Teachings by GOINA
sta Goblins by Erostratus (5-0)
sta Golgari Aristocrats
leg Golgari Aristocrats by LordDowney
leg Golgari Aristocrats by xzmce (24th Place)
leg Golgari Reanimator by Amoras27
leg Golgari Retrace Combo
leg Golgari Songs by Corby Waterscheid
leg Grixis Affinity by PonderousCZ (5-0)
vin Grixis Delver by frucile
vin Grixis Pyrestorm 2.0 by somebroyouknow
vin Grixis Pyrestorm by somebroyouknow
leg Grixis Zubera Storm
leg Gruul Goblins by Emilos_de_Carlos
leg Gruul LD by Conley Woods
leg Gruul Ponza
sta Gruul Saproling Assault
leg Izzet Affinity
leg Izzet Helix
mod Izzet Helix Storm
vin Izzet Vinestorm
vin Izzet Vinestorm 2
leg Jeskai Familiars
leg Jeskai Pirate Flicker
leg Jund Lands by Alex Ullman
leg Mardu Monarch by Lucas Pereira
leg Mimic Control by Zebra Dump
leg Mono B Astro Pestilence by Entropy263 (5-0)
leg Mono B Control by bdecker7649 (5-0)
leg Mono B Guildmage by PR0boszcz (8th Place)
sta Mono B LD by JsyvX (5-0)
leg Mono B LD by rinazina
leg Mono B MBC by PR0boszcz (5-0)
leg Mono B Suicide by Robert Cucanato
leg Mono B Zombie Burn
leg Mono B Zombies by andoneko (5-0)
leg Mono B Zombies by TheMaverickGirl
leg Mono G Convoke by Amoras27 (5-0)
leg Mono G Convoke by Amoras27 (6th Place)
leg Mono G LD by bCereus
leg Mono G Stompy
leg Mono G Stompy by _DissonancE_
leg Mono G Stompy by greenprinny (1st Place)
leg Mono G Stompy by patrickj (2nd Place)
leg Mono R Control by Arsteel08
leg Mono R RDW by Antillectual (2nd Place)
vin Mono R RDW by djglitter
leg Mono R RDW by GioNuti7 (20th Place)
leg Mono U Affinity by Mona
sta Mono U Control by JsyvX (5-0)
leg Mono U Control by Steven Keys
sta Mono U Golem by Raptor56 (5-0)
sta Mono W Heroic by Chompers203 (6th Place)
leg Mono W Monarch by calic
leg Mono W Tokens by navi_stabber
leg Mono W Tron by mlovbo
leg Naya Aggro donzauker84
sta Naya Slivers by swiftwarkite2 (15th Place)
vin One Land Spy
vin One Land Spy by bwunderz
vin One Land Spy by rjimi
vin One Land Spy Guma
vin One Land Spy Japa
leg One Land Spy no GitProbe
leg Orzhov Martyr
leg Rakdos Aristocrats by aokis (5-0)
leg Rakdos Burn by Tominous
sta Rakdos Kuldotha by Aokis
vin Rakdos Turbo Exhume
sta RDW by walterr25 (5-0)
leg Rhystic Tron by mlovbo
leg Rhystic Tron by mlovbo
leg Rhystic Tron by mlovbo
leg Rhystic Tron by mlovbo
leg Rhystic Tron by Trohck
leg Selesnya Beatdown by PR0boszcz
sta Selesnya Bogles by JoaoPurga (5-0)
leg Selesnya Slivers by Heidegg
leg Selesnya Stampede
leg Selesnya Tethmos
leg Selesnya Treefolk Tribe by faradan (7th Place)
leg Simic Freed Walls by Swindy
leg Simic Infect by tzuizz (5-0)
leg Simic Love Train by mlovbo
leg Simic Midrange by Mlovbo
leg Simic Petal Festival by Caleb Gannon
leg Simic Petal Festival by kobland
leg Simic Walls by pproteus
sta Stompy by Timcanpy (5-0)
leg Sultai Lands
sta Sultai Wonderwalls
vin Temur Lands
vin Three Land Priest by Vendeta44
vin Vinestorm by Raptor56 (5-0)
leg White Weenie by wimpybones1
leg 4C Enchaments Control
leg 4C Enchantment Control
leg 4C Snow
leg 4C Snow by sakkra (4th Place)
leg 4C Snow Control by onewaygarden (15th Place)
leg 4C Snow Go
leg 4C Sprout Teaching by Raptor56 (5-0)
leg 4C Tron by ak1
leg 4C Tron by CtrlZED (5-0)
leg 5C Snow Control by Giraffe (5-0)
leg 5C Snow Control by Giraffe (5-0)
leg Affinity by GTX120 (2nd Place)
