DRLPSDM's profile
- MTG DECKS (62)
com [EDH] Atraxa, Angel of Friendship
com [EDH] Doran
com [EDH] Fangfest
sta [EDH] Surf Ninjas 2 : The secret of the surf ninjas
com [EDH] Toolbox Blitz
com [EDH] Wartools
com [EDH] Yennett Odd Only
mod [MDN] Exxon Valdez
mod [MDN] Grave Power
mod [MDN] Spelldrazi
mod [MDN] Wizamis
oth [MDN+] Villany Dice
oat [OB] Ashiok Dream Sequence
oat [OB] Bling Jace
oat [OB] Daretti's Progressive Iconoclasm
oat [OB] Dihada Pirates
oat [OB] Kaya Mafia
oat [OB] Shaheeli trucs
oat [OB] Vraska Death Touch
sta Black
oth Blue
sta Colorless
oth Green
sta Legendary Creatures
sta Multicolor
sta Planeswalkers
sta Red
sta White
En construction
Vieux EDH
sta [X] Aminatou
com [X] Atraxa
com [X] Ezuri Compleat Progress
com [X] Her Majesty Queen Marchesa, the Black Rose, first of her name; head of the council, guarantor of lawful governance, sole sovereign of the High City, true heir to the throne of Paliano and all the rights and privileges thereof
com [X] Hug Bros
com [X] Kadena Morphin
com [X] Marchesa Revolution
com [X] Niv-Mizzet
com [x] Phenax
com [x] Surf Ninjas 1
com [X] Surrak Surprise
Vieux OB
oat [OB] Angrath Wrath
oat [OB] Tamiyo's Book Club
sta [X] Ral Pals
sta [EDH] Henzie Toolbox original
com [EDH] Trickle Down Plutomancy
com BR Treacherous
com Copy of [EDH] Fangfest
sta Copy of Ordo Draconis
sta Copy of Ordo Draconis
sta new
sta NouvellesCartesPasClassées
sta Phobet 3
sta phobet 4
sta phobet2
mod poison!
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |

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Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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