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Avg. CMC 4.1
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 387 cards, 387 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
No commander was selected yet for this deck.
Creature (378)
1 Abaddon the Despoiler
$3.53 Legendary Creature - Astartes Warrior
1 Adeline, Resplendent Cathar
$4.93 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Adriana, Captain of the Guard
$0.24 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Adric, Mathematical Genius
$0.22 Legendary Creature - Human Artificer
1 Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait
$10.19 Legendary Creature - Serpent
1 Agent Frank Horrigan
$1.19 Legendary Creature - Mutant Warrior
1 Akawalli, the Seething Tower
$0.10 Legendary Creature - Fungus
1 Akul the Unrepentant
$0.48 Legendary Creature - Scorpion Dragon Rogue
1 Alesha, Who Laughs at Fate
$1.40 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
1 Alharu, Solemn Ritualist
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Human Monk
1 Aminatou, Veil Piercer
$0.59 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Anikthea, Hand of Erebos
$0.66 Legendary Enchantment Creature - Demigod
1 Anrakyr the Traveller
$0.59 Legendary Artifact Creature - Necron
1 Arabella, Abandoned Doll
$0.29 Legendary Artifact Creature - Toy
1 Aradesh, the Founder
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier
1 Aragorn, King of Gondor
$0.78 Legendary Creature - Human Noble
1 Arahbo, the First Fang
$1.06 Legendary Creature - Cat Avatar
1 Arasta of the Endless Web
$0.32 Legendary Enchantment Creature - Spider
1 Arcade Gannon
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Doctor
1 Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle
$0.95 Legendary Creature - Kraken
1 Aron, Benalia's Ruin
$0.11 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Human
1 Arthur, Marigold Knight
$0.20 Legendary Creature - Mouse Knight
1 Arvad the Cursed
$0.16 Legendary Creature - Vampire Knight
1 Arvinox, the Mind Flail
$0.35 Legendary Enchantment Creature - Horror
1 Aryel, Knight of Windgrace
$0.23 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Ashad, the Lone Cyberman
$0.12 Legendary Artifact Creature - Cyberman
1 Ashaya, Soul of the Wild
$6.72 Legendary Creature - Elemental
1 Atarka, World Render
$5.26 Legendary Creature - Dragon
1 Athreos, Shroud-Veiled
$1.51 Legendary Enchantment Creature - God
1 Baba Lysaga, Night Witch
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Warlock
1 Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer
$7.87 Legendary Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Balmor, Battlemage Captain
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Bird Wizard
1 Balmor, Battlemage Captain
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Bird Wizard
1 Bane, Lord of Darkness
$0.24 Legendary Creature - God
1 Be'lakor, the Dark Master
$30.93 Legendary Creature - Demon Noble
1 Belisarius Cawl
$0.21 Legendary Artifact Creature - Human
1 Bello, Bard of the Brambles
$2.67 Legendary Creature - Raccoon Bard
1 Beregond of the Guard
$0.22 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier
1 Bilbo, Retired Burglar
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Halfling Rogue
1 Bill Ferny, Bree Swindler
$0.04 Legendary Creature - Human Rogue
1 Bill Potts
$0.05 Legendary Creature - Human
1 Boromir, Gondor's Hope
$0.17 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
1 Bright-Palm, Soul Awakener
$0.16 Legendary Creature - Fox Shaman
1 Bright-Palm, Soul Awakener
$0.21 Legendary Creature - Fox Shaman
1 Butch DeLoria, Tunnel Snake
$0.11 Legendary Creature - Human Rogue
1 Butterbur, Bree Innkeeper
$0.03 Legendary Creature - Human Peasant
1 Caesar, Legion's Emperor
$0.78 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier
1 Cait, Cage Brawler
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
1 Cass, Hand of Vengeance
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Ranger
1 Cazur, Ruthless Stalker
$0.48 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
1 Cazur, Ruthless Stalker
