Type: Deck Idea
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 25 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (1)
1 Aeve, Progenitor Ooze
$0.19 Legendary Creature - Ooze
Instant (14)
1 Ad Nauseam
$14.06 Instant
4 Brainstorm
$1.24 Instant
4 Cabal Ritual
$11.49 Instant
4 Dark Ritual
$2.81 Instant
1 Veil of Summer
$7.29 Instant
Sorcery (19)
2 Duress
$0.05 Sorcery
4 Infernal Tutor
$1.92 Sorcery
1 Past in Flames
$3.78 Sorcery
4 Ponder
$2.24 Sorcery
3 Preordain
$0.73 Sorcery
1 Tendrils of Agony
$1.03 Sorcery
4 Thoughtseize
$7.77 Sorcery
Artifact (10)
4 Lion's Eye Diamond
$425.77 Artifact
4 Lotus Petal
$21.93 Artifact
2 Wishclaw Talisman
$1.66 Artifact
Land (16)
1 Bayou
$399.85 Land - Swamp Forest
1 Boseiju, Who Endures
$30.48 Legendary Land
1 Island
$0.14 Basic Land - Island
4 Misty Rainforest
$22.06 Land
4 Polluted Delta
$13.04 Land
1 Swamp
$1.43 Basic Land - Swamp
1 Tropical Island
$496.84 Land - Forest Island
2 Underground Sea
$797.54 Land - Island Swamp
1 Volcanic Island
$696.81 Land - Island Mountain
Sideboard - 15 cards, 10 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Instant (7)
1 Abrupt Decay
$1.12 Instant
1 Chain of Vapor
$8.63 Instant
2 Flusterstorm
$6.19 Instant
2 Hurkyl's Recall
$1.17 Instant
1 Surgical Extraction
$3.09 Instant
Sorcery (2)
1 Massacre
$0.63 Sorcery
1 Peer into the Abyss
$3.19 Sorcery
Enchantment (5)
3 Carpet of Flowers
$4.80 Enchantment
2 Dress Down
$0.87 Enchantment
Land (1)
1 Boseiju, Who Endures
$30.48 Legendary Land
Scratchpad - 0 cards, 0 distinct
Cards in the scratchpad represent cards that you are considering for this deck, but are not actually in the built deck. They do not count towards the in built decks count shown in your inventory. If you are using the Auto Trade feature, they will be still be marked for trade although cards in your main deck and sideboard will not.
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# [ Miracles ]
-1 Cabal Ritual, -1 Lotus Petal, -2 Preordain
+2 Abrupt Decay, +2 Veil of Summer

# [ Stoneblade ]
-1 Cabal Ritual,  -2 Preordain -1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames
+1 Massacre,  +2 Abrupt Decay, , +2 Veil of Summer

# [ Eldrazi/Moon Stompy/Steel Stompy ]
-4 Duress, -1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames, -2 Preordain
+2 Hurkyl’s Recall, +2 Abrupt Decay, +2 Echoing Truth, +1 Chain of Vapor, +1 Empty

# [ Storm ]
- 2 Basics, -2 Preordain
+2 Flusterstorm, +2 Veil of Summer

# [ Lands ]
-4 Thoughtseize, -1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames
+2 Echoing Truth, +2 Hurkyl’s Recall, +2 Chain of Vapor

# [ BUG Midrange (Shardless, Aluren, Food Chain, BUG Control) ]
-1 Cabal Ritual, -2 Preordain, -1 Lotus Petal OPTION: -1 Dark Petition
+2 Abrupt Decay, +2 Veil of Summer OPTION: +1 Empty the Warrens (not vs combo)

# [ Delver ]
-1 Ad Nauseam, -1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames
+1 Empty the Warrens, +2 Abrupt Decay (Add Massacre instead of Empty vs UW)

# [ Grixis Control/4c Control ]
-1 Lotus Petal, -1 Cabal Ritual, -1 Past in Flames, -1 Dark Petition, -1 Preordain
+2 Veil of Summer, +2 Abrupt Decay, +1 Empty the Warrens

# [ Burn ]
-4 Duress,  -1 Ad Nauseam
+1 Empty the Warrens,  +2 Chain of Vapor, +2 Echoing Truth

# [ Dimir Reanimator ]
-2 Preordain, -1 Swamp
+1 Xantid Swarm, +2 Flusterstorm

# [ Infect ]
-1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames, -2 Preordain
+1 Xantid Swarm, +2 Flusterstorm, +2 Abrupt Decay

# [ Death and Taxes/Maverick/Goblins ]
-4 Duress,  -1 Past in Flames, -1 Dark Petition, -2 Preordain, 
+2 Chain of Vapor, +2 Abrupt Decay, +2 Echoing Truth, +1 Massacre, +1 Empty the Warrens 

# [ 4c Loam ]
-2 Duress, -2 Preordain/Duress, -1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames 
+2 Abrupt Decay, +2 Chain, +2 Echoing Truth

# [ Omnishow/Sneak & Show ]
-1 Swamp, -1 Past in Flames, -2 Preordain
+1 Xantid Swarm, +2 Flusterstorm, +1 Chain of Vapor

# [ Elves ]
-1 Swamp, -1 Past in Flames, -1 Dark Petition 
+2 Flusterstorm, +1 Chain of Vapor

# [ Manaless Dredge ]
-1 Swamp
+1 Xantid Swarm

# [ LED Dredge ]
-1 Swamp, -2 Thoughtseize, -1 Preordain
+2 Flusterstorm, +2 Chain of Vapor

# [ Merfolk ]
-1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames, -4 Preordain, -1 Cabal Ritual
+2 Abrupt Decay, +2 Echoing Truth, +2 Hurkyl’s Recall, +1 Xantid Swarm

# [ RB Reanimator ]
-1 Swamp, -2 Thoughtseize, -2 Preordain
+2 Flusterstorm, +1 Chain of Vapor, +2 Veil of Summer

# [ Turbo Depths ]
-4 Duress, -1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames
+2 Chain of Vapor, +2 Echoing Truth, +2 Veil of Summer/Flusterstorm

# [ Enchantress ]
-1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames, -4 Duress
+2 Echoing Truth, +2 Chain of Vapor, +2 Abrupt Decay

# [ Pox ]
-4 Thoughtseize, -4 Duress
+2 Chain of Vapor, +1 Echoing Truth, +2 Flusterstorm, +2 Veil of Summer, +1 Empty the Warrens

# [ Nic Fit ]
-4 Duress, -1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames
+2 Echoing Truth, +2 Chain of Vapor, +2 Veil of Summer

# [ Tezzerator ]
-4 Preordain, -1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames, -1 Thoughtseize
+2 Abrupt Decay, +2 Hurkyl’s Recall, +2 Echoing Truth, +1 Empty the Warrens

# [ High Tide ]
-1 Swamp, -2 Preordain, -1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames
+2 Flusterstorm, +1 Xantid Swarm, +2 Veil of Summer

# [ Goblin Charbelcher ]
-1 Swamp, -2 Preordain, -1 Island
+2 Flusterstorm, +2 Echoing Truth

# [ Painter ]
-2 Preordain, -1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames, -2 Duress
+2 Echoing Truth, +2 Hurkyls Recall, +2 Chain of Vapor

# [ C/G Post ]
-2 Preordain, -1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames
+2 Echoing Truth, +2 Chain of Vapor

# [ Grixis Phoenix ]
-1 Dark Petition, -1 Past in Flames, -1 Swamp, -1 Preordain
+2 Flusterstorm, +2 Veil of Summer
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