- MTG DECKS (553)
Australian Highlander
sta Pattern Hulk
Banned Decks
Legacy (banned)
vin 12-Post
vin AK
vin Aluren
sta Aluren - Yorion
vin Aluren No Recruiter
vin ANT
vin Czech Pile
vin Czech Pile Lite
vin Food Chain
vin Grixis Control
vin Grixis Delver
vin Grixis Search
vin Miracles (BDM)
vin Miracles (Esper)
vin Miracles (Predict)
vin Miracles (Turbo Mentor)
vin Omnitell (UW Brew)
sta Ponza
sta Snoko Breach
vin The Cure
vin TinFins
vin Turbo Mentor
vin UB Delver
vin UB Shadownaut
vin UBG Delver
vin UR Gifts Storm
Legacy Unchained
vin Miracles
Vintage (banned)
vin Blue Belcher - Living Wish
vin Blue Belcher - Map
vin Bomberman
vin Bomberman UWRb
vin BUG Hydra
vin Doomsday
vin GAT
vin Grixis Pyro
vin Lucky 7s
vin Martello Shops
vin Mentor - WU
vin Mentor - WUB
vin Mentor - WUR
vin Mentor - WUR YP
vin The Solution 2016 (testing)
vin W Eldrazi, white heavy
sta Control - Raka EI
sta Hot Bant
Canadian Highlander
sta 5c Initiative Control
vin BUG Lands
vin Eggs
sta Fuck You Thassa
sta GrixisG Planeswalkers
vin Jund Gone Wild
vin Kiki Crappy Brew
sta Korvold Midrange
vin Mono R
sta Planeswalker Tribal
sta Rector Flash
sta Scapeshift
vin Storm Fins
sta Tide
vin Time Vault lands
sta Untappd
vin Blue Moon
sta Blue Moon - Grixis
sta Blue Moon (Theros update)
sta Grixis Control
vin Kiki
vin Paradoxical Outcomes
sta 4c Initiative Prison
sta Breach Storm
vin Flash Hulk
sta Flash Hulk Initiative
sta GrixisG $$$ Control
sta Medium-Small Red
sta Paradox Academy - Tinker
sta Paradox Academy - Vault
sta Pattern Hulk
sta Seeker Walk - 5c
vin Vault Combo Control
vin Blue Moon (MH1 update)
vin Rainbow Druid
vin Singularity
Fake 60 Card Formats
$2 Legacy
leg BR Storm
vin Desire - UB DA
vin Desire - UB FoF
vin Doomsday
vin Dragon
vin Flash Storm (Green + Oath board)
vin High Control
vin High Tide
vin High Tide - Durdle
vin Raisin Bran
vin Reanimator - Bw
vin Reanimator Midrange
vin Storm
leg TurboZvi
vin TurboZvi 2
leg UW Landstill
Lost Legacy
sta 4c Landstill
sta Bomberman the Game
sta Full English Breakfast
sta Iggy Pop - my take
sta Iggy Pop - tendrils
sta Stiflnaught
Modern NBL
vin Affinity
vin Belcher
vin Delver
vin Delver URw Hybrid Control
leg Eldrazi post
vin Elfball
vin Paradoxical Paladin
vin Plug
vin PlugDepths
vin Storm
vin ThepsBlade
leg ThopterDepths
Old School '93-'94
vin Nicol Bolas Aggro
vin Sindbad Lands
sta The Deck
sta Copy of GAT
sta GAT
sta Necro Tendrils
Bad TinFins
leg Bizarro Stormy
leg Bizarro Stormy - 2023
leg Bizarro Stormy - BW
sta Bizarro Stormy Wheels 2024
sta Bizzaro Stormy - Reset
vin CullingFins
vin DelveFins
leg Dragon Control
leg GrishoalBrand