leg Affinity by Mathonical
leg Affinity by Team5c (1st Place)
leg Affinity Combo by carvs
sta Affinity Disciple by karakusk (17th Place)
leg Azorius Morph by somebroyouknow
sta Azorius Tribe by billster47 (5-0)
vin Azorius Tribe by Entropy263 (5-0)
leg Boros Monarch Tokens by ABAC0 (5-0)
leg Dimir Alchemy by Zach Philley
sta Dimir Angler Delver by vivorilla93 (5-0)
leg Dimir Control by habakiri
leg Dimir Control by JPablo (5-0)
leg Dimir Control by sakkra
vin Dimir Exhume
sta Dimir Faeries by HJ_Kaiser (5th Place)
sta Dimir Familiar Control by noah_33 (5-0)
leg Dimir Midrange by habakiri
vin Dimir One Drops by
vin Dimir One Drops by Chugun (4th Place)
vin Dimir One Drops by Kiffa420 (5-0)
vin Dimir One Drops by Nasty
vin Dimir One Drops by Nulyan (1st Place)
sta Dimir Teachings by Allenwinden (32nd Place)
leg Dimir Trinket
leg Dimir Tron by Hluca
leg Dimir Zuberas
leg Dinrova Tron by LeoFa
sta Elves Melody by c_is_for_cookie (5-0)
leg Esper Cawblade
sta Esper Familiars
leg Esper Familiars by Blloodpet
sta Fangren Tron by Jkwer (5-0)
leg Golgari Delve by IzDaisho
leg Golgari Lands by TheOneTheyCallJoB
sta Golgari Project X by Hallenium
leg Golgari Rock by MeaL
sta Golgari Rot Raven
vin Grixis Delve by _ZodiaK
sta Grixis Delver by frucile (21st Place)
leg Grixis Midrange by touto_Isle (5-0)
sta Grixis Serpentine by BoshNRoll
leg Grixis Teachings by sakkra
leg Gruul Defenders
sta Izzet Blitz by Amoras27 (14th Place)
vin Izzet Blitz by StanUA
sta Izzet Control by nathanp01 (5-0)
sta Izzet Control by Raptor56 (5-0)
leg Izzet Midrange by Mirozel1 (6th Place)
vin Izzet Miracles by alicodendrochit
leg Izzet Puzzle by mlovbo
vin Izzet Thermo-Delver by GLNemesis
leg Izzet Trinket by mlovbo
leg Jeskai Control
sta Jeskai Ephemerate by nathanp01 (5-0)
leg Jeskai Familiars by Blloodpet (6th Place)
leg Jeskai Familiars by Travis Hobrla
leg Jeskai Snow by _Holzi_ (5-0)
leg Jeskai Snow by hjc (3rd Place)
leg Jeskai Snow Control by sakkra (11th Place)
leg Jund Songs of the Damned
leg Jund Songs of the Damned
leg Kuldotha Boros by VanillaJames
sta Mardu Monarch by nahnahe1 (2nd Place)
leg Mardu Priest Reanimator by Mathonical
sta Mardu Tortex by Excile2127
leg Mono B Corrupt by mosskirin (5-0)
leg Mono B Corrupt Control by Lobbert
sta Mono B Corrupt Control by skrulis (5-0)
leg Mono G Stompy by carvs (5-0)
leg Mono G Stompy by Purplegambit (5-0)
sta Mono U by carvs (5-0)
vin Mono U Delver by BERNASTORRES
sta Mono U Faeries by BobbyFoundDead (5-0)
leg Mono U Fairies by PauloCabral_Br (4th Place)
vin Mono U Millver by JherjamesB
leg Mono U Tron by 420Dragon
leg Mono U Tron by Jason Schumacher
leg Naya Midnight Gond by Mathonical
leg One Land Astro Spy
leg Orzhov Artihawks
leg Orzhov Kami-Lock by quinna
leg Orzhov Monarch by kazuya3
leg Orzhov Monarch Pestilence by Amoras27
leg Orzhov Pestilence by A_AdeptoTerra
leg Orzhov Pestilence by ak1
leg Orzhov Pestilence by Amoras27 (5-0)
leg Orzhov Pestilence by Amoras27 (5-0)
leg Orzhov Pestilence by Auripower
sta Orzhov Pestilence by colesmith (5-0)
leg Orzhov Pestilence by HeWhoIsInTheWater
leg Orzhov Pestilence by HeWhoIsInTheWater
leg Orzhov Pestilence by TEIMTEIM
leg Orzhov Pestilence by ukulele
sta Orzhov Pestilence by zturchan (9th Place)
sta Orzhov Pestilence Control by Amoras27 (20th Place)
leg Orzhov Pestilence ny Tennisdude9993