$0.48 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
1 Celeborn the Wise
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Elf Noble
1 Celestine, the Living Saint
$14.84 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
1 Chishiro, the Shattered Blade
$0.44 Legendary Creature - Snake Samurai
1 Chishiro, the Shattered Blade
$0.44 Legendary Creature - Snake Samurai
1 Clara Oswald
$0.15 Legendary Creature - Human Advisor
1 Codsworth, Handy Helper
$9.62 Legendary Artifact Creature - Robot
1 Colonel Autumn
$0.10 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier
1 Commander Sofia Daguerre
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Pilot
1 Commissar Severina Raine
$12.37 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier
1 Craig Boone, Novac Guard
$0.17 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier
1 Cult of Skaro
$0.12 Legendary Artifact Creature - Dalek
1 Curie, Emergent Intelligence
$0.30 Legendary Artifact Creature - Robot
1 Dan Lewis
$0.11 Legendary Creature - Human
1 Danny Pink
$4.15 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Advisor
1 Davros, Dalek Creator
$0.18 Legendary Artifact Creature - Alien Scientist
1 Deathleaper, Terror Weapon
$0.26 Legendary Creature - Tyranid
1 Denethor, Ruling Steward
$0.10 Legendary Creature - Human Noble
1 Denethor, Stone Seer
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Human Noble
1 Desdemona, Freedom's Edge
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Human Rogue
1 Doc Aurlock, Grizzled Genius
$0.16 Legendary Creature - Bear Druid
1 Dogmeat, Ever Loyal
$0.28 Legendary Creature - Dog
1 Dr. Madison Li
$0.28 Legendary Creature - Human Scientist
1 Drakuseth, Maw of Flames
$0.44 Legendary Creature - Dragon
1 Drakuseth, Maw of Flames
$0.71 Legendary Creature - Dragon
1 Drakuseth, Maw of Flames
$0.98 Legendary Creature - Dragon
1 Duchess, Wayward Tavernkeep
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Human Citizen
1 Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen
$0.19 Legendary Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen
$0.23 Legendary Creature - Elf Warrior
1 ED-E, Lonesome Eyebot
$0.08 Legendary Artifact Creature - Robot
1 Edric, Spymaster of Trest
$0.98 Legendary Creature - Elf Rogue
1 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim
$2.05 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Kor Cleric
1 Elder Arthur Maxson
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Elder Owyn Lyons
$0.07 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Elenda and Azor
$0.37 Legendary Creature - Vampire Knight Sphinx
1 Elenda, Saint of Dusk
$0.90 Legendary Creature - Vampire Knight
1 Emperor Mihail II
$0.27 Legendary Creature - Merfolk Noble
1 Emry, Lurker of the Loch
$2.93 Legendary Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Éomer of the Riddermark
$0.04 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Éomer, King of Rohan
$0.29 Legendary Creature - Human Noble
1 Éomer, Marshal of Rohan
$0.23 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Éomer, Marshal of Rohan
$1.78 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Éowyn, Fearless Knight
$0.80 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Éowyn, Fearless Knight
$0.88 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Éowyn, Lady of Rohan
$0.10 Legendary Creature - Human Noble
1 Éowyn, Shieldmaiden
$0.34 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Erebos, Bleak-Hearted
$0.69 Legendary Enchantment Creature - God
1 Eris, Roar of the Storm
$0.79 Legendary Creature - Elemental Warlock
1 Erkenbrand, Lord of Westfold
$0.05 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier
1 Etali, Primal Storm
$0.90 Legendary Creature - Elder Dinosaur
1 Etali, Primal Storm
$0.50 Legendary Creature - Elder Dinosaur
1 Fangorn, Tree Shepherd
$0.21 Legendary Creature - Treefolk
1 Faramir, Prince of Ithilien
$0.22 Legendary Creature - Human Noble
1 Faramir, Steward of Gondor
$0.21 Legendary Creature - Human Noble
1 Felix Five-Boots
$0.47 Legendary Creature - Ooze Rogue
1 Firkraag, Cunning Instigator
$2.45 Legendary Creature - Dragon
