- PORTIA LONG's profile
- Inventory
- Tradelist
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- MTG DECKS (703)
- sta2019 Core Set Bo ...
- sta2021 Core Set Bo ...
- staGuilds of Ravnic ...
- staRivals of Ixalan ...
- modAfflict
- staAftermath
- staAscend
- modAwaken
- legBanding
- modBushido
- staCascade
- modCipher
- modConvoke
- staCrew
- legCumulative Upkeep
- modDeathtouch
- legDefender
- staDemonstrate
- modDevoid
- modDevour
- legDomain
- modDouble Strike
- legEcho
- modEmbalm
- staEmerge
- modEntwine/Escalate
- modEquip
- modEternalize
- modEvoke
- modEvolve
- modExalted
- modExtort
- legFear
- legFirst Strike
- legFlanking
- legFlash
- legFlashback
- legFlying
- modForecast
- staFuse
- modGraft
- legHaste
- modHaunt
- legHexproof
- staHideaway
- modImprovise
- legIndestructible
- modInfect
- modIngest
- modIntimidate
- staJump-start
- legKicker/Multikicker
- modLevel Up
- legLifelink
- staLiving Weapon
- legMelee
- legMenace
- staMentor
- legMorph/Megamorph
- modOutlast
- modPersist
- legPhasing
- legProtection from...
- legProvoke
- modProwess
- legRampage
- legReach
- modRebound
- modRenown
- staRetrace
- staRetrace
- modScavenge
- legShadow
- legShroud
- modSkulk
- modSoulbond
- staSunburst
- modSuspend
- legTrample
- modUndying
- modUnearth
- modUnleash
- modVanishing
- legVigilence
- staWard
- staAngel creature t ...
- staAvatar creature ...
- staBird creature token
- staCamarid creature ...
- staCat creature token
- staCentaur creature ...
- staClue Token
- staConstruct artifa ...
- staDeserter creatur ...
- staDrake creature t ...
- staEldrazi creature ...
- staEldrazi Horror c ...
- staEldrazi Scion cr ...
- staElemental creatu ...
- staFish creature token
- staFood token
- staFractal creature ...
- staFrog Lizard crea ...
- staGargoyle artifac ...
- staGerm creature token
- staGoblin creature ...
- staGolem artifact c ...
- staGriffin creature ...
- staHellion creature ...
- staHornet token
- staHorror creature ...
- staHuman Soldier cr ...
- staInkling creature ...
- staInsect creature ...
- modInvestigate (Clu ...
- staKnight Ally crea ...
- staKnight creature ...
- staKor Ally creatur ...
- staKraken creature ...
- staMyr artifact cre ...
- staOx creature token
- staPest creature token
- staRhino creature t ...
- staSaproling creatu ...
- staSatyr creature t ...
- staServo artifact c ...
- staSoldier creature ...
- staSpirit creature ...
- staSquid creature t ...
- staStone artifact c ...
- staThopter artifact ...
- legToken
- staTreasure (artifa ...
- staVampire creature ...
- staWarrior creature ...
- staWhale creature t ...
- staWurm creature token
- staZombie creature ...
- staZombie Sphinx token
- modBolster
- legBury (obsolete)
- staDestroy
- modDetain
- staDiscard
- modExert
- legExile (previousl ...
- staExplore
- modFabricate
- staFight
- legGoad
- staLearn
- modManifest
- staMill
- legMonstrosity
- modPopulate
- modProliferate
- legRegenerate (obso ...
- staReveal
- vinSacrifice
- modScry
- staSearch Library ( ...
- staShuffle
- modSupport
- staSurveil
- staTransform
- legVote
- mod"for artifacts"
- staA - Ally
- staA - Angel
- staA - Arcane
- staA - Artifact
- staA - Artifact Cre ...
