Main Deck - 100 cards, 78 distinct
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
Scratchpad - 0 cards, 0 distinct
Cards in the scratchpad represent cards that you are considering for this deck, but are not
actually in the built deck. They do not count towards the in built decks count
shown in your inventory. If you are using the Auto Trade feature, they will be
still be marked for trade although cards in your main deck and sideboard will not.
No cards here. :(
worsemorebad | 08-Apr-2021 16:131 Felisa, Fang of Silverquill1 Combat Calligrapher1 Guardian Archon1 Nils, Discipline Enforcer1 Promise of Loyalty1 Scholarship Sponsor1 Author of Shadows1 Bold Plagiarist1 Cunning Rhetoric1 Fain, the Broker1 Incarnation Technique1 Keen Duelist1 Stinging Study1 Inkshield1 Tempting Contract1 Duelist’s Heritage1 Debtors’ Knell1 Secret Rendezvous1 Fracture1 Silverquill Campus1 Study Hall1 Ambition’s Cost1 Rogue’s Passage
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