CALIMARTIN's profile
- MTG DECKS (175)
Binders + Boxes
Butch Decks
Custom Builds
sin BR Prosper, Tome-Bound
sta GU Giants
sta GW NEO Enchantments
sta RWB NEO Samurai
sta UB NEO Ninjas
sin WB Oops! All Legends
sta WUB Sefris
sta WUBRG Jodah, The Unifier
com C Eldrazi
com G Elves
com GU Druids
com GW +1/+1 Counters
com R Drakuseth
com R Lukka's Power
com RWB Zurgo Helmsmasher
com WB Angelic Demons
com WB Cleric
com WUBRG Ally
com WUBRG Elementals
com WUBRG Jegantha, the Wellspring
Historic Brwl
com WUBRG NEO Kyodai
leg BG Night Wolves
leg BR Land Destruction
leg G Historic Elves
leg G Mutated Beasts
leg RG I've Had Some Work Done
leg UB Dimir Energy
leg WB Enchantment Creatures
leg WB Necro Knights
leg WU Leveler
mod B Endless Torment
mod BG Squirrel Army
mod G Infected Stampede
mod GUR Omnath, Locus of the Roil
mod U Faerie
mod UB Miller
mod W Bird
mod WB Alley Cats
oat BG Garruk, Cursed Huntsman
oat BG Garruk's Rampage
oat G Vivien on the Hunt
oat RW Dinosaurs
oat U Mill 'em All
pio G Scute Swarm
pio GW Callix & Elspeth
Quick Draft
sin Cat Mastery
sin GU Landfall
sin Hydra Storm
sin Oops! All Legends
sin R Lukka, Coppercoat
sin RGW Rin and Seri
sin W Unicorns are Real
sin Walking Dead
sin WUBRG Mentor
sta GR Aggro Arts
sta GR Gruul Aggro
sta UB This Ain't Naruto
sta WUBR 3-Way Recursion
Tiny Leaders
tin Tiny Squirrels
Mendoza Decks
sta BG Pest
sta GU Fractal
sta Lessons
sta RW Spirit
sta WB Inkling
MTGA PreCons
HP 2023
sta G Viven's Hunt
sta Aerial Domination
sta Cold-Blooded Killers
sta Goblins Everywhere
sta Keep the Peace
sta Large And In Charge
STD 21
sta BG Back for More
sta BR Line of Fire
sta GU Massive Menagerie
sta GW To Adventure!
sta RG Stomp, Stomp
sta RW Company of Knights
sta UB Mutation Station
sta UR Spellpower
sta WB Life Skills
sta WU Starry-Eyed
STD 22
sta BG Growing Hunger
sta BR Treasure Hunt
sta GU Avalanche!
sta GW Lifeline
sta RG Savage Lands
sta RW Armed and Dangerous
sta UB Control Center
sta UR Fireworks
sta WB Dungeon Delving
sta WU Sky Patrol
STD 23
sta BG Grave Matters
sta BR Ignite the Forge
sta GU Blossoming Growth
sta GW Strength in Numbers
sta RG On the Hunt
sta RW Storm of Blades
sta UB Stealthy Subterfuge
sta UR Spellweaver
sta WB Balancing Act
sta WU Angelic Accountants
20 Pioneer CD
com C20 Arcane Maelstrom
com C20 Enhanced Evolution
com C20 Rutheless Regiment
com C20 Symbiotic Swarm
com C20 Timeless Wisdom
com C21 Lorehold Legacies
com C21 Prismari Performance
com C21 Quantum Quandrix
com C21 Silverquill Statement
com C21 Witherbloom Witchcraft
sta CMM Sliver Swarm
com MIC GW Coven Counters
com NCC GWU Bedecked Brokers
com NCC RGW Carberitti Cacaphony
com NEC RG Upgrades Unleashed
com SLD23 WUBRG From Cute to Brute
com ZNC Land's Wrath
M21 Planeswalker
Set Series
AFR Brawl
sta GW Life Gain
sta RG Pack Tactics
sta UR Roll a D20!
sta WB Venture Faster
sta WU Venture Value
IKO Brawl
sta BGU Apex of Forever
sta GUR Apex of Wishes
sta RWB Apex of the Hunt
sta URW Apex of Thunder
sta WBG Apex of Death
Pio Companions
STD 2021
pio Back for More
pio Company of Knights
pio Life Skills
pio Line of Fire
pio Massive Menagerie
pio Mutation Station
pio Spellpower
pio Starry-Eyed
pio Stomp, Stomp
pio To Adventure!
STD 2022
STD 2023
sta BG Grave Matters
sta GU Blossoming Growth
STX School Decks
pio BG Witherbloom
pio GU Quandrix
pio RW Lorehold
pio UR Prismari
pio WB Silverquill
mod Azorious Detain
sta BR Death Loop

Name | Cost ![]() |
Swamp | |
Jungle Hollow | |
Swamp | |
Swamp | |
Forest | |
Swamp | |
Deathbloom Thallid |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Twinblade Assassins | |
2 | Deathbloom Thallid | |
3 | Jungle Hollow | |
4 | Murderous Rider // Swift End | // |
5 | Sudden Spinnerets | |
6 | Skull Prophet |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 37 | 21 |
Percent | 63.0 | 36.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.