1 Frodo Baggins
$0.15 Legendary Creature - Halfling Scout
1 Galadriel of Lothlórien
$0.29 Legendary Creature - Elf Noble
1 Gandalf, Friend of the Shire
$0.13 Legendary Creature - Avatar Wizard
1 Ghalta, Primal Hunger
$1.50 Legendary Creature - Elder Dinosaur
1 Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph
$22.40 Legendary Creature - Tyranid Human
1 Gilraen, Dúnedain Protector
$0.21 Legendary Creature - Human Noble
1 Gimli of the Glittering Caves
$0.72 Legendary Creature - Dwarf Warrior
1 Gimli, Counter of Kills
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Dwarf Warrior
1 Glorfindel, Dauntless Rescuer
$0.11 Legendary Creature - Elf Noble
1 Glorfindel, Dauntless Rescuer
$0.04 Legendary Creature - Elf Noble
1 God-Eternal Oketra
$6.50 Legendary Creature - Zombie God
1 Gonti, Canny Acquisitor
$0.45 Legendary Creature - Aetherborn Rogue
1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury
$0.25 Legendary Creature - Aetherborn Rogue
1 Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma
$0.76 Legendary Creature - Bear
1 Gothmog, Morgul Lieutenant
$0.20 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier
1 Graham O'Brien
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Pilot
1 Gríma Wormtongue
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Advisor
1 Gríma, Saruman's Footman
$1.05 Legendary Creature - Human Advisor
1 Grishnákh, Brash Instigator
$0.06 Legendary Creature - Goblin Soldier
1 Grothama, All-Devouring
$1.84 Legendary Creature - Wurm
1 Grumgully, the Generous
$0.11 Legendary Creature - Goblin Shaman
1 Haakon, Stromgald Scourge
$1.04 Legendary Creature - Zombie Knight
1 Hakbal of the Surging Soul
$0.57 Legendary Creature - Merfolk Scout
1 Halana, Kessig Ranger
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Human Archer Ranger
1 Halsin, Emerald Archdruid
$0.43 Legendary Creature - Elf Druid
1 Hamza, Guardian of Arashin
$0.16 Legendary Creature - Elephant Warrior
1 Hancock, Ghoulish Mayor
$0.18 Legendary Creature - Zombie Mutant Advisor
1 Hanna, Ship's Navigator
$0.38 Legendary Creature - Human Artificer
1 Harold and Bob, First Numens
$0.10 Legendary Creature - Treefolk Mutant
1 Hashaton, Scarab's Fist
$4.47 Legendary Creature - Zombie Wizard
1 Hazezon, Shaper of Sand
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
1 Heliod, God of the Sun
$0.79 Legendary Enchantment Creature - God
1 Ian the Reckless
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
1 Illuminor Szeras
$3.50 Legendary Artifact Creature - Necron
1 Imotekh the Stormlord
$16.06 Legendary Artifact Creature - Necron
1 Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty
$0.15 Legendary Creature - Naga Druid
1 Inquisitor Eisenhorn
$0.21 Legendary Creature - Human Inquisitor
1 Inquisitor Greyfax
$2.60 Legendary Creature - Human Inquisitor
1 Ioreth of the Healing House
$0.17 Legendary Creature - Human Cleric
1 Iraxxa, Empress of Mars
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Alien Warrior
1 Ishkanah, Grafwidow
$0.87 Legendary Creature - Spider
1 James, Wandering Dad // Follow Him
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Scientist // Instant - Adventure //
1 Jason Bright, Glowing Prophet
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Zombie Mutant Advisor
1 Jaxis, the Troublemaker
$0.44 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
1 Jazal Goldmane
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Cat Warrior
1 Jenny Flint
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Human Detective
1 Jenny, Generated Anomaly
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Soldier
1 Jodah, the Unifier
$2.93 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer
$0.11 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
1 Josu Vess, Lich Knight
$0.24 Legendary Creature - Zombie Knight
1 Kaervek the Merciless
$0.44 Legendary Creature - Human Shaman
1 Kaima, the Fractured Calm
$0.16 Legendary Creature - Spirit
1 Kambal, Profiteering Mayor
$5.25 Legendary Creature - Human Advisor
1 Kardur, Doomscourge
$0.99 Legendary Creature - Demon Berserker
1 Karlach, Fury of Avernus