leg Hot Carl
sta InitiativeFins
leg PaintedFins
sta Radstorm Tin Fins
sta SerumFins
sta TinFins - Demonic Counsel
sta TinFins - Hapless Echo
sta TinFins - Hapless Echo Yorion
sta Tinfins - Phelia Deadguy
vin TinFins 4
leg ANT
sta ANT - Pair
leg Approaching Omniscience
leg Aria of Flame - Pyromancer
sta As Foretold
sta Beseech Saga Storm - UB
sta Bomberman - UW Zirda
sta Bomberman - Zirda
leg Bomberman Frenzy
leg Bomberman Frenzy 2
sta Brown Desire
sta Brown Desire - Snake
vin Cheerios
leg Cloudpost UG
sta Cosmic Browns
sta Demonstrate
sta Desire Tide v0.1
sta Desire Tide v0.2
sta Doomsday - Frenzy
sta Doomsday - Turbo
sta Dream Halls 2021
leg Dredge
leg Elves - NO
leg Eureka
leg Eureka Rectum
leg Finale Storm
leg Food Chain - GR Moons
sta Hive Mind v0.1
sta Hive Mind v0.2
sta Horny Lands v0.1
sta Horny Lands v0.2
leg KCI
leg Koboldstorm
leg Leylines
leg Leylines - W Spells
leg Leylines v0.2 - Scion
leg Mill
vin Mind's Desire Should Be Banned
leg Mirrodin Beseiged
leg Mono-U Living End
sta Mystic Forge
sta Painted Stone
leg Phoenix Storm
leg Reanimator - UB
leg RG Post
leg Rogue Hermit
vin Ruby Storm
vin Sapphire Storm
sta Show & Eureka
leg SI - K'rrik
leg Sneak & Show
sta Sneak & Show
leg Sneak & Show - Hybrid
leg Solidarity - Borne v0.0
leg Solidarity - Borne v0.1
leg Spellseeker High Tide
leg Spiral Tide
sta Tendrils of the Abyss
leg TES
sta Thought Lash
sta Thought Lash - U
sta TimePrison
sta TinFins 3
sta Turbo Nadu
sta UG Bean Halls
sta UG Halls Cascade
sta UG OmniNO v0.1
sta UG OmniNO v0.2
sta UG OmniNO v0.3
sta UG OmniNO v0.4
sta UG OmniNO v0.5
sta UG OmniRing
sta UR Desire
leg Vise Bolt
leg Zero
leg Zero - Mikaeus
Combo Control
sta Abdel - 4c Yorion
sta Aeon Bridge
vin Aluren - Blade
sta Aluren - Bowmasters BUG
sta Aluren - Bowmasters Yorion
sta Aluren - Cat
sta Aluren - D&D
sta Aluren - Queller v0.1
sta Aluren - Queller v0.2
sta Aluren - Queller v0.3
sta Aluren - Queller v0.4
sta Aluren - Queller v0.5
sta Aluren - Queller v0.6
sta Aluren - Rag Yorion
sta Aluren - Rag Yorion 2
leg Aluren - Watcher
sta Aluren - Witherbloom
sta Aluren - Yorion
sta Aria Kavu - 4c Dune Brood
sta Aria Kavu - 4c Ink-Treader
sta Aria Kavu - Naya Lands
vin Battle of Wits
sta Battle of Wits - 2021
sta Bean And Tell
leg Blue Card Monty
sta Cephalid Breakfast - Yorion
leg Control Slaver
leg Control Slaver - 4c
vin Echo of Narset
leg Emry Ascendancy - Snow
leg Familiars Combo
sta Food Chain - RUG Energy v0.0
sta Food Chain - RUG Energy v0.1
sta Food Chain - RUG Yorion
leg Food Chain Value
sta Frog Twister v0.1
sta Frog Twister v0.2
sta Frog Twister v0.3
sta Kiki Pod
