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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 72 cards, 72 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (49)
1 Adaptive Snapjaw
$0.02 Creature - Lizard Beast
1 Arborback Stomper
$0.04 Creature - Beast
1 Backwoods Survivalists
$0.04 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Bannerhide Krushok
$0.06 Creature - Beast
1 Blisterpod
$0.06 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Bloodbriar
$0.04 Creature - Plant Elemental
1 Bloom Hulk
$0.06 Creature - Plant Elemental
1 Bond Beetle
$0.10 Creature - Insect
1 Cultivator of Blades
$0.37 Creature - Elf Artificer
1 Cytoplast Root-Kin
$0.18 Creature - Elemental Mutant
1 Dawntreader Elk
$0.16 Creature - Elk
1 Deadbridge Goliath
$0.15 Creature - Insect
1 Drudge Beetle
$0.02 Creature - Insect
1 Duskshell Crawler
$0.15 Creature - Insect
1 Evolution Sage
$4.40 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Eyeless Watcher
$0.11 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Glimmer Bairn
$0.03 Creature - Ouphe
1 Gnarlwood Dryad
$0.18 Creature - Dryad Horror
1 Groundskeeper
$0.07 Creature - Human Druid
1 Herd Baloth
$0.30 Creature - Beast
1 Highland Game
$0.02 Creature - Elk
1 Highspire Artisan
$0.04 Creature - Elf Artificer
1 Kraul Foragers
$0.03 Creature - Insect Scout
1 Kronch Wrangler
$0.06 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Longshot Squad
$0.11 Creature - Dog Archer
1 Narnam Renegade
$0.16 Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Nemesis of Mortals
$0.04 Creature - Snake
1 Phantom Tiger
$0.16 Creature - Cat Spirit
1 Phytotitan
$0.88 Creature - Plant Elemental
1 Pollenbright Druid
$0.12 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Prosperous Innkeeper
$0.25 Creature - Halfling Citizen
1 Purple Worm
$0.05 Creature - Worm
1 Resilient Khenra
$0.09 Creature - Jackal Wizard
1 Rot Shambler
$0.09 Creature - Fungus
1 Sakura-Tribe Elder
$0.60 Creature - Snake Shaman
1 Scute Swarm
$2.37 Creature - Insect
1 Scythe Leopard
$0.05 Creature - Cat
1 Simic Initiate
$0.12 Creature - Human Mutant
1 Soul Swallower
$0.19 Creature - Wurm
1 Spike Feeder
$0.69 Creature - Spike
1 Splinterfright
$0.36 Creature - Elemental
1 Sylvan Brushstrider
$0.03 Creature - Beast
1 Territorial Scythecat
$0.13 Creature - Cat
1 Thragtusk
$0.27 Creature - Beast
1 Timeless Witness
$0.47 Creature - Human Shaman
1 Tireless Provisioner
$0.85 Creature - Elf Scout
1 Trufflesnout
$0.03 Creature - Boar
1 Veteran Explorer
$0.28 Creature - Human Soldier Scout
1 Yavimaya Elder
$0.05 Creature - Human Druid
Instant (9)
1 Arbor Armament
$0.05 Instant
1 Become Immense
$0.14 Instant
1 Fungal Rebirth
$0.17 Instant
1 Grapple with the Past
$0.08 Instant
1 Hunger of the Howlpack
$0.10 Instant
1 Life Goes On
$0.06 Instant
1 Pulse of Murasa
$0.06 Instant
1 Swell of Growth
$0.06 Instant
1 Titanic Brawl
$0.08 Instant
Sorcery (9)
1 Broken Bond
$0.31 Sorcery
1 Caravan Vigil
$0.08 Sorcery
1 Courage in Crisis
$0.10 Sorcery
1 Emergent Sequence
$0.13 Sorcery
1 Hunt the Weak
$0.08 Sorcery
1 Nature's Way
$0.15 Sorcery
1 Prey Upon
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Scale the Heights
$0.11 Sorcery
1 Time to Feed
$0.04 Sorcery
Artifact (1)
1 Boxing Ring
$0.47 Artifact
Enchantment (4)
1 Durable Handicraft
$0.12 Enchantment