$6.45 Legendary Creature - Tiefling Barbarian
1 Karvanista, Loyal Lupari // Lupari Shield
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Alien Dog Soldier // Sorcery - Adventure //
1 Kasla, the Broken Halo
$0.18 Legendary Creature - Angel Ally
1 Katsumasa, the Animator
$0.17 Legendary Creature - Moonfolk Artificer
1 Kaza, Roil Chaser
$0.13 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Ogre Warrior
1 Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs
$0.15 Legendary Creature - Ogre Warrior
1 Kefnet the Mindful
$0.38 Legendary Creature - God
1 Keiga, the Tide Star
$1.52 Legendary Creature - Dragon Spirit
1 Kellan, Planar Trailblazer
$0.23 Legendary Creature - Human Faerie Scout
1 Kellogg, Dangerous Mind
$2.29 Legendary Creature - Human Mercenary
1 Kethek, Crucible Goliath
$0.15 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Beast
1 Khârn the Betrayer
$5.63 Legendary Creature - Astartes Berserker
1 Kianne, Corrupted Memory
$0.30 Legendary Creature - Illusion
1 King of the Oathbreakers
$0.16 Legendary Creature - Spirit Noble
1 Kirri, Talented Sprout
$0.21 Legendary Creature - Plant Druid
1 Kodama of the East Tree
$2.60 Legendary Creature - Spirit
1 Koma, World-Eater
$2.71 Legendary Creature - Serpent
1 Kona, Rescue Beastie
$1.38 Legendary Creature - Beast Survivor
1 Kopala, Warden of Waves
$0.25 Legendary Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Kosei, Penitent Warlord
$0.13 Legendary Creature - Ogre Samurai
1 Kotori, Pilot Prodigy
$0.32 Legendary Creature - Moonfolk Pilot
1 Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin
$1.63 Legendary Creature - Goblin
1 Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca
$1.09 Legendary Creature - Merfolk Shaman
1 Kykar, Wind's Fury
$0.59 Legendary Creature - Bird Wizard
1 Landroval, Horizon Witness
$0.04 Legendary Creature - Bird Noble
1 Lathril, Blade of the Elves
$0.35 Legendary Creature - Elf Noble
1 Lazav, the Multifarious
$0.21 Legendary Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Legate Lanius, Caesar's Ace
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier
1 Legolas, Counter of Kills
$0.06 Legendary Creature - Elf Archer
1 Liberty Prime, Recharged
$0.18 Legendary Artifact Creature - Robot
1 Lily Bowen, Raging Grandma
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Mutant Warrior
1 Lord of the Nazgûl
$1.24 Legendary Creature - Wraith Noble
1 Lucius the Eternal
$0.17 Legendary Creature - Astartes Warrior
1 Lulu, Loyal Hollyphant
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Elephant Angel
1 MacCready, Lamplight Mayor
$0.22 Legendary Creature - Human Advisor
1 Madame Vastra
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Lizard Detective
1 Magnus the Red
$4.09 Legendary Creature - Demon Primarch
1 Magus Lucea Kane
$14.52 Legendary Creature - Human Tyranid Wizard
1 Marcus, Mutant Mayor
$0.13 Legendary Creature - Mutant Advisor
1 Marneus Calgar
$34.41 Legendary Creature - Astartes Warrior
1 Massacre Girl
$0.69 Legendary Creature - Human Assassin
1 Mauhúr, Uruk-hai Captain
$0.07 Legendary Creature - Orc Soldier
1 Me, the Immortal
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Human Rogue
1 Medomai the Ageless
$1.42 Legendary Creature - Sphinx
1 Meneldor, Swift Savior
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Bird Soldier
1 Meriadoc Brandybuck
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Halfling Citizen
1 Mikaeus, the Lunarch
$0.73 Legendary Creature - Human Cleric
1 Missy
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Rogue
1 Moira Brown, Guide Author
$0.11 Legendary Creature - Human Citizen
1 Monstrosity of the Lake
$0.25 Legendary Creature - Kraken
1 Mortarion, Daemon Primarch
$0.26 Legendary Creature - Demon Primarch
1 Mr. House, President and CEO
$0.65 Legendary Artifact Creature - Human
1 Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar
$0.82 Legendary Creature - Elemental Avatar
1 Narci, Fable Singer
$0.67 Legendary Creature - Human Bard
1 Nardole, Resourceful Cyborg
$0.07 Legendary Artifact Creature - Scientist
1 Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion
