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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 50 cards, 17 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (18)
3 Fervent Disciple Empire Unit 3 + Cataclysm
3 Ludwig Schwarzheim Empire Unit 4 + Days of Blood
3 Maid Of Sigmar Empire Unit 2 + Oaths of Vengeance
3 Ostland Bowmen Empire Unit 2 + Cataclysm
3 Reiksguard Elite Empire Unit 3 + Battle for the Old World
3 Steel Behemoth Empire Unit 6 + The Ruinous Hordes
Legend (3)
3 Kurt Helborg Empire Legend 5 + The Accursed Dead
Tactic (12)
3 Devoted to Taal Empire Tactic 0 + Battle for the Old World
3 Distribute the Spoils Empire Tactic 0 + Oaths of Vengeance
3 Fulminating Cage Empire Tactic 5 + Glory of Days Past
3 Iron Discipline Empire Tactic 0 + Tooth and Claw
Support (17)
3 Boiling Oil Empire Support 1 + The Imperial Throne
2 Clockwork Horse Empire Support 0 + Realm of the Phoenix King
3 Luminark of Hysh Empire Support 3 + Cataclysm
3 Midden Moors Watchtower Empire Support 2 + Days of Blood
3 The Emperor's Statue Empire Support 1 + Faith and Steel
3 The Imperial Zoo Empire Support 1 + The Imperial Throne
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

  • Fyrdraka | 11-Dec-2013 19:29
    Removed him again
  • Fyrdraka | 10-Dec-2013 20:13
    Restricted: Wilhelm of the Osterknacht
    • Crux | 11-Dec-2013 12:59
      nope, not since faq 2.2
      • Fyrdraka | Edited 11-Dec-2013 13:42
        In Cataclysm it is
        • Crux | 11-Dec-2013 13:51
          In multiplayer it is ... 
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