CJ 's profile
- MTG DECKS (213)
brawl decks
mod Vraska Brawl
Budget modern
leg 1/1s for days
mod Arcane Scepter
leg bruning vengeance
mod budget artifact combo
mod Budget gitrog retrace
mod budget mill
mod budget modern control
leg Budget WHip?
mod Charge em up
mod Constellation combo
leg Draw to death
mod esper artifact
leg Fevered Seer
leg grizzly demise?
mod Im not dead yet
mod isochron control casual
mod Legendary spirits
mod Lid evict control
leg machinist??
leg Magus of the bazaar
mod Skeleton tribal
leg squirrel harvst
mod sunforger fun
sta Surveil Value
sta Tormods tortured existence
mod unspeakable arcane
EDH Decks
Built and ready
com 2/2 kitty
com Adun oakenshield transmute party
vin bant tokens
sta Chu culainn
sta Dina soul steeper
vin Kynaios spell slinger
vin nath of the removal leaf
vin pia and kiran nalaaer
sta Svella Random built
vin the graveyard party
vin Windgrace baby
Hannah's decks
Hannah's to build
com dogcat
sta gruulfriends
com judith my wife
com pretty wizards
vin Hannah's Tana and Kydele
vin Hannah's tokens
Messing with
vin 5 color bleh
vin adun oakenshield edh
leg Alesha who whips
vin Ashling, the staxinguisher
vin Breya Eggs
leg Circu v2
vin Clone legion
leg Damia, Sage of Pillowfort
leg Ertai
vin Hannahs fuck you
sta inalla flashback control
vin Insect EDH
vin isperia
leg janky shamans
leg Life gain angus?
vin life has many doors ed boy
leg Magosi the timevault
vin mazirek golgari deck
leg Mogis Burger king CEO
com Narcis saga
vin Narset
vin nonbasic land hate
vin ragnar edh
vin saskia dredge aggro
vin Sidisi commander
vin Sidisi Rocks?
vin skullbriar
leg Slesbyeans
sta Svella
vin Triad of Fates
vin Vhati actually rocks
vin Vhati rocks
vin Xira Arien control
Not currently built
vin Angus Mackenzie ring the land peace
vin Damia something or other
vin Gitrog dude (variation of vhati's)
sta Hazezon Shaper of Sands
vin jund wizards
leg kynaioes and lands
vin Naya tokens
sta ob nixilis demons
sta Reid's wall deck
vin Sek'kuars party
vin Sek'uar The Dedgekeeper
vin Sekkuar deathkeeper
vin Vhati's lands
vin Xira Arien Burn
vin xira wombs combo
Possible ideas
leg animariaira
com Colfenor the last yew
sta tayam
Want to make
vin abzan bobs
vin Circu slow labotomy
vin Copy of Angus Mackenzie ring the land peace
vin esper artifact creature stax?
vin fight club
vin ghave
vin Glissa
vin Kaho
vin Kharador Wurm chieftain
vin lady evangela
sta Lich.dec revised
vin life 4 days
vin MAzirek
vin mucktide
vin Nebuchanezzar
com Radha
vin Riku of Bisexuals
leg Sidisi shamans
vin tymaret murder king
vin vampires
Legacy decks I have
vin B/G Nic Fit
leg jund depths
leg legacy manelessish dredge
leg mono black mud lands
leg MUD
leg mud lands
legacy decks I wantt to make
leg budget miracles
leg Dirty dirty dirty
vin Don't go chasing Waterfalls
vin fabiano legacy
leg Legacy Dredge
leg mardu enchantress
leg spanish inquisiiont
LEgacy decks Im messing with
vin jeskai standstill
leg legacy bullshit combo
vin legacy chainwalkers
vin legacy mill
modern decks im messing with
modern decks
mod 4C gifts ungiven
mod B/G Modern Rock
mod balck white modern token
leg bug dredgevine
leg Dredgevine modern
mod fabiano modern
mod goodstuff.dec
mod Lantern Control
mod modern ad nauseum
leg Modern cathartic dredge
mod modern faeires?
mod Skaab vine
mod Sunbird’s omniscience
mod Wether jund
mod a pile of Junk
leg Actual Modern Dredge
mod all in combo??
vin all in on the 2 drop?
mod Aria of Wrenn
mod B/G modern rock v2
mod Bant Sisters
sta BG midrange tracker edition
mod borderpost tezzerator
mod BUD isochron
mod BUG Eternal Command?
mod esper artifact modern
mod Junkvine
vin Manalessish dredge modern
mod Mardu burningpox?
leg mardu pyromancer
mod modern bant enchantress
mod modern BR pirates
vin modern grixis storm
mod modern mono black
mod modern mono white?
vin modern pyromancer
mod modern walker ramp?
mod modern zombie tribal
mod mono black modern midrange
mod mono black suicide delirium
mod R/W hateboard
vin RUG delver modern
leg Selesnyadrazi
pauper commander
sta baltoh null
sta garna pauper
sta harold theyre lesbians
pau Risen reef
sta Sharktocrab
leg Alesha whip
pio Desecrated tomb pioneer
leg Emry gate
leg GB Seasons past pioneer
pio meme tilling?
leg pioneer ghirapur
pio Sidisi pod
pio Sultai stuff pioneer
standards trash - amonkhet
mod grixis control standard
mod jund tokens
mod muldroltha lands standard
mod New perspectives
mod standard control
mod standard golden journey
mod Standard shardless BUG
vin vintage lands
sta Bantchantments 60 BM
vin Fungal Pirates
sta Hello kitchen
sta Igor fetch me a rock
sta Josh's Grixis cycling deck
sta Joshs jeskai tempo
mod Loams friends
sta Lurrock
sta Lurrus Jund
sta Niko flicker
sta Toggo Comes alive
sta tormod and friends
sta Xira arien counterspells
Avg. CMC 1.82 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |

Sideboard - 15 cards, 7 distinct
![]() |
Name ![]() |
Edition | $ | Type | Cost | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rarity | Color | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Artifact (10) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Chalice of the Void
![]() |
$22.53 | Artifact | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Grafdigger's Cage
![]() |
$3.27 | Artifact | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Null Rod
![]() |
$86.92 | Artifact | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Land (5) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
Glacial Chasm
![]() |
$11.36 | Land | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
![]() |
$41.28 | Legendary Land | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Mishra's Factory
![]() |
$0.16 | Land | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale
![]() |
$2,939.99 | Legendary Land |
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