- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (87)
- (E) Adapting Adaptive Adaptations
- (E) Dragons
- (E) Green Stompy
- (E) Grimgrin Discard
- (E) Heliod, Radiant
- (E) Hydrashok
- (E) Imoti Cascade
- (E) Man's Best Friend
- (E) Omnath
- (E) Omniscience?
- (E) Rafiq Competitive
- (E) Rafiq Unblockable
- (E) Sigarda Angels
- (E) Silvers
- (E) Skittles
- (L) Artifacts!
- (L) Ascending Scepters
- (L) Big Green Guys
- (L) Black!
- (L) Burning Bridges
- (L) Cats
- (L) Dragon Reanimator
- (L) Dragonmaster
- (L) Dragons
- (L) Dreadstill
- (L) Elves!
- (L) Fish!
- (L) Foggy Tendrils
- (L) Goblins!
- (L) Knights
- (L) Man's Best Friend
- (L) Martyr Proc
- (L) Obliterator
- (L) Quest v2.0
- (L) Reanimator
- (L) Slivers
- (L) Soldiers
- (L) Suicide Bomber
- (L) Tez Affinity
- (L) Weenie Artifacts
- (L) White Weenie
- (L) White!!
- (M) American Prowess
- (M) Ascending Scepter
- (M) Boros Knights
- (M) Boros Midrange
- (M) Boros Soldiers
- (M) Boros Whap & Zap
- (M) Burn
- (M) Elfdrazi
- (M) G/W Turbo Fog
- (M) Goblin Bombs
- (M) Goblins!
- (M) Green Infect
- (M) Helix
- (M) Jund Goblins
- (M) Knights
- (M) Martyr Proc
- (M) Modern 4 Under 20
- (M) Mom Cats
- (M) Mono U Mill
- (M) Naya Zoo
- (M) Quest
- (M) Rakdos Midrange
- (M) Ravager
- (M) Slivers
- (M) Some Blue & Green Cards
- (M) U/W Allies
- (M) UG Infect
- (M) Vampires!
- (M) Vamps
- (M) Weenie Equipment
- (M) White Weenie
- (Pa) v1.1
- Boros Knights
- Boros Token Shitter
- Discard
- Guardian Angels
- MPR Checklist
- Ryder
- Syr Gwyn
- Tireless Again
- zBoros Stuff
- zEnchantments
- zShopping List
- zSideboard Staples
- zStuff I should Own
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |
Main Deck - 0 cards, 0 distinct
There are no cards in this set. (yet) ;)
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
Scratchpad - 0 cards, 0 distinct
Cards in the scratchpad represent cards that you are considering for this deck, but are not
actually in the built deck. They do not count towards the in built decks count
shown in your inventory. If you are using the Auto Trade feature, they will be
still be marked for trade although cards in your main deck and sideboard will not.
No cards here. :(
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