Type: Built Deck
Format (legal 👍)
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Avg. CMC 3.12
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 136 cards, 93 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (97)
2 Aerial Responder
$0.09 Creature - Dwarf Soldier
2 Anointed Deacon
$0.03 Creature - Vampire Cleric
2 Aven Sunstriker
$0.12 Creature - Bird Warrior
1 Azorius Herald
$0.19 Creature - Spirit
2 Bishop of the Bloodstained
$0.11 Creature - Vampire Cleric
1 Bishop's Soldier
$0.05 Creature - Vampire Soldier
2 Blight Keeper
$0.11 Creature - Bat Imp
1 Boreal Griffin
$0.13 Snow Creature - Griffin
1 Caravan Hurda
$0.05 Creature - Giant
1 Cathar's Companion
$0.02 Creature - Dog
2 Cloudchaser Kestrel
$0.19 Creature - Bird
1 Concordia Pegasus
$0.03 Creature - Pegasus
2 Courier Hawk
$0.06 Creature - Bird
1 Deeproot Warrior
$0.03 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
2 Dusk Charger
$0.03 Creature - Horse
1 Dusk Legion Zealot
$0.12 Creature - Vampire Soldier
1 Esperzoa
$0.05 Artifact Creature - Jellyfish
1 Exultant Skymarcher
$0.02 Creature - Vampire Soldier
2 Fairgrounds Warden
$0.05 Creature - Dwarf Soldier
1 Forerunner of the Heralds
$0.39 Creature - Merfolk Scout
2 Fortified Rampart
$0.08 Creature - Wall
2 Ghost Tactician
$0.14 Creature - Spirit Spellshaper
2 Giltgrove Stalker
$0.05 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
1 Griffin Protector
$0.04 Creature - Griffin
1 Griffin Sentinel
$0.03 Creature - Griffin
3 Gustcloak Harrier
$0.09 Creature - Bird Soldier
2 Gustcloak Skirmisher
$0.02 Creature - Bird Soldier
1 Harrier Griffin
$0.15 Creature - Griffin
1 Headwater Sentries
$0.03 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
1 Heart-Piercer Manticore
$0.11 Creature - Manticore
1 Inspiring Cleric
$0.10 Creature - Vampire Cleric
2 Jade Bearer
$0.07 Creature - Merfolk Shaman
2 Jade Guardian
$0.04 Creature - Merfolk Shaman
1 Jadecraft Artisan
$0.06 Creature - Merfolk Shaman
1 Jeskai Barricade
$0.52 Creature - Wall
1 Jötun Owl Keeper
$0.23 Creature - Giant
2 Jungle Delver
$0.05 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
1 Jungleborn Pioneer
$0.07 Creature - Merfolk Scout
1 Keening Apparition
$0.07 Creature - Spirit
1 Kor Aeronaut
$0.14 Creature - Kor Soldier
1 Kor Hookmaster
$0.07 Creature - Kor Soldier
2 Kor Skyfisher
$0.86 Creature - Kor Soldier
2 Martyr of Dusk
$0.06 Creature - Vampire Soldier
2 Mausoleum Harpy
$0.02 Creature - Harpy
1 Mistral Charger
$0.12 Creature - Pegasus
3 Paladin of the Bloodstained
$0.05 Creature - Vampire Knight
1 Queen's Agent
$0.02 Creature - Vampire Scout
1 Queen's Bay Soldier
$0.04 Creature - Vampire Soldier
1 River Darter
$0.02 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
1 Riverwise Augur
$0.11 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
2 Sanguine Glorifier
$0.04 Creature - Vampire Cleric
1 Shaper Apprentice
$0.04 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Shapers of Nature
$0.09 Creature - Merfolk Shaman
1 Shore Keeper
$0.03 Creature - Trilobite
2 Skymarch Bloodletter
$0.04 Creature - Vampire Soldier
2 Skymarcher Aspirant
$0.09 Creature - Vampire Soldier
1 Storm Sculptor
$0.05 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Sunspire Griffin
$0.04 Creature - Griffin
1 Swift Warden
$0.11 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
1 Tempest Caller
$0.19 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
2 Territorial Roc
$0.04 Creature - Bird
1 Tundra Wolves
$0.13 Creature - Wolf
1 Vampire Revenant
$0.04 Creature - Vampire Spirit
1 Venerable Lammasu
$0.06 Creature - Lammasu
2 Voracious Vampire
$0.11 Creature - Vampire Knight
2 Warclamp Mastiff
$0.07 Creature - Dog
1 Watertrap Weaver
$0.04 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Wind Strider
$0.06 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
Instant (10)
2 Healing Leaves
$0.16 Instant
2 Hornet Sting
$0.07 Instant
2 Shattering Blow
$0.08 Instant
2 Vampire's Zeal
$0.05 Instant
2 Vision Skeins
$0.52 Instant
Sorcery (22)
2 Arterial Flow
$0.37 Sorcery
2 Duress
$0.07 Sorcery
1 Flood of Recollection
$0.14 Sorcery
1 Glimpse the Future
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Grind // Dust
$0.10 Sorcery // Sorcery //
1 Hazoret's Undying Fury
$0.12 Sorcery
2 Hijack
$0.04 Sorcery
2 Interpret the Signs
$0.05 Sorcery
2 Queen's Commission
$0.07 Sorcery
2 Reason // Believe
$0.21 Sorcery // Sorcery //
1 Sift
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Sight Beyond Sight
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Thassa's Bounty
$0.04 Sorcery
2 Tome Scour
$0.14 Sorcery
1 Wistful Thinking
$0.14 Sorcery
Enchantment (7)
1 Aquatic Incursion
$0.11 Enchantment
1 Makeshift Munitions
$0.18 Enchantment
1 Mind Control
$0.09 Enchantment - Aura
2 Tilonalli's Crown
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
2 Unstable Mutation
$0.10 Enchantment - Aura
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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Scratchpad - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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