$1.19 Legendary Creature - Rat Ninja
1 Neyali, Suns' Vanguard
$1.37 Legendary Creature - Human Rebel
1 Neyam Shai Murad
$0.15 Legendary Creature - Human Rogue
1 Nicanzil, Current Conductor
$0.04 Legendary Creature - Merfolk Scout
1 Nick Valentine, Private Eye
$0.12 Legendary Artifact Creature - Synth Detective
1 Nicol Bolas
$1.27 Legendary Creature - Elder Dragon
1 Nissa, Worldsoul Speaker
$0.65 Legendary Creature - Elf Druid
1 Niv-Mizzet, Parun
$3.04 Legendary Creature - Dragon Wizard
1 Niv-Mizzet, Parun
$2.44 Legendary Creature - Dragon Wizard
1 Octavia, Living Thesis
$0.36 Legendary Creature - Elemental Octopus
1 Old Man Willow
$0.07 Legendary Creature - Treefolk
1 Old One Eye
$3.15 Legendary Creature - Tyranid
1 Old Stickfingers
$0.28 Legendary Creature - Horror
1 Omnath, Locus of Rage
$0.99 Legendary Creature - Elemental
1 Osgood, Operation Double
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Human Alien Shapeshifter
1 Otrimi, the Ever-Playful
$0.56 Legendary Creature - Nightmare Beast
1 Overseer of Vault 76
$0.11 Legendary Creature - Human Advisor
1 Ovika, Enigma Goliath
$0.26 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Nightmare
1 Paladin Danse, Steel Maverick
$0.18 Legendary Artifact Creature - Synth Knight
1 Paladin Elizabeth Taggerdy
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Peregrin Took
$0.51 Legendary Creature - Halfling Citizen
1 Pia and Kiran Nalaar
$0.16 Legendary Creature - Human Artificer
1 Pia Nalaar, Chief Mechanic
$0.23 Legendary Creature - Human Artificer
1 Piper Wright, Publick Reporter
$0.27 Legendary Creature - Human Detective
1 Pippin, Guard of the Citadel
$1.00 Legendary Creature - Halfling Soldier
1 Preston Garvey, Minuteman
$0.17 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier
1 Prime Speaker Zegana
$0.20 Legendary Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Prince Imrahil the Fair
$0.06 Legendary Creature - Human Noble
1 Queen Marchesa
$0.33 Legendary Creature - Human Assassin
1 Quickbeam, Upstart Ent
$0.05 Legendary Creature - Treefolk
1 Radha, Coalition Warlord
$0.04 Legendary Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Rakdos, Lord of Riots
$0.80 Legendary Creature - Demon
1 Ramirez DePietro, Pillager
$0.23 Legendary Creature - Human Pirate
1 Raphael, Fiendish Savior
$0.17 Legendary Creature - Devil Noble
1 Rashmi, Eternities Crafter
$0.83 Legendary Creature - Elf Druid
1 Rassilon, the War President
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Noble
1 Ratadrabik of Urborg
$1.71 Legendary Creature - Zombie Wizard
1 Raul, Trouble Shooter
$0.20 Legendary Creature - Zombie Mutant Rogue
1 Red Death, Shipwrecker
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Crab Mutant
1 Rendmaw, Creaking Nest
$0.51 Legendary Artifact Creature - Scarecrow
1 Rex, Cyber-Hound
$0.08 Legendary Artifact Creature - Robot Dog
1 Rilsa Rael, Kingpin
$0.11 Legendary Creature - Human Rogue
1 Rishkar, Peema Renegade
$0.45 Legendary Creature - Elf Druid
1 River Song
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Human Time Lord Rogue
1 Rona, Sheoldred's Faithful
$0.05 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Rona, Sheoldred's Faithful
$0.07 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Rona, Sheoldred's Faithful
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Rose, Cutthroat Raider
$0.48 Legendary Artifact Creature - Robot
1 Ruby, Daring Tracker
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Scout
1 Ryan Sinclair
$0.10 Legendary Creature - Human
1 Ryusei, the Falling Star
$1.41 Legendary Creature - Dragon Spirit
1 Saheeli, Radiant Creator
$0.29 Legendary Creature - Human Artificer
1 Saheeli, the Sun's Brilliance
$1.00 Legendary Creature - Human Artificer
1 Sai, Master Thopterist
$0.85 Legendary Creature - Human Artificer
1 Saint Traft and Rem Karolus
$0.15 Legendary Creature - Spirit Human
1 Samwise Gamgee
$1.63 Legendary Creature - Halfling Peasant
1 Saruman the White
$0.22 Legendary Creature - Avatar Wizard
1 Saruman, the White Hand
$0.45 Legendary Creature - Avatar Wizard
1 Satoru Umezawa
$0.34 Legendary Creature - Human Ninja
