- MTG DECKS (61)
Commander 2013
vin Eternal Bargain
vin Evasive Maneuvers
vin Mind Seize
vin Nature of the Beast
vin Power Hungry
leg Copy of Counter/Burn
vin Copy of Countertop
leg Elven Stasus
leg experimental
leg Old Slivers!!
leg R Land Destruction/Burn
leg R/B Land Destruction
leg UW Stasis
Legacy Decks
leg Artifact Sac
leg Assassin's Guild
leg Blue Counter
leg Chimeric Sacrifice
leg Counter/Burn
vin Countertop
leg Dragon Flight
leg Elven invasion
leg Fungal Infestation
leg Goblin Zerg
leg Gurzigost
leg Heaven's Wrath
leg Hydra Blasting Station
vin Izzet Replication
leg Legendary Gods
leg Multicolor Impression
leg Passive Agressive Prison
leg Raging Beasts
leg Rat Infestation
leg Traumatizing
leg Waste Not discard
vin Wizard Control
leg Zombies!
leg Zubera
mod Almost Affiinity
mod Azorius
mod Golgari CoG
vin Golgari RTR
mod Gruul Beatdown CoG
mod Infect Budget
mod Izzet
mod Modern Traumatizing
mod Nephilim
mod Orzhov CoG
mod Pauper Infect Budget
mod Polymorph
mod Rakdos
mod Selesnya
mod Selesnya CoG
mod Seshiro's Snake Tribe
mod Spirit Revival
mod The Unspeakable
mod Upkeep Coldsnap
mod Black Aggro Sac
Standard Decks
leg Copy of Passive Agressive Prison
leg Copy of Waste Not discard
leg Isochron W/B/R
mod Land Awakening