DRAKE O'DELL's profile
- MTG DECKS (19)
com anowon, remix
com Anowon, vampee wampees!
com Eaters of the Flesh
com Ezuri, Wherefore art thou Legolas
com Gishath, welcome to Jurassic Park!
com Goreclaw EDH mono Green stampede
com Grand Warlord Radha
com infinifrog land triggers
com Iroas boros cavalry
com Karametra presents the Sound and the Fury
com Kraj presents Prey
com krenko, cobblin goblin moblins
oth merfolk giant counters 4 cmc max
com momir vig, simic power
oth pirate latitudes
com Sephara presents Airframe
com Talrand presents Sphere
com Tatyova merfolk horde
com whiteless shrek n friends