- staA - Artificer
- staA - Beast
- staA - Cartouche
- staA - Chimera
- staA - Cleric
- staA - creature
- staA - creature token
- staA - defender
- modA - Desert
- staA - Dinosaur
- staA - Dragon
- staA - Dwarf
- staA - Elemental
- staA - Elf
- staA - Enchantment
- staA - Equipment
- staA - Flying
- modA - Gate
- staA - Golem
- staA - Griffin
- staA - Guardians
- staA - Hellion
- staA - Human
- staA - Instant
- staA - Knight
- staA - Kraken
- staA - Land
- staA - Land Creatures
- staA - Legendary
- staA - Leviathan
- staA - Merfolk
- staA - Minotaur
- staA - multicolored
- staA - Mutant
- staA - Octopus
- staA - permanent
- staA - Pirate
- legA - Planeswalker
- staA - Player
- staA - Rebel
- staA - Serpent
- staA - Shrine
- staA - Sliver
- staA - Snake
- staA - Soldier
- staA - Spirit
- staA - Token
- staA - Vampire
- staA - Vehicles
- staA - Walls
- staA - Warrior
- staA - Wastes
- staA - Wizards
- staA - Zombie
- vinwith Artifact
- legAnti Artifact
- legAnti Artifact Cr ...
- legAnti Black
- legAnti Blue
- modAnti Colorless
- staAnti Creature
- staAnti Dinosaur
- legAnti Enchantment
- legAnti Flying
- staAnti God
- legAnti Green
- staAnti Inkling
- staAnti Kavu
- staAnti Knight
- legAnti Land
- modAnti Multicolored
- staAnti Non-White
- staAnti permanent ( ...
- modAnti Planeswalker
- staAnti player
- legAnti Red
- staAnti Shadow
- staAnti Vampires
- staAnti Vehicle
- legAnti Wall
- staAnti Werewolf
- legAnti White
- staAnti Zombies
- sta"multicolored"
- modWUBRG
- stacolor of your ch ...
- vinColorless
- sta-N/-N counter
- sta+P/+P counter
- staAdd/Remove counter
- staarrowhead counter
- stabook counter
- stacharge counter
- stacredit counter
- stacurrency counter
- staEmblem
- modenergy counters
- stagem counter
- stahealing counters
- stahit counter
- stahone counters
- stajavelin counter
- modKi counter
- stalevel counter
- staloyalty counter
- stamanifestation co ...
- stapoint counter
- stapoison counters
- stapolyp counters
- stastorage counter
- statide counter
- statime counters
- staVow counter
- stawish counter
- sta*Change creature ...
- staAdvisor
- staAlly
- modAngel
- staAntelope
- staArcher
- staArchon
- staArtificer
- staAssassin
- staAssembly-Worker
- staAvatar
- staBarbarian
- staBear
- staBeast
- staBerserker
- staBird
- staBoar
- staBureaucrats (obs ...
- staCamel
- staCaravan (obsolete)
- staCat
- staCentaur
- staCephalid
- staChimera
- legCleric
- staCockatrice
- staConstruct
- staCrab
- staCrocodile
- modCyclops
- staDemon
- staDinosaur
- staDjinn
- staDog
- modDragon
- staDrake
- staDrone
- staDruid
- staDryad
- staDwarf
- staEfreet
- staElder
- modEldrazi
- staElemental
- staElephant
- modElf
- staElk
- staFaerie
- staFish
- staFlagbearer
- staFox
- staFractal
- staFrog
- staFungus
- staGargoyle
- staGhost (now Spirit)
- staGiant
- staGnome
- staGoblin
- staGolem
- staGorgon
- staGriffin
- staHarpy
- staHero (obsolete)
- staHippogriff
- staHomarid
- staHomunculus
- staHorror
- staHorse
- staHound
- modHuman
- staHydra
- staIllusion
- staInsect
- staJackel
- staJellyfish
- staJuggernaut
- staKavu
- staKithkin
- staKnight
- staKor
- staKraken
- staLammasu
- staLeviathan
- staLhurgoyf
- staLizard
- staMartyr (obsolete)
- legMercenary
- staMerfolk
- staMetathran
- staMinotaur
- staMonk
- staMoonfolk
- staMutant
- staMyr
- staMystic
- staNaga
- staNightmare
- staNoble
- staNomad
- staNymph
- staOctopus
- staOgre
- staOrc
- staOx
- staPegasus
- staPilot
- staPirate
- staPlant
- staProcessor
- staRabbit
- staRanger (obsolete)
- staRebel
- staRhino
- modRogue
- staSable
- staSalamander
- staSamurai
- staScarecrow
- staScorpion
- staScout
- staSerpent
- staShaman
- staShapeshifter
- staSiren
- staSkeleton
- staSliver
- staSmith (obsolete)
- staSnake
- staSoldier
- staSoltari
- staSpeakers (obsolete)
- staSpellshaper
- staSphinx
- staSpider
- modSpirit
- staSponge
- staStarfish
- staThalakos
- staThopter
- staThrull
- staTownsfolk (obsol ...