1 Evolutionary Leap
$0.47 Enchantment
1 Retreat to Kazandu
$0.24 Enchantment
1 Ulvenwald Mysteries
$0.12 Enchantment
Sideboard - 135 cards, 135 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (101)
1 Affectionate Indrik
$0.03 Creature - Beast
1 Ainok Artillerist
$0.04 Creature - Dog Archer
1 Algae Gharial
$0.07 Creature - Crocodile
1 Ambush Krotiq
$0.04 Creature - Insect
1 Aquastrand Spider
$0.07 Creature - Spider Mutant
1 Atarka Beastbreaker
$0.04 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Avatar of the Resolute
$0.36 Creature - Avatar
1 Ayula, Queen Among Bears
$1.32 Legendary Creature - Bear
1 Baloth Gorger
$0.02 Creature - Beast
1 Baloth Pup
$0.04 Creature - Beast
1 Battlefront Krushok
$0.07 Creature - Beast
1 Brawn
$0.23 Creature - Incarnation
1 Brindle Shoat
$0.03 Creature - Boar
1 Brood Monitor
$0.13 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Bulette
$0.02 Creature - Beast
1 Candlelit Cavalry
$0.02 Creature - Human Knight
1 Carnivorous Moss-Beast
$0.04 Creature - Plant Elemental Beast
1 Centaur Nurturer
$0.04 Creature - Centaur Druid
1 Centaur's Herald
$0.03 Creature - Elf Scout
1 Challenger Troll
$0.08 Creature - Troll
1 Channeler Initiate
$0.24 Creature - Human Druid
1 Conifer Strider
$0.02 Creature - Elemental
1 Contortionist Troupe
$0.07 Creature - Human
1 Crocanura
$0.07 Creature - Crocodile Frog
1 Crowned Ceratok
$0.05 Creature - Rhino
1 Dauntless Survivor
$0.04 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Elvish Visionary
$0.08 Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Excavating Anurid
$0.05 Creature - Frog Beast
1 Fairgrounds Trumpeter
$0.07 Creature - Elephant
1 Feral Prowler
$0.06 Creature - Cat
1 Festerhide Boar
$0.03 Creature - Boar
1 Fierce Empath
$0.22 Creature - Elf
1 Foe-Razer Regent
$0.32 Creature - Dragon
1 Frontier Mastodon
$0.05 Creature - Elephant
1 Gamekeeper
$0.13 Creature - Elf
1 Garruk's Packleader
$0.14 Creature - Beast
1 Generous Stray
$0.10 Creature - Cat
1 Ghazbán Ogre
$0.09 Creature - Ogre
1 Gladehart Cavalry
$0.15 Creature - Elf Knight
1 Gnarlid Colony
$0.09 Creature - Beast
1 Gnarlid Pack
$0.04 Creature - Beast
1 Gobbling Ooze
$0.16 Creature - Ooze
1 Golgari Raiders
$0.04 Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma
$0.80 Legendary Creature - Bear
1 Graverobber Spider
$0.11 Creature - Spider
1 Grazing Gladehart
$0.11 Creature - Antelope
1 Harvester Troll
$0.05 Creature - Troll
1 Heroes' Bane
$0.28 Creature - Hydra
1 Hidden Herbalists
$0.05 Creature - Human Druid
1 Honored Hierarch
$0.32 Creature - Human Druid
1 Hooting Mandrills
$0.09 Creature - Ape
1 Invasive Species
$0.05 Creature - Insect
1 Ironshell Beetle
$0.05 Creature - Insect
1 Ivy Lane Denizen
$0.13 Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Ixalli's Keeper
$0.03 Creature - Human Shaman
1 Jade Bearer
$0.08 Creature - Merfolk Shaman
1 Joraga Visionary
$0.02 Creature - Elf Wizard
1 Jungle Delver
$0.05 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
1 Korozda Monitor
$0.02 Creature - Lizard
1 Kozilek's Predator
$0.08 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Krosan Tusker
$0.21 Creature - Boar Beast
1 Kujar Seedsculptor
$0.04 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Living Totem
$0.03 Creature - Plant Elemental
1 Lurking Roper
$0.08 Creature - Horror
