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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 52 cards, 19 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (20)
3 Beastlord Rakarth Dark Elf Unit 3 + Signs in the Stars
3 Hag Graef Knights Dark Elf Unit 2 + Oaths of Vengeance
3 Hag Queen Dark Elf Unit 3 + City of Winter
2 Mortella Dark Elf Unit 3 + Assault on Ulthuan
3 Seasoned Corsair Dark Elf Unit 3 + March of the Damned
3 Thief of Essence Dark Elf Unit 2 + Legends
3 Walking Sacrifice Dark Elf Unit 0 + Assault on Ulthuan
Legend (3)
3 Crone Hellebron Dark Elf Legend 3 + Days of Blood
Tactic (10)
2 Captured Mind Dark Elf Tactic 1 + Battle for the Old World
3 Chillwind Dark Elf Tactic 1 + Assault on Ulthuan
2 Murderlust Dark Elf Tactic 0 + Portent of Doom
3 Warpstone Experiments Neutral Tactic 1 Legends
Quest (5)
3 Offering to Hekarti Dark Elf Quest 0 + The Fourth Waystone
2 Pleasure Cults Dark Elf Quest 1 + Vessel of the Winds
Support (14)
3 Chill Sea Watchtower Dark Elf Support 1 + Days of Blood
3 Slave Pen Dark Elf Support 2 + March of the Damned
3 Soul Stealer Dark Elf Support 4 + Bleeding Sun
3 Temple of Spite Dark Elf Support 2 + Vessel of the Winds
2 The Liber Mortis Neutral Support 4 The Accursed Dead
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

  • Maciek Kotula | 31-Jul-2011 21:14
    Nice deck! And how about new expansion "Eclipse of Hope"? Maybe drop 2x Will of Tzentch and add 2x Unleashing The Spell plus new Chaos Hero will be great.
    • grille | Edited 01-Aug-2011 13:23
      Thanks Maciek Kotula. Changling will surely find a place but I don't think that I will put out Will of Tzeentch in near future. I like it that much because I play a lot of handcards out and it can often ruin the opponents game. Especially if you look to Troll Vomit, Master Rune of Spite or this kind of cards that opponents like to keep on hand for the right moment like damage cancels, attacker remover and of course Verena setup cards. I had games where 1st or 2nd turn Will of Tzeentch decided the game. Depends how good your starting hand is and the Q-zone should at least give you 2 cards. In midgame just make sure the opponent has no units/support in his Qzone then play it. If the opponent doesn't draw something to establish his quest again he will loose the game because usually the chaos board is better positioned especially when Kairos is out. I also think it's a great tournament card because it's good and also nobody expects it. So you will surely catch your opponent off guard and ruining his strategy when 1st playing it.

      I really like Unleashing the Spell but I think it's not optimal with Kairos because you don't want to loose your precious developments. Otherwise it would be a good finisher but not that reliable. A responded My Life for the Hold can really mess with that plan. Tomorrow I will get Eclipse and then I will know better how it plays out.
  • Danny Kamikaze | 12-Jul-2011 16:48
    Saw this on the forums and decided to copy it for playtesting in my local group. I'd say this looks pretty good, gonna try to think of ways to speed it up.
    • grille | 14-Jul-2011 14:39
      As said in forum I don't need to speed it up. Of course it depends on
      playstyle and local meta. I found it recently that the old version
      doesn't stand a chance against quick orcs, so I decided for some
      corruption tactics. Good old Seduced by Darkness is a good counter for
      RiP attacks and Warpstone Experiments which is now in nearly every
      destruction deck. Also switched back to Warpstone Excavation. There
      isn't the threat of visit anymore and I also felt myself low on supports
      (9x previously). It also helps against Troll Vomit to get not
      completely reseted. 
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