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Innistrad Remastered
releases on January 24, 2025!

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Innistrad Remastered
releases on January 24, 2025!

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Magic: The Role-Playing Game 2nd Edition



Mage Points (MP):

Mental Fortitude:
Physical Fortitude:

Traits and Skills:
Build Unto Death
Familiar (Druid's Familiar)
Pet (Scythe Tiger)
Tactician Expert (Double Strike)
Tactician Genius (Haste)

Ambush – At the beginning of the game when rolling to see who goes first you add 50% of the highest possible number to your die roll. For example if we roll 1d6 then the highest number possible is a 6. Half of that is 3 so I roll 1d6 plus 3 to see who goes first and you roll just 1d6 unless you also have purchased Ambush.

Build Unto Death – During your first upkeep place a 1/1 Green Marmoset token into play under your control. During your second one place a 2/2 Green Marmoset token into play under your control. Then a 3/3 on the third turn and so forth. At the end of your 10th turn and every subsequent turn you lose the game.

Familiar – Choose a creature with a converted casting cost four or less with the word Familiar in its title. You gain access to it. You may play up to four copies no matter what your Recall stat is. You may begin with one of those copies in play and then resolve any CIP/ETB abilities such as Raven Familiar’s draw or Owl Familiar’s ability.

Pet – Choose a creature with a casting cost equal to one that is or resembles an animal. You gain Access to it. You may begin with one copy in play. Examples include Savannah Lions Vampire Bats Mold Adder Spore Frog or Timber Wolves.

Tactician – Each time you purchase this Trait choose an ability from the following list: Flanking First Strike Provoke Vigilance Reach Banding Wither Absorb: 1 Fateseal: 1 or Bushido: 1. All creatures you control gain the selected ability in all zones and this includes token creatures. You may not choose the same ability more than once. You may purchase this Trait any number of times getting a different ability each time.

Tactician Expert – Just like Tactician except you spent TWO Mage Points each time you want to select this and you choose from this list: Lifelink Double Strike Flying Trample Bloodthirst: 2 Exalted Devour: 2. All of your creatures gain the ability in all zones including token creatures.

Tactician Genius – Just like above but you must spend THREE Mage Points for these creature abilities. Here is this list: Haste Shadow Deathtouch Shroud Persist 2: Regenerates (two colorless mana) Intimidate.
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