sta Kiki Pod 1.1
leg Meow Mix
leg Meow Mix 2: Fancy Feasting
leg Meow Mix 3: Tom & Jerry
leg Omni As Foretold (Pun Pun) - BW
leg Omni As Foretold (Pun Pun) - CW
leg Omnitell UW
sta Plagon Painter
sta Sharknado
leg TarmoTwin
sta Winds from the Breach
sta Yordargon
sta Yorion - ETutor
sta Yorion Doomsday
sta Yorion Painted Stone
leg Aria Grixis
sta Bant Control - R
sta Beanchantress - Yorion
leg BUG Landstill
sta Cat Bean
leg Clunky Enchantments
leg Czech Pile
sta Deeeeeed
sta Delaystill
sta Encatment - 5c
sta Encatment - 5c v0.3
sta Encatment - 5c v0.4
sta Encatment - 5c v0.5
leg Esper Mentor
leg Esper Teferi
leg Esper Time Walk
sta Frantic AK
leg Grixis Control - Gurmag
sta Grixis Control - HCA
leg Grixis Control - Plague
sta Hot Bant
sta Humble Control Prison
sta Kat Control
leg Lantern - WUB
sta Metamorphosis Beans
leg Miracle Time
leg Miracles - AK UWR
leg Miracles - Bant Snow
leg Miracles - UW
leg Miracles - UW Astrolabe
leg Mirokos
sta Parallax Control
leg Punishing Miracles
sta Raka CB
sta Reclamation Control
sta Sevinne's Yorion
leg Spellseeker Control
leg Super6
sta Thought Lash Counterbalance
sta Uro - Yorion
sta YorSunZenith 5c
Creature / Prison
sta Abyss Initiative
sta Artifact Kitten v0.1
sta Artifact Kitten v0.2
leg Cavern of Advisors
leg Cavern of Humans
leg Coat it Black
sta Copy of Mistakes Stompy
leg D&T
sta Dauthi Helm
leg Deadguy - Assassin's Trophy
leg Eldrazi - Powder
leg Eldrazi Post
leg Emry Ascendancy - Chalice
sta Eureka Helm
leg Lands - RG GQ
sta Liquimetal Thieves
sta Living Plane
leg Maverick
sta Moat Stompy
leg MUD - Mystic Forge
sta Post - Saga v0.0
sta Post - Saga v0.1
sta Post - Saga v0.2
sta Post - Saga v0.3 Eldrazi
sta Pox
leg Prison UB
sta Reserve List Black
sta Rg Yorion Prison
sta Spirits
leg Steel Stompy 1.0
sta Sticker Goblins
leg UrzaTezz
sta Yoreka
leg Zoo
sta 2019 Midrange
leg 8Strix
leg Bantphemerate - Dudes
leg Bantphemerate - Spellseeker
leg BUG Shadow
leg Bug Tracker
leg Copy of The Cure for Beans v0.2
sta Encatment - 5c v0.5
sta Ephemerate - Bant Queller
leg Esper Snomonk
leg Explorer W6ock
sta Grixis Abrew
leg Jund Spells
sta Little Kid 2019
sta Metamorphosis - Worldly Midrange
sta Mycospawn Fit
sta Nadu (not) Lurrus
sta Nadu Frog Lands
sta Nadu Medium
sta Nic Fit - Scapewish BTL
vin NO BUG
sta Painter - UW Initiative
sta Plagon Nadu
sta ScytheBUG
sta Shardless 2020
leg Shardless Watcher
sta Stoneblade - Goosephidian
leg Team America's Trophy
leg The Cure - Kitties v0.0
leg The Cure for Beans v0.1
sta Urza - Oko
sta UW Initiative Blade
sta Yorphemerate
sta Yorsunzenith
sta Yorsunzenith - Nic Fit?