1 Sauron, Lord of the Rings
$0.34 Legendary Creature - Avatar Horror
1 Sauron, the Dark Lord
$8.74 Legendary Creature - Avatar Horror
1 Sauron, the Necromancer
$0.35 Legendary Creature - Avatar Horror
1 Sentinel Sarah Lyons
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Shadowfax, Lord of Horses
$0.10 Legendary Creature - Horse
1 Shadowheart, Dark Justiciar
$0.72 Legendary Creature - Human Elf Cleric
1 Shalai and Hallar
$2.03 Legendary Creature - Angel Elf
1 Shaun, Father of Synths
$0.17 Legendary Creature - Human Scientist
1 Shelob, Dread Weaver
$0.67 Legendary Creature - Spider Demon
1 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
$75.76 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Praetor
1 Shigeki, Jukai Visionary
$0.26 Legendary Enchantment Creature - Snake Druid
1 Sidar Jabari of Zhalfir
$0.35 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Sierra, Nuka's Biggest Fan
$0.16 Legendary Creature - Human Citizen
1 Slobad, Iron Goblin
$0.15 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Goblin Artificer
1 Slurrk, All-Ingesting
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Ooze
1 Sméagol, Helpful Guide
$0.27 Legendary Creature - Halfling Horror
1 Sram, Senior Edificer
$1.86 Legendary Creature - Dwarf Advisor
1 Stella Lee, Wild Card
$1.54 Legendary Creature - Human Rogue
1 Strax, Sontaran Nurse
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Alien Cleric
1 Strider, Ranger of the North
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Human Ranger
1 Strong, the Brutish Thespian
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Mutant Berserker
1 Svyelun of Sea and Sky
$0.31 Legendary Creature - Merfolk God
1 Syr Elenora, the Discerning
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Syr Konrad, the Grim
$0.62 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
1 Sythis, Harvest's Hand
$2.13 Legendary Enchantment Creature - Nymph
1 Szarekh, the Silent King
$1.15 Legendary Artifact Creature - Necron
1 Talrand, Sky Summoner
$0.74 Legendary Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Tatyova, Benthic Druid
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Merfolk Druid
1 Tatyova, Benthic Druid
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Merfolk Druid
1 Temmet, Naktamun's Will
$0.38 Legendary Creature - Zombie Wizard
1 Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle
$0.42 Legendary Creature - Bird Cleric
1 Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive
$0.23 Legendary Creature - Human Rogue
1 Thassa, God of the Sea
$3.85 Legendary Enchantment Creature - God
1 The Balrog of Moria
$0.60 Legendary Creature - Avatar Demon
1 The Balrog, Durin's Bane
$0.35 Legendary Creature - Avatar Demon
1 The Beast, Deathless Prince
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Demon
1 The Cyber-Controller
$0.18 Legendary Artifact Creature - Cyberman
1 The Dalek Emperor
$0.11 Legendary Artifact Creature - Dalek
1 The Eleventh Doctor
$0.72 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Doctor
1 The Fifth Doctor
$0.07 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Doctor
1 The First Doctor
$0.45 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Doctor
1 The Fugitive Doctor
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Doctor
1 The Jolly Balloon Man
$0.73 Legendary Creature - Human Clown
1 The Jolly Balloon Man
$0.69 Legendary Creature - Human Clown
1 The Locust God
$4.02 Legendary Creature - God
1 The Master of Keys
$0.68 Legendary Enchantment Creature - Horror
1 The Master, Formed Anew
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Rogue
1 The Master, Gallifrey's End
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Rogue
1 The Master, Mesmerist
$0.08 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Rogue
1 The Master, Multiplied
$0.59 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Rogue
1 The Master, Transcendent
$0.22 Legendary Artifact Creature - Mutant
1 The Mimeoplasm
$0.81 Legendary Creature - Ooze
1 The Mindskinner
$1.14 Legendary Enchantment Creature - Nightmare
1 The Motherlode, Excavator
