ENTGEIGAN's profile
- MTG DECKS (62)
leg Abzan
leg Bant
leg Beast
leg Black White
sta Deathfed
sta Demonic Horror
sta Elf Warrior
sta Exalted
sta Genesis Wave
sta Life Gain
sta Merfolk
sta Pest-ilence
sta Rush
sta Selesnya Ally
sta Shadow/Discard
sta Vampire Remnants
sta Walls
com Coven Counters
sta Olivia Vampire Commander
sta Oloro Esper Commander
com Undead Unleashed
In the Works
leg +9 Lives
leg Angels
sta Dino EDH
com Land Before Time
sta Squirrelfriends
Precon (unaltered)
com Angels Commander
com Backup
com Badazz Brimaz
com Bant Brokers
com Boros Lorehold
com Chaos Incarnate
com Corrupting Influence
com Draconic Destruction
com Draconic Dissent
com Elven Council
com Esper Obscura
com Exile-rating
com First Flight
com Golgari Witherbloom
com Grave Danger
com Grixis Xerox
com Gruul Mod
com Hosts of Morddor
com Izzet Prismari
com Jeskai Convoke
com Jund Blitz
com Kamigawa UW Vehicles
com Kitty Kanto Naya
com Knighty knight
com Lord of the Food
com Mishra Commander
sta Obscura Operation
com Orzhov Silverquill
com Painbow
com Party Time
com Pirate Horrors
com Rohan Riders
com Simic Quantrix
com Tinker Time
com Token Triumph
sta Sacrifices