sta Slime Time
sta Bean Tempo - Triumph
sta BUG Delver
leg BURG Tempo v1.0
leg BURG Tempo v1.1
leg BURG Tempo v2.0 Frog
leg BURG Tempo v2.1 Frog
sta Death's Shadow
leg Death's Shadow - UBg
sta Delver - 4c no green
leg Dreadhorde Delver
sta Grixis Bowmaster Tempo
leg Grixis Delver
sta Lazavnaut
leg Raka Delver
sta Raka Mentor
sta Reanimator Tempo - v0.2
sta Reanimator Tempo - v0.3
sta Reanimator Tempo - v1.0
sta Reanimator Tempo - v1.1 Metamorphosis
sta Reanimator Tempo - v1.2
leg RUG Delver
sta RUG Delver - Reclaimer
leg Team America
sta UR Delver
sta Mystic Forge - Research
sta Amulet Titan
mod Burn
sta Domain Zoo
mod G Tron
sta Gobbos
leg Goryo's Expertise
mod Grixis Shadow
sta Humans
mod Ironworks
mod Jaceshift
mod Meek Tezz
sta Omnath
sta UG Whirza
sta Urozo
sta Boros Monarch
sta Dimir Faeries
sta Familiars
sta Izzet Skred
sta Tron - Flicker
sta Tron - Flicker 2024
leg UB Delver
sta Cat Marvel - Aggro v0.1
leg Cat Marvel - Combo v0.1
leg Cat Marvel - Combo v0.2
leg Cat Marvel - Oko
leg Cat3
mod Atarka Naya
sta BG Delirium
sta GR Blood
leg Hard Snakes
leg Historic Zombies
sta Lotus Breach
leg Marvel - Eldrazi Aggro
sta Raka Control v0.1
sta Raka Control v0.2
sta Raka Control v0.3
sta RDW
vin Wilderness BUG v0.1
vin Wilderness BUG v0.2
vin Wilderness BUG v0.3
sta Wilderness UG
Super Series
sta Elves
sta Glorious Humans
sta Miracles
sta RDW
sta Reanimator
sta Burn
sta Copy of UW Control
sta Counterburn
sta Elves
sta Esper Control
sta RDW
sta Storm
sta UB Control
sta Artifacts
sta Esper Control
sta Mass Polymorph
sta Owling Mine
sta UB Control
sta UW Control
sta Vampires
sta Nissa Midrange
sta RDW
sta Aluren - Yorion
sta Fuck You Thassa
sta Ad Nauseam
sta Fuck You Thassa
sta TES v10.0
sta Copy of TES v10.0
sta Pattern Hulk
sta Painted Stone
sta Copy of Gobbos
sta Copy of Shardless 2020
sta Pattern Hulk
sta Confounding Lands
sta High Tide
sta Mill
sta Elves
sta Koboldstorm
sta Koboldstorm v2
sta Delver - BUG Smog
sta Miracles - Bant Snow
sta Mono-U Karn
sta Modern Esper Control
sta Mono-U Karn
sta Smog Midrange
vin 5c Humans
sta Big Blue Sauron
vin Bizarro Stormy
vin Bob Bolt
vin Bolas's Paradoxical Idiocy
sta Bomberman Frog
vin Chillbears
vin Construct Tribal
vin Czech Pile
vin Eggs
vin Fishy Oath
vin Genesis Shops
vin Hateful Permanents
vin KCI
vin Lands Midrange
vin Miracles
vin Oath Gifts
vin Painful BURG
vin RW Hate
leg Spiral Tide - Teferi
vin Survival
vin Time Thieves
sta Welder Lands
vin Artifact Vomit
vin Bant Hydra
vin Big Blue - Grixis
vin BUG Fish
vin BURG Fish
vin Delver
vin Dredge - dudes
vin Dredge - Fatestitcher
vin Dredge traditional
vin Landstill - UW
sta Lurrus Control - UBw
vin Paradoxical City Vault
vin PO Combo
vin PO Control (Esper)
vin Shops - Ravager
vin TPS
vin Twin
vin Xerox - Urw
sta Beseech Storm
sta Breach - EI Lurrus
sta Catfish
vin Fastbond Shops
sta HollowVine
sta Lurrus Control - Esper
sta Lurrus Control - Esper Twister
sta Lurrus Control - UB
sta Oath - Atraxa
sta PO - Lurrus
sta Tinker Breach
sta Tinker Goodstuff

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Ponder | |
2 | Force of Will | |
3 | Tropical Island | |
4 | Delver of Secrets // Insectile Aberration | |
5 | Misty Rainforest | |
6 | Witherbloom Apprentice |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 26 | 17 | 10 |
Percent | 49.0 | 32.0 | 18.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.