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- MTG DECKS (62)
- com (U) Azami, Lady of Scrolls
- com Blind Seer
Out of the Box
- leg Chandra (Jace VS Chandra)
- vin Demonic (Divine VS Demonic)
- leg Divine (Divine VS Demonic)
- mod Eldritch Onslaught
- leg Elves (Elves VS Goblins)
- leg Garruk (Garruk VS Liliana)
- leg Goblins (Elves VS Goblins)
- leg Golgari (Izzet VS Golgari)
- leg Illusonary Might - 2012 Event Deck
- leg Izzet (Izzet VS Golgari)
- vin Jace (Jace VS Chandra)
- leg Jace (Jace vs. Vraska)
- leg Liliana (Garruk VS Liliana)
- vin Political Puppets
- leg Vraska (Jace vs. Vraska)
Tiny Leaders
- sta 5C Beanstalk
- sta 8-Cast
- leg Artifact Blue
- leg Artifact Blue
- leg Burn
- cub Innistrad
- leg Jeskai
- leg Jeskai Delver
- leg Jeskai Delver
- leg Jeskai Midrange
- sta Jeskai Stoneblade
- sta Jeskai Stoneblade
- leg Miracle burn
- sta Mono-Red Burn
- leg Ruby Storm
- leg Ruby Storm
- leg Temur Delver
- leg Temur Mid
- sta UW Control
- leg 8 Cast
- leg Affinity
- leg Bant Beans
- leg Bant Control
- leg Hardened Souls
- leg Izzet Wizards
- leg Jeskai Control
- leg Jeskai Control
- leg Jeskai Stoneblade
- leg Miracles
- leg Temur Delver
- leg Temur Delver
- leg Temur Delver
- leg UR Delver
- leg UWx Control
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |
Main Deck - 0 cards, 0 distinct
There are no cards in this set. (yet) ;)
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
Scratchpad - 0 cards, 0 distinct
Cards in the scratchpad represent cards that you are considering for this deck, but are not
actually in the built deck. They do not count towards the in built decks count
shown in your inventory. If you are using the Auto Trade feature, they will be
still be marked for trade although cards in your main deck and sideboard will not.
No cards here. :(
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