- MTG DECKS (50)
completed EDH
com Damia self mill
com Yidris wheel
EDH incomplete
incomplete decks
Just brewing
com Chisei counters
com I see, I kill
com Non-red chaos
com Spirits control
Really want to build
com Discard all the cards
com Enchantments selsnya
com Flip a coin
com Orvar
com Sidisi dredge
com Sissay
com Spellslinger elsha
com Taigam, azorius yidris
com Tatyova lands
Sommer 2021
com Bunny deck
com Emry
com Grixis big spells
com Radha, ramp and destroy
com Turbo-summon
com Witherbloom infect degen
Want to build
com Deal and wheel
com Dimir blink
com Donations
com epic bike race gavi
com izzet discard
com Mobilize the mana
com Moonfolk
com Olivia reanimator
com The dream den
com Timur lets you draw
com Alesha who smiles at death
com Another self mill, this time in abzan
com Elesh norn white tokens
com Mobilize the mana
com Mono black removal
com Odd tribal partner
com Oloro lifetotals
com orzhov lurrus
com Yidris suspend
com Yidris wheel and mill
com Yuriko