$0.25 Legendary Artifact Creature - Robot
1 The Mouth of Sauron
$0.07 Legendary Creature - Human Advisor
1 The Mouth of Sauron
$0.07 Legendary Creature - Human Advisor
1 The Ninth Doctor
$0.20 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Doctor
1 The Rani
$0.10 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Scientist
1 The Red Terror
$4.84 Legendary Creature - Tyranid
1 The Scarab God
$11.78 Legendary Creature - God
1 The Sixth Doctor
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Doctor
1 The Swarmlord
$1.08 Legendary Creature - Tyranid
1 The Tenth Doctor
$0.30 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Doctor
1 The Thirteenth Doctor
$0.19 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Doctor
1 The Twelfth Doctor
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Doctor
1 The Valeyard
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Time Lord Noble
1 The Wise Mothman
$0.63 Legendary Creature - Insect Mutant
1 Théoden, King of Rohan
$0.07 Legendary Creature - Human Noble
1 Théoden, King of Rohan
$0.07 Legendary Creature - Human Noble
1 Three Dog, Galaxy News DJ
$0.14 Legendary Creature - Human Bard
1 Tishana, Voice of Thunder
$0.59 Legendary Creature - Merfolk Shaman
1 Titania, Nature's Force
$1.57 Legendary Creature - Elemental
1 Titania, Protector of Argoth
$0.96 Legendary Creature - Elemental
1 Toby, Beastie Befriender
$0.29 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Trazyn the Infinite
$0.43 Legendary Artifact Creature - Necron
1 Tymaret, Chosen from Death
$0.14 Legendary Enchantment Creature - Demigod
1 Ukkima, Stalking Shadow
$0.54 Legendary Creature - Whale Wolf
1 Ukkima, Stalking Shadow
$0.54 Legendary Creature - Whale Wolf
1 Ulasht, the Hate Seed
$0.38 Legendary Creature - Hellion Hydra
1 Verix Bladewing
$0.51 Legendary Creature - Dragon
1 Veronica, Dissident Scribe
$0.10 Legendary Creature - Human Artificer Rogue
1 Veyran, Voice of Duality
$7.32 Legendary Creature - Efreet Wizard
1 Vislor Turlough
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Rogue
1 Vona, Butcher of Magan
$0.32 Legendary Creature - Vampire Knight
1 Vorel of the Hull Clade
$0.38 Legendary Creature - Human Merfolk
1 Vrondiss, Rage of Ancients
$0.53 Legendary Creature - Dragon Barbarian
1 Wildsear, Scouring Maw
$0.41 Legendary Creature - Elemental Wolf
1 Winter, Cynical Opportunist
$0.26 Legendary Creature - Human Warlock
1 Wydwen, the Biting Gale
$0.19 Legendary Creature - Faerie Wizard
1 Xolatoyac, the Smiling Flood
$1.62 Legendary Creature - Salamander Serpent
1 Yasmin Khan
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Detective
1 Yedora, Grave Gardener
$0.16 Legendary Creature - Treefolk Druid
1 Yes Man, Personal Securitron
$0.37 Legendary Artifact Creature - Robot
1 Yuma, Proud Protector
$0.26 Legendary Creature - Human Ranger
1 Zacama, Primal Calamity
$4.19 Legendary Creature - Elder Dinosaur
1 Zaxara, the Exemplary
$0.78 Legendary Creature - Nightmare Hydra
1 Zegana, Utopian Speaker
$0.20 Legendary Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Ziatora, the Incinerator
$0.25 Legendary Creature - Demon Dragon
1 Zilortha, Strength Incarnate
$5.39 Legendary Creature - Dinosaur
1 Zimone, All-Questioning
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Zimone, Mystery Unraveler
$0.48 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Zinnia, Valley's Voice
$0.57 Legendary Creature - Bird Bard
Artifact (1)
1 Shorikai, Genesis Engine
$3.98 Legendary Artifact - Vehicle
Enchantment (6)
1 Agent of the Iron Throne
$0.22 Legendary Enchantment - Background
1 Agent of the Shadow Thieves
$0.24 Legendary Enchantment - Background
1 Clan Crafter
$0.59 Legendary Enchantment - Background
1 Raised by Giants
$0.20 Legendary Enchantment - Background
1 Veteran Soldier
$0.06 Legendary Enchantment - Background
1 Veteran Soldier
$0.14 Legendary Enchantment - Background
Planeswalker (2)
1 Rowan Kenrith
$0.77 Legendary Planeswalker - Rowan
1 Will Kenrith
$1.01 Legendary Planeswalker - Will
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

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