- modTreefolk
- staTrilobite
- staTroll
- staTurtle
- staUnicorn
- staVampire
- staVedalken
- staViashino
- staWall (obsolete)
- staWarlock
- modWarrior
- staWeird
- staWizard
- modWolf/Werewolf
- staWorm
- staWurm
- legZombie
- legAnti-1996 World ...
- staNo creatures
- staVoluntary Simpli ...
- modBestow
- modBloodthirst
- legBuyback
- modChangeling
- modClash
- modConspire
- modConverge
- modDash
- modDelve
- legDethrone
- modDevotion
- legDraft
- modDredge
- modExploit
- legFading
- modFerocious
- modFormidable
- modGod
- modMadness
- modMeld
- modMiracle
- modMorbid
- modOverload
- modPoison
- modProwl
- modRally
- modRecover
- modReplicate
- modSoulshift
- modSpell mastery
- modSpiritcraft*
- staStorm
- modSurge
- modTotem armor
- modTrap
- modTribute
- staUndergrowth
- staUnglued
- modVehicle
- modWither
- sta-N/-N
- sta-N/+P
- sta(All) creatures ...
- sta"spells matter" ...
- sta"When you cast.."
- sta"X"
- sta+P/-N
- sta+P/+P
- staAA can't be Acti ...
- staAttacks/Blocks i ...
- stabecomes a target
- staBlocks Unblockable
- stacan't attack/blo ...
- stacan't be regener ...
- stachange color
- staChoose
- legCoin Flip
- staCopy
- staCost less to cast
- stacounter spell
- stacounter triggere ...
- staDamage (deals/pr ...
- staDies ("is put in ...
- vinDraw/Discard car ...
- staEnters the battl ...
- staFace-Up/Down
- stafrom graveyard
- staGain Control
- legGain/Lose Life
- staHand Size
- staLeaves the battl ...
- staLibrary manipula ...
- legMonarch
- staother creatures ...
- staP-and/or-T chang ...
- staRemove from game
- stareturn to hand
- staTap/Untap
- staTimewalking (ext ...
- stato library
- stato the battlefield
- legUnblockable "Can ...
- staUpkeep Cost
- staWhenever "Z" att ...
- vinAAA FAVs
- staAlt Win/Lose
- staBEST
- staBoardwipe
- staCondition - deal ...
- staDiscard
- staDouble-Sided
- staEnd Step
- staFormat - Commander
- staFormat - Draft
- staMain phase
- staMana Source
- staMultiplayer
- staSet
- legSnow/snow-covere ...
- staSplit Card
- staUncertain
- staUpkeep
- staWithout paying i ...
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This deck was created on 12-Jul-2021 00:03, and it was last updated on 12-Jul-2021 00:25.
Name | Cost |
Stormscape Familiar | |
Squadron Hawk | |
Dauntless Aven | |
Combat Calligrapher | |
Aven Reedstalker | |
Skyswirl Harrier | |
Owlin Shieldmage |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Monastery Flock | |
2 | Aven Cloudchaser | |
3 | Aven Squire | |
4 | Rustwing Falcon | |
5 | Spectacle Mage | |
6 | Bay Falcon |
Mana Base
Colors | |||||
Symbols | 48 | 38 | 5 | 3 | 2 |
Percent | 50.0 | 39.0 | 5.0 | 3.0 | 2.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.