SLATERT496's profile
- MTG DECKS (39)
battle box silver boarder
Every Keyword lol
com 2021
com Battle of witts
com Big Green
sta Caber Toss?
sta combo
sta Copy of Snotlings
sta Every Keyword lol
sta extra turns
com Frog
com Fucking that rake kickflip
sta Futureshift
com Goblins Revised 9th may
com GOBS 2
sta immortality
oth kangaroo court
sta KitchenTable Masterpiece
sta Lab Maniac
sta lands
com Melek
sta Melek Spellslinger
com Melek Storm
sta Mono blue lands?
sta near death experience
sta now I know my abcs
sta now I know my abcs
mod one with nothing death
sta Shaharazad but a whole deck
com Snotlings
sta Snotlings Side
sta spy kit or something
com Stop At Nothing
sta Suicide Deck
sta terrible cards
com turbo one with nothing
sta turn zero suicide
com uhh
com Uhhh 2
sta you've activated my trap card
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |

There are no cards in this set. (yet) ;)
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
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