Sideboard - 5 cards, 5 distinct
A Voltron-ish aggro deck, with the main goal of dishing out low CMC creatures to beatdown your opponents as you keep ramping up, adding more equipment to your arsenal and eventually roflstomping your opponent with a 1/1 cat which has suddenly become a 15/15 double strike trampler with lifelink.
Added 2 anti-flier cards, some enchantment hate and a grave hate for a good measure to sideboard.
- Can kick your ass pretty fast
- Tons of utility equipment to spread around your kitties
- Commander never has to leave command zone
- Not very wide-oriented
- Not properly equipped against heavy combo players
Added 2 anti-flier cards, some enchantment hate and a grave hate for a good measure to sideboard.
- Can kick your ass pretty fast
- Tons of utility equipment to spread around your kitties
- Commander never has to leave command zone
- Not very wide-oriented
- Not properly equipped against heavy combo players
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