EGOEGO's profile
- MTG DECKS (30)
sta B Zombie Fangs
oth RG Aggro
oth RU Beachparty
My Decks
oth W Twin Elspeths
sta Lands
Predefined Decks
com Arm for Battle
oth Ashiok, Sculptor of Fears (Theros Beyond Death)
mod Assemble Victory (Origins Intro Deck)
sta Black (Theros Beyond Death Theme Booster)
sta Blue (Theros Beyond Death Theme Booster)
mod Brave the Battle (Origins Intro Deck)
mod Demonic Deals (Origins Intro Deck)
pio Domri, City Smasher
pio Dovin, Architect Of Law
oth Elspeth, Undaunted Hero (Theros Beyond Death)
com Grave Danger
sta Green (Theros Beyond Death Theme Booster)
mod Hort des Drachen (M15 Intro Deck)
mod Hunting Pack (Origins Intro Deck)
mod Inspiring Heroics (Theros Event Deck)
mod Macht der Massen (M15 Intro Deck)
com Phantom Premonition
mod Preis des Ruhms (M15 Intro Deck)
sta Red (Theros Beyond Death Theme Booster)
mod Rush of the Wild (M14 Event Deck)
mod Starker Auftritt (M15 Intro Deck)
mod Take to the Sky (Origins Intro Deck)
mod Teuflisches Eingreifen (M15 Intro Deck)
sta White (Theros Beyond Death Theme Booster)
mod Wrath of the Mortals (Journey into Nyx Event Deck)