Name |
Type |
Classes |
Edition |
Rarity |
1 |
Rod of the Ogre Magi
Two - Handed Weapon - Staff |
Heroes of Azeroth
7 |
Roger Mortis
Ally - Undead Warlock |
Hunt for Illidan
6 |
Roger Ulric
Ally - Worgen Hunter |
Twilight of the Dragons
2 |
Rohashu, Zealot of the Sun
Hero - Tauren Paladin |
Throne of the Tides
2 |
Roke the Ice Baron
Ally - Gnome Mage |
Servants of The Betrayer
1 |
Roktar Blackfist
Ally - Orc Rogue |
Drums of War
6 |
Roon Plainswalker
Ally - Tauren Shaman |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Ruby Blazewing
Ally - Red Dragonkin |
1 |
Ruby Enforcer
Ally - Red Dragonkin |
1 |
Rukdara Dreadhand
Ally - Orc Death Knight |
5 |
Rumu Moonhaze
Ally - Tauren Priest |
War of the Elements
3 |
Rune of Zeth
Equipment - Item |
Tomb of the Forgotten
2 |
Runed Soulblade
Two - Handed Weapon - Sword |
Death Knight Starter
1 |
Runzik Shrapnelwhiz
Ally - Goblin Hunter |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Ability |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Saeryn Dusksorrow
Hero - Blood Elf Death Knight |
Death Knight Starter
4 |
Sahama Brighthorn
Ally - Tauren Priest |
Twilight of the Dragons
2 |
Samael the Bloodpoint
Hero - Undead Hunter |
Twilight of the Dragons
2 |
Samaku, Hand of the Tempest
Hero - Tauren Shaman |
Throne of the Tides
6 |
Samantha Galvington
Ally - Undead Mage |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Quest |
Through the Dark Portal
3 |
Sana the Black Blade
Hero - Worgen Rogue |
Throne of the Tides
14 |
Sand Scarab
Monster Ally - Scarab |
Tomb of the Forgotten
1 |
Scalp of the Bandit Prince
Equipment - Armor - Mail |
Tomb of the Forgotten
6 |
Ally - Human Warlock |
Through the Dark Portal
2 |
Scarlet Monastery
Location |
Dungeon Decks
1 |
Scarlet Renegade
Ally - Human Warrior |
Dungeon Decks
1 |
Scheming Dreadlord
Monster Ally - Dreadlord Demon |
War of the Ancients
1 |
Scorching Totem
Instant Ability Ally - Elemental |
Battle of the Aspects
1 |
Scourgeborne Battlegear
Armor Set - Plate |