leg Orzhov Talisman by BerserkingBattler
leg Rakdos Aristocrats by karakusk (32nd Place)
leg Rakdos Discard by PR0boszcz
leg Rakdos Monarch by Bruno dos Santos
sta Rakdos Monarch by gutao2v (5-0)
leg Rakdos Monarch by PR0boszcz (14th Place)
sta Rakdos Monarch by PR0boszcz (5-0)
leg Rakdos Monarch by ultrasuperbob (5-0)
sta Rakdos Reanimator by dasro20 (31st Place)
pau Rakdos Tortex
leg Rakdos Tortex
sta Rakdos TortEx Control
leg Rakdos Tron by Nulyan
sta Reanimator Tron by SiNF3RN0 (31st Place)
sta Reanimatron
leg Rhystic Tron by JessNES
leg Rhystic Tron by mlovbo
leg Simic Longbow by deluxeicoff
leg Simic Turbo Fog by Piet0410
leg Simic Wonderwalls by janicestone
leg Snow White Tron by billster47 (2nd Place)
leg Sultai Mnemonic Songs
leg Temur Affinity
sta Temur Affinity by _against_ (16th Place)
leg Temur Wonderwalls by SteB
leg Tron Snow Dinrova by Team5c (15th Place)
leg Tron Snow Murasa by Parallax (5-0)
leg Tron Stonehorn Crusher by mei0024 (5-0)
leg Urzatron by Xto2 (5-0)
Avg. CMC 1.8 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |

![]() |
Name ![]() |
Edition | $ | Type | Cost | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rarity | Color | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Creature (18) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 |
Delver of Secrets // Insectile Aberration
![]() |
$0.44 | Creature - Human Wizard // Creature - Human Insect | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Faerie Miscreant
![]() |
$0.09 | Creature - Faerie Rogue | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Faerie Seer
![]() |
$0.32 | Creature - Faerie Wizard | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Ninja of the Deep Hours
![]() |
$1.19 | Creature - Human Ninja | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Spellstutter Sprite
![]() |
$3.03 | Creature - Faerie Wizard | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Spire Golem
![]() |
$0.14 | Artifact Creature - Golem | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Instant (15) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
![]() |
$1.65 | Instant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
![]() |
$0.28 | Instant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 |
Force Spike
![]() |
$0.58 | Instant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Mutagenic Growth
![]() |
$1.23 | Instant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
![]() |
$2.54 | Instant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 |
Vapor Snag
![]() |
$0.18 | Instant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sorcery (8) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
![]() |
$2.32 | Sorcery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
![]() |
$0.52 | Sorcery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Artifact (2) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Mantle of Tides
![]() |
$0.05 | Artifact - Equipment | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Land (17) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 |
Mystic Sanctuary
![]() |
$1.84 | Land - Island | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 |
Snow-Covered Island
![]() |
$1.26 | Basic Snow Land - Island |
Sideboard - 15 cards, 7 distinct
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