Name  |
Type |
Classes |
Edition |
Rarity |
1 |
Aeshia Moonstreak
Ally - Night Elf Priest |
Crown of the Heavens
1 |
Aessina's Miracle
Quest |
War of the Elements
1 |
An Ancient Awakens
Quest |
Crown of the Heavens
1 |
Arcane Shot
Instant Ability - Marksmanship |
Heroes of Azeroth
1 |
Arturius Hathrow
Hero - Worgen Druid |
1 |
Astani Dawngrace
Ally - Blood Elf Paladin |
1 |
Ally - Draenei Mage |
War of the Elements
1 |
Azure Enforcer
Ally - Blue Dragonkin |
War of the Elements
1 |
Azure Magus
Ally - Blue Dragonkin |
War of the Elements
1 |
Azure Skyrazor
Ally - Blue Dragonkin |
War of the Elements
1 |
Bella Wilder
Ally - Worgen Druid |
1 |
Blazing Elemental Totem
Ability Ally - Elemental |
War of the Elements
1 |
Blood Chill
Ability - Frost Disease |
1 |
Borrowed Time
Ability - Discipline |
Crown of the Heavens
1 |
Bound Torrent
Ally - Water Elemental |
War of the Elements
1 |
Brimi Tinkerblade
Ally - Gnome Rogue |
War of the Elements
1 |
Bronze Warden
Ally - Bronze Dragonkin |
War of the Elements
1 |
Brutal Bear Form
Instant Ability - Feral Bear Form |
War of the Elements
1 |
Burom Bladeseer
Ally - Orc Shaman |
War of the Elements
1 |
Chain Heal
Ability - Restoration |
Fires of Outland
1 |
Cleaning House
Quest |
Crown of the Heavens
1 |
Crusher of Bonds
Weapon - Mace |
War of the Elements
1 |
Dauntless Defender
Instant Ability - Protection |
War of the Elements
1 |
Death Strike
Instant Ability - Blood |
War of the Elements
1 |
Deathsmasher Mogdar
Monster Ally - Ogre Death Knight |
Crown of the Heavens
2 |
Defender's Vigil
Instant Ability - Protection |
1 |
Divine Cleansing
Ability - Holy |
1 |
Dominic Kandor
Ally - Worgen Death Knight |
War of the Elements
1 |
Elemental Energy
Quest |
War of the Elements
1 |
Emerald Soldier
Ally - Green Dragonkin |