Name |
Type |
Classes |
Edition |
Rarity |
2 |
Ally - Felhunter Demon |
Through the Dark Portal
3 |
Natasha Hutchins
Ally - Undead Mage |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Nature's Reach
Ability - Balance Talent |
Blood of Gladiators
4 |
Nea Sunmark
Ally - Blood Elf Priest |
Blood of Gladiators
1 |
Needs More Cowbell
Quest |
Servants of The Betrayer
2 |
Olaf Steelbreaker
Ally - Dwarf Warrior |
4 |
Ability - Survival Discipline |
Blood of Gladiators
2 |
Orders from Lady Vashj
Quest |
Servants of The Betrayer
2 |
Orono the Great
Ally - Draenei Shaman |
Drums of War Starter
1 |
Pappy Ironbane
Ally - Dwarf Warrior |
Blood of Gladiators
1 |
Phase Hound
Ally - Beast Demon |
Blood of Gladiators
1 |
Potential Energy Source
Quest |
Servants of The Betrayer
2 |
Power Word: Restore
Instant Ability - Holy |
Blood of Gladiators
2 |
Instant Ability - Fury |
Blood of Gladiators
2 |
Instant Ability - Marksmanship |
Blood of Gladiators
1 |
Quigley Slipshade
Ally - Gnome Rogue |
Servants of The Betrayer
2 |
Ra'waza Stonetusk
Ally - Troll Shaman |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Raena the Unpredictable
Ally - Night Elf Warrior |
Hunt for Illidan
2 |
Recall from the Brink
Ability - Holy Restoration |
Blood of Gladiators
2 |
Redridge Rendezvous
Quest |
Class Starter
1 |
Rehgar Earthfury
Arena Ally - Orc Shaman |
Blood of Gladiators
3 |
Report to Goldshire
Quest |
Class Starter
1 |
Ressa Shadeshine
Hero - Gnome Rogue |
Servants of The Betrayer
1 |
Retainer Marcus
Ally - Blood Elf Hunter |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Return to the Aldor
Quest |
Hunt for Illidan
3 |
Righteousness Aura
Ability - Retribution |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Ripley Spellfizzle
Ally - Gnome Rogue |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Roger Mortis
Ally - Undead Warlock |
Hunt for Illidan
3 |
Roon Plainswalker
Ally - Tauren Shaman |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Run to Ground
Ability - Marksmanship |
Servants of The Betrayer