- MTG DECKS (72)
32 Deck Challenge
Mono Colored
com 5 Color: Kenrith
com Dunebrood: Saskia (Forced Combat)
com Gorex
com Mimeoplasm EDH
com Opponent's Choice
com Piru EDH
com Riku EDH
com Alela EDH
com Alesha EDH
com Animar EDH
com Archelos, Lagoon Mystic
sta Azorius: Ranar (Spirits/ Exile)
sta Bant: Captain Falcon!
sta Bant: Storvald
com Chulane Enchanter EDH
com Codie spellslinger
com Dakkon Blackblade
com For Leah: Catti-brie of Mithral Hall
sta Ghent: Discard theme
sta gift for sam
com Godzilla EDH
com Golgari: Carth (Planeswalkers/Infect)
com Grenzo Budget EDH
com Human tribal
com Ink-Treader: Omnath (elementals/lands/blink)
com Inniaz Budget EDH
sta Kenrith Cycling EDH
com Kethis EDH
com Land's Wrath Upgrade
com Lathiel (EDH)
sta Maestros Massacre upgrade
com Marchesa Black Rose EDH
com Mimeoplasm Creature Only EDH
sta Naughty Memes
sta Ognis for Leah
com Orzhov: Breena Politics
sta Ravos/ Sakashima (anthems)
com Red: Magda
sta Regna and Krev EDH
sta Selesnya: Dromoka (Dragon tribal/ +1/+1 counters)
com Shabraz and Brallin
sta Shu Yun EDH
com Simic: Gor Muldrak
sta Simic: Lonis, Cryptozoologist
com Storvald EDH
sta Tameshi
com Temur Budget: Yasova Dragonclaw
com Veyran EDH
com Werewolf Tribal EDH
com Witherbloom upgrade
sta Wrexial (EDH)
com X Theme EDH
com Yasharn Rude Deck
com Yore-Tiller: Breya
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |
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Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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