Name  |
Type |
Classes |
Edition |
Rarity |
1 |
Alana the Woebringer
Ally - Undeat Priest |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Anastina, Herald of the Fel
Ally - Blood Elf Warlock |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Apprentice Teep
Ally - Gnome Mage |
Heroes of Azeroth
1 |
Ally - Blood Elf Paladin |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Ashenvale Illusionist
Ally - Night Elf Mage |
Reign of Fire
1 |
Baxxel Geartooth
Hero - Goblin Hunter |
War of the Elements
1 |
Benethor Draigo
Ally - Undead Mage |
Heroes of Azeroth
1 |
Blurg Firekin
Ally - Orc Shaman |
Reign of Fire
1 |
Darlon Blacksoul
Ally - Human Warlock |
War of the Ancients
1 |
Darnassus Sentinels
Ally - Night Elf Warrior |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Darnassus Shadowblade
Ally - Night Elf Rogue |
War of the Ancients
1 |
Dawnhoof Brightcaller
Ally - Tauren Paladin |
War of the Ancients
1 |
Dawnstrider Sunward
Instant Ally - Tauren Paladin |
Reign of Fire
1 |
Deatheater Stroud
Ally - Undead Death Knight |
Throne of the Tides
2 |
Disciple of the Light
Ally - Human Paladin |
Reign of Fire
1 |
Dradam Chillblade
Ally - Dwarf Death Knight |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Edwin VanCleef
Ally - Human Rogue |
Dungeon Decks
1 |
Elwynn Huntsman
Ally - Human Hunter |
Reign of Fire
1 |
Elysa Lockewood
Ally - Human Paladin |
War of the Ancients
1 |
Eredar Chaosbringer
Monster Ally - Eredar Demon Warlock |
Reign of Fire
1 |
Faenis the Tranquil
Ally - Night Elf Druid |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Funken Fusemissile
Instant Ally - Gnome Mage |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Goran, Timewalker Lavacaller
Ally - Dwarf Shaman |
Reign of Fire
1 |
Grayson Steelworth
Hero - Worgen Warrior |
War of the Elements
1 |
Monster Hero - Murloc Hunter |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Guardian Steppestrider
Ally - Tauren Warrior |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Gundek Hammerguard
Hero - Dwarf Paladin |
War of the Elements
1 |
Hamuul Runetotem
Ally - Tauren Druid |
Crown of the Heavens
1 |
Haro Setting-Sun
Ally - Tauren Priest |
Reign of Fire
1 |
Hesawa Stormwalker
Ally - Tauren Druid |
Throne of the Tides