BSU's profile
- MTG DECKS (30)
Deck Ideas
sta Adeline Cards
sta Cards to Buy
sta Cards to Buy for Elminster
sta Dustin and Lucas EDH Ideas
sta Elminster Deck Ideas
com Kangee Ideas
sta Kenrith Ideas
sta Raggadragga Ideas
sta Trynn and Silvar to Add
sta Adrix and Nev EDH
sta Artifacts blue/white
sta Aura/Equipment RWU V2
vin Basalt Monolith Combo
com Galea EDH
sta Party WUBRG
leg Planeswalker
sta Red/Green Cheat-Mean
com Sefris EDH
com Aesi EDH
com Feather EDH
com Ideas for Peregrin Took
com Lathril EDH
com Leinore EDH
com Minn EDH
com Mono White Control
com Osgir EDH
sta Pauper Boggles
com Trynn and Silvar EDH
com Vadrik CEDH
com Yedora EDH