DARTH VENOME's profile
- MTG DECKS (128)
leg Angels_02 EDH
com Breed Lethality_EDH
com Child of Alara_EDH
leg Copy of Copy of Akroma EDH
com Damia_EDH_01
vin Deity_01_EDH
sta Dragons_EDH_01
vin EDH Kaalia (WBR)
com EDH_Linvala_White
leg Elvish EDH
vin Eternal_Bargain_Commander_EDH
vin Evasive_Maneuvers_Commander_EDH
com Grimlock_EDH
vin Lorthos_01_EDH
vin Mind_Seize_Commander_EDH
vin Nature_of_the_Beast_Commander_EDH
vin Power_Hungry_Commander_EDH
vin Progenitus_01_Commander
vin Rhys, EDH (WG)
vin Sisay
vin Sisters_EDH_01
vin Solkanar_the_Swamp_King_01_Commander
leg Ajani_01
leg Ajani_02_Brimaz
leg Angels_01
vin Angels_02
vin Angels_03
sta Angels_Standard 2021
leg Ashiok_01
leg Ashiok_02_Dimir
leg Athreos_01_Elspeth
mod Azorius_01
mod Azorius_02
leg Back to Basics_01
leg Bears!
mod Boros_01
mod Cats_Tribal_Modern_01
leg Chandra_01_Dragonfire
sta CK_Special_01_Big
mod Copy of Sheoldred_01
exp Copy of Sheoldred_02 Gix Command
leg Copy of Spirits_01
vin Copy of Vraska_01_Gorgon_Sisters
sta Copy of Werewolves Standard_2022
vin Crucible_01
sta Dan
mod Displacer_01_Eldrazi
mod Displacer_02_Kozilek Eldrazi
oth Doggos!_01
sta Doubling Season_01
leg Dragons_01_Bolas
sta draw a card_01
leg Elephants_01
leg Elesh Norn_01_Infect
leg Elesh Norn_02_Ish_Sah
leg Faeries_01
sta Ghidorah_01
mod Glimpse of Tomorrow
leg Hippo time!
leg Hypergenesis_2016
leg Izzet_01
leg Izzet_02
leg Izzet_02_Electric Boogaloo
leg Jace_01_Duel_Deck
leg Knights_01
vin Liliana_01
mod Mirrodin_01 Red White
mod Modern Planeswalkers_01_2016
mod Modern_Burn_01
leg Monsters_01
vin Nahiri_EDH_White_01
leg Nichol Bolas_01
vin Night of the Ninja_01 Planechase
sta Ninja Faeries_01
mod Ninja!
mod Ninja! Modern_01
vin Niv_Mizzet_02_Commander
vin Oona_EDH_01
leg Orzhov_01
leg Orzhov_02_Teysa
leg Planeswalkers
sta Rakdos standard_01
sta Rakdos Vampires_01
leg Rakdos_01_The Man Himself
vin Reanimator_01
vin Reanimator_01b
vin Reanimator_02
leg Reanimator_2016
com Red EDH_Zurgo_01
sta Red Mono Standard_01 All Will Be
mod Red_mono_Standard 2017
leg Release the Kraken_01
mod RW_Tokens_01
leg Selesnya_01
leg Selesnya_02_Emmara Tandris
exp Sheoldred_03 This one!
vin Simic_01
vin Simic_02_Doubling Season
vin Slivers_01_The_Queen
leg Sorin_01 Planeswalkers
leg Spirits_01
mod Spirits_01_2016 standard
mod Spirits_01_modern
vin Spirits_02
sta Squirrel_01
mod Standard_01_Blue White
mod Standard_BW_Warriors
mod Standard_GW_Aggro
vin Standard_WU Tang Monk Clan
mod Talrand_01
sta Thassa_Standard
leg Tibalt_01 Planeswalkers
leg Torpor_01
mod Tron_01_Legendary
leg UR_Delver_01
mod Vampires_01 Humans
vin Vraska_01
vin Vraska_01_Gorgon_Sisters
sta Werewolves Standard_2022
leg Werewolves_01
leg Werewolves_02
mod Werewolves_03_Modern
mod Werewolves_04_Modern
mod Werewolves_05_Modern
leg Yeva_01 Black Green
vin Zombies_01 Black and Blue
sta Zurgo_01_EDH
sta Zurgo_01_EDH
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |
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Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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