KOZZI's profile
- MTG DECKS (56)
Actual EDH Decks
Alternate to Build EDH decks
Awww, Duplicated Colours
cEDH Anje
vin 16/9 Update 75% anje
vin 75% Adds and Removals
vin 75% anje
vin Anje to buy
vin Anje unlikely to ever afford
vin cedh anje
leg Reasonable to Obtain
vin Ryan Updated Anje
sta UB: To add
vin Wish List
Dump Stuff
leg Buylist Foil
leg Buylist Not Foil
vin Copy of Base Deck w/ Adjustments
vin Copy of Command Zone Removals
vin Copy of Updates
leg Other Upgrades
leg Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle
sta UB: Remaining Precon
sta v
sta WR: Prava & Bruce Tarl
EDH: Multi
Faceless Menace
vin Base Deck
vin Copy of Copy of Base Deck w/ Cuts
leg Possible Cuts
vin Upgraded Deck
vin Upgrades
Grand Calculatron
sta UW Cycle cards
sta UW Foretell
sta UW: The Grand Calcutron
Merciless Rage
vin 95% List minus expensive
vin Base Deck
vin Budget Commander Removals
leg Command Zone Upgrades
leg EDH Rec Adds
leg Likely Adds
leg Not at SCG
leg Possible Cuts
vin Updates
leg Vampire Upgrades
New Deck
sta 10 Draw
sta 10-12 Ramp
sta 10-12 Targetted Interaction
sta 28 Deck Plan
sta 3 Wraths
sta UR: Adeliz, the Cinder Wind
sta WBR Test