SEAN WINZER's profile
- MTG DECKS (113)
## = Card Count
D = Disassembled
I = Intact
L = Library
M = Modified
NI = Not Inventoried
UC = Under Construction
WL = Wishlist
$$$ and collections
mod (I)Chest - Foils
vin (I)Chest - Rare Cards
leg All Foils
Booster Box, Bought
mod BoG Booster Box #1
mod BotG Booster Box #2
mod DoT Booster Box #1
mod FR Booster Box #1
mod JiN Booster Box #1
mod JiN Booster Box #2
sta KoT Booster #1
sta KoT Booster #2
mod M15 Booster Box #1
mod M15 Booster Box #2
Fat Pack, Bought
60 Card
Wizard's Tower
Celebrate Magic 2014
Pre-release - ...
Born of the Gods
Journey Into Nyx
Need to update this inventory
Pre-Made Deck - IGT
mod (40 I)Heavy Hitters - Core Set
mod (40 I)Sky Slam - Core Set
mod (40 I)Speed Scorch - Core Set
leg (60 I)Bait & Bludgeon - Mirrodin
mod (60 I)Little Bashers - Mirrodin
mod (60 I)Wicked Big - Mirrodin
leg (60 I)Zombies Unleashed - Legions
mod BotG(60 I)Deaths Beginning - Born of the Gods Intro
mod BotG(60 I)Forged in Battle - Born of the Gods Intro
mod BotG(60 I)Gifts of the Gods - Born of the Gods Intro
mod BotG(60 I)Insatiable Hunger - Born of the Gods Intro
mod BotG(60 I)Inspiration-Struck - Born of the Gods Intro
vin C13(100 I)Eternal Bargain - Commander 2013
vin C13(100 I)Evasive Maneuvers - Commander 2013
vin C13(100 I)Mind Seize - Commander 2013
vin C13(100 I)Nature of the Beast - Commander 2013
vin C13(100 I)Power Hungry - Commander 2013
mod DM(60 I)Gruul Siege - Dragons Maze Intro
mod Fate(60 I)Surprise Attack
mod FR(60 I)Grave Advantage - Fate Reforged Intro
mod FR(60 I)Stampeding Hordes - Fate Reforged Intro
mod GC(60 I)Orzhov Oppression - Gatecrash Intro
mod JiN(60 I)Fates Foreseen - Journey Into Nyx Intro
mod JiN(60 I)Pantheons Power - Journey Into Nyx Intro
mod JiN(60 I)Voracious Rage - Journey into Nyx Intro
mod JiN(60 UC)The Wilds and the Deep - Journey Into Nyx Intro
leg JVD(120 I)Duel Decks: Jace vs Vraska
leg JVD(60 I)Dirty Work - Jace vs (Vraska) Duel
leg JVD(60 I)Mind over Matter - (Jace) vs Vraska Duel
mod KOT(60 I)Jeskai Monks - Khans of Tarkir Intro
mod KOT(60 I)Temur Avalanche - Khans of Tarkir Intro
mod M14(60 I)Bestial Strength - Magic 2014 Intro
mod M14(60 I)Death Reaper - M14 Intro Deck
mod M15(60 I)Flames of the Dragon - M15 Intro Deck
mod RtR(60 I)Rakdos Raid - Return to Ravnica Intro
mod RtR(60 I)Selesnya Surge - Return to Ravnica Intro
leg STD(60 I)Hunt and Feed - (Sorin) vs. Tibalt Duel
mod Thr(60 I)Anthousa's Army - Theros Intro
mod Thr(60 I)Blazing Beasts of Myth - Theros Intro
mod Thr(60 I)Devotion to Darkness - Theros Intro
mod Thr(60 I)Favors from Nyx - Theros Intro
mod Thr(60 I)Manipulative Monstrosities - Theros Intro
Tournament Decks - IGT
Under Construction - IGT
mod (WL)Wishlist from Action Comics
Beginner Decks
mod MainDeck_Black
mod MainDeck_Blue
mod MainDeck_Green
mod MainDeck_Red
mod MainDeck_White
vin Trade from Kevin
vin Trade to Kevin
mod Wishlist from Kevin
mod Atarka Pre-release
mod Copy of Tarkir Sealed Deck Secondary
mod DoT Booster Box #2
mod Dromoka Pre-release
vin Fates Reforged Draft
vin Fates Reforged Draft Deck
leg Mono Blue
mod MTGA_Token
mod Sliver Actual
sta Sliver Commander
mod Tarkir Sealed Deck - Primary
mod Tarkir Sealed Deck Secondary
vin YouTube Sliver Commander

Name | Cost ![]() |
Plains | |
Plains | |
Soulmender | |
Kinsbaile Skirmisher | |
Marked by Honor | |
Divine Verdict | |
Inspired Charge |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Divine Verdict | |
2 | Soulmender | |
3 | Oreskos Swiftclaw | |
4 | Staff of the Sun Magus | |
5 | Plains | |
6 | Serra Angel |