TROY RIGGALL's profile
- MTG DECKS (95)
sta Current Sisay CEDH
com Pointy eared hippys
sta Sisay
com Skittles and Cream
com Urza's Academy
com Winota
Decks I haven't made
com Average ur dragon
leg Enchantress
sta Sliver
sta Sophie's Choice
com Yuriko CEDH
com Boringjitsu
com BorkyBork
com Brown Storm
com Codie is Here
com commander weenie
com CrankyVampire
com Death by stump
com Dragons Read Books
sta Everybody burns... Right now..
com How to train your dragon
com Lands kill things
com Lightning Overload
com Lord Valakutgrace
com Obeka
com pain lots of pain
sta Pure. Evil.
com Shurnab Shurnab Yogg Saron
com Sisay Superfriends
sta Sleeves
com T-t-t-toski
com the lilly among the thorns
com This deck has teeth
com Urzatron
com Volrath
com Wabbits
com what does the fox say
Currently Made up
leg Griffins 2.0
Original Unchanged
leg Bullshit Sneak Attack
leg Burn
leg Cruicible
vin Dream halls
leg Fun Black Deck
leg Green Beatdown
leg Green Haymaker
leg Griffins
leg Hatred
mod Koku-comeback
leg Life-gainer
leg Mists of stag
vin Ninjitsu
vin Oath of druids
vin Old T2 Burn
vin Panoptic warp
leg Spirit of the night
leg Spiritmonger
leg States Sneak attack
leg Tendrils
mod White Weenie
Pre-con decks
vin Assassin Advanced
leg Battle Surge
leg Battle Surge Advanced
leg Enchanter Advanced
leg Fiendish Nature Advanced
vin Academy PT Version
leg Black/White Shadow
sta burnpauper
vin Casual card draw mana
vin Lands Kill
leg Thallids
sta Branden
sta Campbell
sta Copy of 5c enchantress
sta Copy of Everybody burns... Right now..
sta Dorfs
com Go go gadget
com Helm of the Copies
com How glorious
sta Judge tower
com krriky
com Krriky2
com My genie
sta nat
com Neenja
com Neheb burny general
vin Pyromaniac
sta scott nin
com Shrines
com Snaaake Snaaakee Oooh its a snaaake
com Snakes and cards, snakes and cards
sta Tetsuo
sta tobi
sta white weenie standard
sta yenet
com Yurigo