Type: Built Deck
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 134 cards, 84 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (89)
1 Angelic Curator
$0.14 Creature - Angel Spirit
1 Avalanche Riders
$0.30 Creature - Human Nomad
1 Avalanche Riders
$0.36 Creature - Human Nomad
1 Bloated Toad
$0.37 Creature - Frog
4 Bouncing Beebles
$0.13 Creature - Beeble
1 Cloud of Faeries
$0.49 Creature - Faerie
1 Darkwatch Elves
$0.16 Creature - Elf
3 Defender of Chaos
$0.07 Creature - Human Knight
1 Devout Harpist
$0.16 Creature - Human
1 Devout Harpist
$0.16 Creature - Human
2 Expendable Troops
$0.11 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Gang of Elk
$0.23 Creature - Elk Beast
3 Giant Cockroach
$0.09 Creature - Insect
1 Giant Cockroach
$0.11 Creature - Insect
3 Goblin Medics
$0.14 Creature - Goblin Shaman
1 Jhoira's Toolbox
$0.22 Artifact Creature - Insect
1 King Crab
$0.27 Creature - Crab
2 Lone Wolf
$0.19 Creature - Wolf
3 Multani's Acolyte
$0.19 Creature - Elf
1 Multani's Acolyte
$0.19 Creature - Elf
1 Phyrexian Broodlings
$0.11 Creature - Phyrexian Minion
1 Phyrexian Debaser
$0.11 Creature - Phyrexian Carrier
1 Phyrexian Debaser
$0.14 Creature - Phyrexian Carrier
1 Phyrexian Defiler
$0.21 Creature - Phyrexian Carrier
1 Phyrexian Denouncer
$0.21 Creature - Phyrexian Carrier
1 Pygmy Pyrosaur
$0.13 Creature - Lizard
1 Radiant's Dragoons
$0.16 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Rank and File
$0.15 Creature - Zombie
2 Raven Familiar
$0.24 Creature - Bird
3 Simian Grunts
$0.19 Creature - Ape
3 Simian Grunts
$0.19 Creature - Ape
2 Sustainer of the Realm
$0.14 Creature - Angel
1 Sustainer of the Realm
$0.14 Creature - Angel
4 Thornwind Faeries
$0.21 Creature - Faerie
2 Thornwind Faeries
$0.21 Creature - Faerie
1 Thran War Machine
$0.10 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Thran War Machine
$0.12 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Thran War Machine
$0.12 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Ticking Gnomes
$0.15 Artifact Creature - Gnome
2 Ticking Gnomes
$0.15 Artifact Creature - Gnome
2 Treefolk Mystic
$0.15 Creature - Treefolk
3 Viashino Bey
$0.09 Creature - Viashino
1 Viashino Cutthroat
$0.14 Creature - Viashino
2 Viashino Heretic
$0.90 Creature - Viashino
2 Viashino Heretic
$0.76 Creature - Viashino
2 Vigilant Drake
$0.10 Creature - Drake
1 Walking Sponge
$0.25 Creature - Sponge
1 Walking Sponge
$0.25 Creature - Sponge
3 Weatherseed Elf
$0.26 Creature - Elf
1 Weatherseed Faeries
$0.13 Creature - Faerie
1 Weatherseed Faeries
$0.13 Creature - Faerie
3 Yavimaya Scion
$0.15 Creature - Treefolk
2 Yavimaya Scion
$0.15 Creature - Treefolk
1 Yavimaya Wurm
$0.13 Creature - Wurm
Instant (23)
2 About Face
$0.14 Instant
1 Burst of Energy
$0.15 Instant
1 Erase
$0.18 Instant
1 Erase
$0.18 Instant
1 Harmonic Convergence
$0.28 Instant
1 Hope and Glory
$0.18 Instant
1 Intervene
$0.23 Instant
3 Iron Will
$0.16 Instant
1 Miscalculation
$0.50 Instant
2 Opportunity
$0.11 Instant
1 Parch
$0.11 Instant
3 Radiant's Judgment
$0.21 Instant
1 Sick and Tired
$0.13 Instant
3 Silk Net
$0.07 Instant
1 Swat
$0.08 Instant
Sorcery (3)
2 Lava Axe
$0.12 Sorcery
1 Ostracize
$0.15 Sorcery
Enchantment (19)
2 Aura Flux
$0.17 Enchantment
3 Cessation
$0.22 Enchantment - Aura
1 Ghitu War Cry
$0.20 Enchantment
1 Granite Grip
$0.22 Enchantment - Aura
2 Levitation
$0.28 Enchantment
1 Levitation
$0.33 Enchantment
1 Martyr's Cause
$2.12 Enchantment
2 Multani's Presence
$0.31 Enchantment
1 Multani's Presence
$0.31 Enchantment
1 Opal Champion
$0.08 Enchantment
1 Sleeper's Guile
$0.22 Enchantment - Aura
1 Slow Motion
$0.16 Enchantment - Aura
2 Sluggishness
$0.19 Enchantment - Aura
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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Scratchpad - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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