W3TSPOT's profile
- MTG DECKS (42)
sta *NOT*Odin*NOT*
vin Allies
vin Animyr
com Astor <3
com Blue White EDH Control
vin Blue/White Taxes EDH
com Bombibill
sta Briar's Dog EDH
vin Brimaz
vin Copy of Allies
com Dwarves
vin Edric Elves
com Flip Coins
vin Ghostmas
com Green White Cat Tribal - EDH
com Group Thug
com Khal Brago, Spirits EDH
mod Knights
vin Kruphix EDH Control
leg Legacy Red Control
sta Let's Blow something up!
com Mishra Edh Jank
mod Modern Beck Elves
mod Modern Soldiers
mod Modern Werewolves
vin Mono-Chaos
com Ninth Doctor - Briar
com Percy Jackson(?) Theme EDH - Simon
com Preston the GC
sta Rabbit COP
com Rabbit COP
com Red Green Werewolves
com Redgreen Elves
com Riku ETB
com Rune-tail Stall
leg Shatter Bros.
vin Shatter Gangbang Brother
com Snow God EDH
sta Talrand 'Fun'
leg Trading prices
com Xenagos Stompy