PAUL23's profile
- MTG DECKS (43)
com alela pillowfort
com Animorph
com athreos shadowborn apostle
com bear tribal
mod Black recursive budget
mod Brainssss!
com chainer EDH
com Depala edh
com godo helm
mod GW humans (D)
com Hate the table (D)
sta inalla
sta jeleva
com jhoira of ghitu
mod Modern 5c Slivers
leg Mono green slivers (D)
com muldrotha edh
com oloro edh
com opus thief
vin Peer through time (D)
pio pioneer prowess
sta prio wishlist
com Purphy EDH (D)
com queen marcheesa pillowfort
mod racing dwarves (D)
com Rashmi
com Rograkh, thrasios
leg Sac'm'all
com scarab god
vin Seize control (D)
com sidisitroll
com sram cheeri0s (D)
mod Standard Zombies (D)
com tana tymna stax
com Teferi stax (D)
sta test
mod triskadekaphobia (D)
com trostani token
com uril voltron
com urza scepter
mod UW "Drones" 2
sta wants - muldrotha
com yuriko ninjas
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |
There are no cards in this set. (yet) ;)
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
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