1 Nest Invader
$0.20 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Orchard Strider
$0.03 Creature - Treefolk
1 Owlbear
$0.10 Creature - Bird Bear
1 Pelakka Wurm
$0.19 Creature - Wurm
1 Pheres-Band Tromper
$0.06 Creature - Centaur Warrior
1 Rampaging Rendhorn
$0.02 Creature - Beast
1 Renowned Weaver
$0.05 Creature - Human Shaman
1 Ridgescale Tusker
$0.13 Creature - Pangolin Beast
1 Sabertooth Mauler
$0.02 Creature - Cat
1 Saddleback Lagac
$0.03 Creature - Lizard
1 Satyr Grovedancer
$0.07 Creature - Satyr Shaman
1 Scion Summoner
$0.06 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Scrounging Bandar
$0.07 Creature - Cat Monkey
1 Seed Guardian
$0.05 Creature - Elemental
1 Servant of the Scale
$0.08 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Slith Predator
$0.16 Creature - Slith
1 Somberwald Stag
$0.05 Creature - Elk
1 Spike Drone
$0.15 Creature - Spike Drone
1 Stampeding Elk Herd
$0.06 Creature - Elk
1 Strangleroot Geist
$0.23 Creature - Spirit
1 Swarmborn Giant
$0.02 Creature - Giant
1 Syr Faren, the Hengehammer
$0.07 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Tarpan
$0.12 Creature - Horse
1 Territorial Scythecat
$0.13 Creature - Cat
1 Thrashing Mossdog
$0.04 Creature - Plant Dog
1 Thundering Ceratok
$0.02 Creature - Rhino
1 Timberland Guide
$0.06 Creature - Human Scout
1 Turntimber Ascetic
$0.02 Creature - Giant Cleric
1 Tuskguard Captain
$0.10 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Untamed Kavu
$0.07 Creature - Kavu
1 Vigorspore Wurm
$0.04 Creature - Wurm
1 Vineshaper Mystic
$0.07 Creature - Merfolk Shaman
1 Viridian Scout
$0.20 Creature - Elf Warrior Scout
1 Webweaver Changeling
$0.05 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Whisperer of the Wilds
$0.08 Creature - Human Shaman
1 Woodland Wanderer
$0.11 Creature - Elemental
1 Yavimaya Sapherd
$0.06 Creature - Fungus
Instant (14)
1 Aerial Predation
$0.10 Instant
1 Appetite for the Unnatural
$0.05 Instant
1 Burst of Strength
$0.07 Instant
1 Defend the Celestus
$0.06 Instant
1 Dragonscale Boon
$0.05 Instant
1 Feed the Clan
$0.15 Instant
1 Inspiring Call
$0.40 Instant
1 Lead by Example
$0.05 Instant
1 Nature's Panoply
$0.07 Instant
1 Predator's Rapport
$0.07 Instant
1 Stand Together
$0.11 Instant
1 Stony Strength
$0.05 Instant
1 Sylvan Bounty
$0.15 Instant
1 Winds of Qal Sisma
$0.30 Instant
Sorcery (12)
1 Animist's Awakening
$1.20 Sorcery
1 Bond of Flourishing
$0.07 Sorcery
1 Bountiful Harvest
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Earthen Arms
$0.08 Sorcery
1 Formless Nurturing
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Incremental Growth
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Nature's Spiral
$0.16 Sorcery
1 Nissa's Judgment
$0.04 Sorcery
1 See the Unwritten
$0.42 Sorcery
1 Strength of Solidarity
$0.02 Sorcery
1 Thrive
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Wildcall
$0.15 Sorcery
Enchantment (8)
1 Aid from the Cowl
$0.16 Enchantment
1 Death's Presence
$0.27 Enchantment
1 Forced Adaptation
$0.08 Enchantment - Aura
1 Gutter Grime
$0.36 Enchantment
1 Hardened Scales
$2.10 Enchantment
1 Retreat to Kazandu
$0.24 Enchantment
1 Squirrel Sanctuary
$0.27 Enchantment
1 Verdant Haven
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura

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