Main Deck - 60 cards, 29 distinct
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
def needs 2 more bauble, 2 more manamorphose, 2 more lotus petals, the god seemed to perform well, demonic tutor was good when present with mana fixing, so likely would need some of the cheaper moxes, opal could be ok wiht the amount of artifacts in play after a turn or 2, helm seemed acceptable maybe need more, stronger shocklands would also be preferable, ancient tomb was useful when in presence with lotus petals or mox, main struggles are drawing into swans (hence demonic if mana resolved) and coloring generic mana from sol and co. has potential to win turns 1-3 but due to lack of the expensive cards needed it struggles to do it in 5 (though the turn 1 always can storm half or more of starting hand so it has potential)
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