Name  |
Type |
Classes |
Edition |
Rarity |
2 |
"Quickhands" Spigotgulp
Ally - Gnome Warrior |
Blood of Gladiators
1 |
"The Painsaw"
Ally - Orc Warrior |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
A Donation of Wool
Quest |
Heroes of Azeroth
1 |
Abasha Windstorm
Ally - Tauren Shaman |
Crown of the Heavens
1 |
Abyss Walker's Boots
Armor - Cloth |
March of The Legion
1 |
Abyssal Seahorse
Monster Ally - Seahorse |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Acolyte Demia
Ally - Human Warlock |
Heroes of Azeroth
1 |
Aeshia Moonstreak
Ally - Night Elf Priest |
Crown of the Heavens
2 |
Against the Illidari
Quest |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Akama's Promise
Quest |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Akasi, Herald of Nature
Ally - Troll Druid |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Alamira Grovetender
Ally - Night Elf Druid |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Alecia Hall
Ally - Undead Priest |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Aleksei Brandal
Ally - Worgen Druid |
Crown of the Heavens
1 |
Alethia Brightsong
Ally - Blood Elf Paladin |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Alyna Sunshower
Ally - Blood Elf Priest |
Crown of the Heavens
1 |
Amano, Herald of the Sun
Ally - Tauren Paladin |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Amice of Brilliant Light
Armor - Cloth |
Blood of Gladiators
1 |
An Ancient Awakens
Quest |
Crown of the Heavens
1 |
Anaka the Light's Bulwark
Hero - Draenei Paladin |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Anastina, Herald of the Fel
Ally - Blood Elf Warlock |
Throne of the Tides
1 |
Anchorite Kilandra
Ally - Draenei Priest |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Andrews the Just
Ally - Human Priest |
Crown of the Heavens
4 |
Anika Berlyn
Ally - Human Paladin |
Heroes of Azeroth
1 |
Apprentice Teep
Ally - Gnome Mage |
Heroes of Azeroth
1 |
Arcane Intellect
Instant Ability - Arcane |
Heroes of Azeroth
1 |
Arcane Research
Ability - Arcane |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Arcane Revelation
Instant Ability - Arcane |
1 |
Arcanist Bartis
Ally - Blood Elf Mage |
Hunt for Illidan
2 |
Arcanist Renaan
Ally - Blood Elf Mage |
Hunt for Illidan